Desdemona's Pov.
Today was another boring day. Same class, same people,......the only person who made up my day was my twin, Kiernan. I (or should I say we) don't merge with other people that easily so basically, we're just loners.
I check my alarm clock. It's just 5 a.m. I can still get 30 minutes of sleep. So, I shut my eyes again trying to sleep. After trying for 10 minutes in vain, I finally get up. I look over at Kiernan and I suddenly get jealous of her. In case, your wondering why its because, she gets to sleep for an eternity when I can't sleep.
So, I reach for my phone, and I go through my Instagram as the time passes by, until my alarm clock goes off and I quickly put it off.
I look at Kiernan, she's still sleeping, of course, she wakes up after I get dressed. I jump off my bed and get dressed. After I get dressed, I wake her up.
"Wake up! Kiernan."
"Let me sleep for five more minutes." She says.
I pull the blanket away from her, and she sits up rubbing her eyes."God! You'll never let me sleep would you?" She asks.
I ignore her. She jumps off her bed and walks towards her wardrobe. Yeah that's right we have two wardrobes in OUR ROOM. We're the lucky ones, as we have two wardrobes and the other people have to share their wardrobes with their roommates.
Kiernan and I have been roommates ever since we joined, even though we chose to learn different magic.
Oh, and that reminds me-
Author's Pov.
As you already know that Kiernan and Desdemona are twins, let me explain more.
They are at an institution right now, and that institution teaches the students magic. So, they teach two different kinds of magic, you would have to choose one of them after you get to know about them.
The two different kinds of magic are black magic and white magic.
Desdemona has chosen black magic and Kiernan has chosen white magic. The institution is divided into two parts. But, when someone has to share a room, it doesn't matter whichever magic you chose.
Desdemona's Pov.
Thank you very much.
Kiernan finally got dressed, and we went out together, for breakfast. We didn't talk because we didn't have any subjects.
We reached the cafeteria, after a long walk, and Kiernan took a tray. Well about me? I wasn't really hungry so I took an apple, went over to our usual place, and waited for Kiernan, Mr.Weatherbee, the head of our institution came to me and gave me a letter.
"Here," he said, "Don't tell Kiernan about this, you are the elder one that's why I'm giving it to you 'cause I know you would understand."
What was Mr.Weatherbee talking about?
I nodded.
I was about to open it when I saw Kiernan coming to our table. I crumpled the envelope between my fingers.
She looked suspicious but didn't ask me about it.
She sat down and started eating.
"What was Mr.Weatherbee doing here?" She asked.
"Nothing," I lied, "Just telling me to do better in my lessons."
She didn't believe me but didn't question it further.
What was Mr.Weatherbee talking about?
Why couldn't Kiernan know about it?
What could be in this letter that Kiernan cannot know?
And how was that? I tried my best.
So, what do you think could be in this letter?
You had a nightmare last night?
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I'll try to post soon.