Anwyn looked up at the sound of footsteps, bouncing the small green child on her knee from her spot on one of the Razor Crest's cargo containers. Her beskar-clad companion walked up the metal ramp with intent, his cape fluttering in Llanic's warm wind. He had returned much sooner than expected. Was there trouble? So soon? Whatever might be on his mind was unreadable with the helmet covering his face. Instead, her own worried reflection looked back at her from the shiny surface.
"I've picked up a job." Mando said in response to her stare.
"Oh?" Her eyebrow quirked. "That was quick. We landed 20 minutes ago."
"Eager employers." He explained, passing her by to open the weapons locker further inside. It opened with a clang, his visor scanning the interior for whatever weapon he felt he needed. "A group of thieves has been terrorizing the shop owners. The locals banded together to put a request through the guild."
"I see..." She muttered, bringing the baby closer in her arms and hopping down from the box. The child gave a coo as they moved positions, ears flopping as she stepped closer to him. "Will you be gone long?"
"Shouldn't be. They say their hideout is nearby." He said, inspecting one of his blasters and tucking it into the holster on his hip securely. With practiced ease, he slung the rifle from over his shoulder and set it in the locker to leave behind. Clearly he didn't expect to be needing it in the confines of the city, where the streets were tight and the population would make it hard to utilize the long-range weapon without causing collateral casualties.
"Is this one of those hostile environments you talked about before, then?" Anwyn cocked her head thoughtfully, shifting the child to her other hip when he tried reaching out for Mando's blaster. "I planned on grabbing a few things from the markets while you were gone, but if you want me to stay with the ship..."
"..." Attaching a few stun grenades to his belt and grabbing a second blaster, he finally shut the locker and turned back to his companion. "I'm not sure. Llanic isn't particularly friendly, from what I know of it. Limit your time outside of the ship if you must leave."
"Fair enough." She said with a shrug. No big deal to her.
What she thought was the end of the conversation, turned out not to be. Mando seemed to linger in place, visor gazing down at the wide-eyed baby with thought. His little 3-taloned hand reached out, and the bounty hunter relented, offering the child his gloved finger to hold for a moment. The baby cooed pleasantly, happy that he'd gotten what he'd reached for. Then, as if collecting himself, Mando straightened and his helmet faced her directly.
"Come with me." He turned and began ascending the short ladder up to the ship's second level.
Anwyn frowned, confused, but followed after him nonetheless. Cradling the baby into her hip with one hand, who whimpered a little as his caretaker retracted his hand away, she was a bit slower going up than he had been. He was already in the cockpit by the time she made it to the second floor.
Mando pointed to a specific panel on the left side of the ship controls, drawing her attention. "The ship is fitted with ground security protocols. Once activated, no one will be able to get inside, no matter how hard they try. You won't be able to fly, but it'll provide enough protection to keep you both safe if I'm not here."
Anwyn was about to retort that she could handle herself, but her memory if the shoot-out in front of Mando's ship on Bothawui still left her shivering at times. Just how close some of those blaster shots had been...Clearly she wasn't used to face-to-face combat quite yet.
"Do you expect trouble dangerous enough that I'll need it?" She questioned instead, frown deepening.
"No. Better to be prepared than dead, though." He reasoned with a quick tilt of his head. "If anything happens, activate it and wait for me to return."
"Ok." She agreed.
And still, he hesitated.
"One more thing." He said, taking the second blaster from his belt and holding it out to her. "Take this."
Her eyes flicked down to the weapon, inspecting it quickly, before rising up to his visor. "Why?"
" case. I'll feel better knowing you're armed while out with the kid."
Despite taking the offered weapon, she rolled her eyes and gave him an amused smile. "Don't worry so much. We'll stay out of trouble."
She couldn't see his expression, but his silent response clearly displayed his doubt. Anwyn's smile widened, tilting her head in emphasis. "Really, Mando. Just trust me. I'll keep him safe."
A quiet nod was his only reply, perhaps believing the conviction in her tone, before she stepped aside to allow him out of the cockpit. "I'll return soon."
Anwyn watched him disappear down the ladder to the cargo hold, before his booted steps on the metal flooring faded until they stopped altogether. The brunette turned to look at the child, who's expression was clearly unhappy. His worrying cries rose in pitch once they were alone again.
"Oh, don't cry. He'll be back before you know it." Rubbing at his floppy ears to try cheering him up, she smiled and went to bring him to the kitchen. "What do you say we give you a bath, huh?"
Predictably, bathing the little green baby was a very wet affair. He was just a bit too large to reasonably wash him in the sink, so she filled up the biggest bucket she could find and set it on the ground. He splashed and smacked at the water with a toothy smile, thoroughly enjoying himself and causing a big puddle on the floor. Her knees and the front of her shirt were now soaked from all his playing around.
With the green jedi baby now scrubbed clean and throughly cheered up from missing his bounty hunter guardian, Anwyn wrapped him in a clean towel and set him beside her, starting work on washing his robe. It felt soft in her hands, the threads strong and made with quality cloth. There was no decorative stitching or special touches. It was as bland of a robe as it could be, which struck her as odd, since it was a child's garment. Many cultures preferred dressing their children in bright colors and decorative trinkets, but this had nothing of the sort.
Hidden in the folds of the fabric were stains of what she thought was probably a combination of snot and drool and, hopefully, not blood. Though considering who his guardian was there was a distinct possibility it was. She scrubbed eagerly at those spots in particular, coloring the water an ugly brownish-gray and putting her full focus into cleaning.
In her moment of concentration on something other than the mischievous baby, so began his game of escaping the confines of his towel. The shrieking, giggling child managed to waddle out of the kitchen with surprising speed, causing her head to snap to where he disappeared behind the door. His tiny feet slapped against the metal flooring.
"Where do you think you're going?" She called in amusement, dropping his robe into the bucket of water she'd been soaking it in and shaking her hands to get rid of the excess water. A squeal of laughter was the only reply. Grabbing his discarded towel, she stood and hurried into the other room to see him ducking into the cockpit.
"You're gonna get the seats all wet!" She said with a chuckle, rounding into the room and making a beeline for the pilot's chair. "Mando's gonna be real mad when he gets back."
She stopped, no sign of the child when she looked over the top of the chair and into the seat. Another playful laugh below the console board widened her smile. Dropping to her knees, she peered into the darkened underside of the controls, looking for the kid's signature big, green ears.
"Come out, come out...Anwyn's gonna find you~!" She sang warmly, crawling forward until she couldn't go forward any further. There wasn't much space for the kid to be under here, but she still couldn't find the little bugger.
Tiny feet ran along her boot, and she whipped around to see the runaway kid leaving the cockpit, a flurry of water drops falling from his long ears.
"Oh, you're a wily little thing, aren't you?" Anwyn chuckled, backing herself out of the console and clambering to her feet. The towel gripped in one hand, she rushed out and spotted the kid glancing back at her as he ran towards the end of the hallway. His wide smile was infectious. "Come here, you!"
He shrieked and gurgled in good fun, turning to suddenly duck into one of the rooms off to the side. Only a second behind him, she stooped down just inside the doorway and snatched up his wet little body to snuggly wrap him in the towel.
"Jeez, you're fast on those tiny little feet." She said, wrestling with the squirming child who smiled a toothy grin up at her. Rubbing the towel against his body to wipe up the rest of the water, she looked up and suddenly made the realization of what room the child had lead her into.
Mando's room.
It was dark, small and slightly cramped. Her eyes drifted across what the hallway light allowed her to distinguish; an unmade cot, without much padding. A heavy trunk, perhaps with clothing or other personal affects against the right wall. But...not much else. Practical. Quiet. It was bare, lacking any personal touches or trinkets. Very similar to the Razor Crest's cockpit.
Anwyn had traveled on many a ship through her nomadic thieving, and one of the constants she'd encountered was a sense of space in each pilot's cockpit. Trophies, a cultural banner on a back wall, even bobbling knick knacks that had no practical purpose other than to draw the pilot's eye on long spaceflights through the galaxy. Small bits of personality gleaned through these meaningless dressings in the most intimate space in any ship she'd stowed away on.
Mando had none of that. Other than his cargo, rations, and weapons, the Razor Crest was as good as empty. As blank and cold as the beskar he armored himself with. And even in his most private space, there was barely a speck of color in sight. And she really didn't know what to make of it. He'd always come across as distant. Mandalorians were mysterious by nature. But she'd expected that he still had his moments of humanity. A time and place where he unwound and became the man under the helmet, rather than the bounty hunter he needed to be outside of the Razor Crest's walls.
The child's squirming lessened, perhaps sensing Anwyn's quickly sobering mood. She bounced him gently in her arms while she stared, finally coming to the realization that she probably shouldn't be in here. Invading his personal space would no doubt make her companion angry. The uncomfortable feeling in her gut had her turning on her heel and allowing the door to close behind her. Quietly returning to the kitchen, she shook her head to stop the running thoughts.
Llanic's market spread out over most of the main walkway of the city, small pop-up shops set up either side for customers to inspect as they passed. The city streets weren't far off from Mos Eisley in structure: a wide, main road with many branching streets leading out from it. The labyrinth-like design was impossible to navigate for the average traveler, memorized and traveled only by the locals who knew the complex network of alleys after years of living there.
Really, the only difference between here and the desert space port was...well, the desert. Lush trees and a glistening ocean just north of the docking bay brought a coolness to the air when the warming wind ceased. The mixture was comforting, gave her a sense of ease as she walked the meager crowds. As if the atmosphere itself were cradling her in it's arms, beckoning peace.
For such a large city, there weren't a lot of travelers out and about. Llanic wasn't exactly a paradise, even if the environment made you want to believe so. Perhaps it simply put on a better veil of safety and security than Mos Eisley. There, at least you knew what you were getting into the moment you stepped foot into the city limits. Here, the flowers and gentle weather welcomed you openly. Anwyn would have certainly been lulled if she hadn't already been here before.
That abundance of life the ocean promised echoed into the flora and fauna alike, colorful flowers and vine-like plants climbing the sides of the buildings either side of the road. Small, furry creatures darted in between moving feet, searching for their next meal in the alleyways.
With the baby in the sling on her hip, she meandered down the main road, eyes flitting between stalls, seeking anything they might need to resupply the Razor Crest with before departure. Several cultural stalls caught her interest, but she wasn't here to linger. As Mando had suggested, better to get the shopping done with quickly to avoid unnecessary danger. A tip she was more than willing to take to heart, considering.
Her first clue that something was off was the pale-haired Hrakian standing in the alleyway. Trying-and failing-to inconspicuously hold his blaster at his side in a casual stance, his orange eyes bored into her from across the path. Anwyn didn't let her eyes pause, passing the alley with a neutral expression, as if she hadn't noticed the man at all.
But she had. And although a single man staring at her wasn't cause for too much concern, the presence of the child made it all the more dangerous to have attention. Her throat constricted in a dry swallow.
Before she could ask herself if Llanic was a militaristic planet that posted armed guards around the city to keep peace, she felt another pair of eyes staring at her from another direction. Pretending to be looking for a particular stall, she swept her gaze past the area she felt it coming from.
An Arcona. Salt-addicted from the looks of it, his golden-glazed eyes unmistakable against his oily skin. They were trained on her, holding a device up to his mouth suspiciously. When she looked his way, he turned his head elsewhere, clearly hoping she didn't suspect him. Too late.
Fuck. Her teeth clenched inside her mouth, a buzz of warning going off on the back of her neck. Neither of them had looked Imperial, but there were plenty of other organizations in the galaxy that could possibly want the kid. Maybe they were flesh traffickers. Exotic animal traders. Or grifters, though less likely from their clear display of weaponry. Mind racing with what to do, she nearly missed the third armed man, a Twi'Lek leaning easily against the alley she passed.
None of them had made a move yet, but she wasn't stupid. Something was wrong.
Her grip on the baby's carrier tightening, the brunette nearly turned in place and walked back the way she'd come. But that would clearly give up the fact she'd caught on, and it may be in her best interest to keep pretending she was none the wiser. Maybe she'd manage to lose them in the maze of side streets, since a slow day in the markets meant losing tails in a crowd wouldn't work this time around.
Forcing her feet forward and a relaxed expression in place, Anwyn drifted over towards another stall, pretending to be interested in the sacks of exotic spices the human had laid out in display. The baby reached out to the edge of the table, no doubt smelling the spicy musk that permeated from the stall. She gently tucked his arm back in the sling so he couldn't grab anything he shouldn't, but kept a hold of it to ground herself and maybe provide some comfort to the kid. The back of her neck burned, with a strange feeling of claustrophobia pressing into her shoulders.
Closing in...
As if it weren't out of the ordinary, Anwyn straightened from the stall without a word and began walking down the narrow street beside it. Grabbing the top flap of the sling, she closed it over the baby's head, hiding him as best she could and offering him a thin veil of protection from whatever might come to pass. Not that a layer of fabric would actually do much, but the action made her feel like she was still somehow protecting him. So much for her promise of staying out of trouble...
Heart beating in her chest, breaths shallow from adrenaline, Anwyn listened intently behind her for the tell-tale signs of a pursuit. And sure enough, not ten steps down the alley, she could hear several people following her from a small distance. If they were attempting to soften the sound of their feet, it definitely wasn't working.
The weight of the blaster on her waistband burned, though with so many opponents she'd be all but useless in a straight up confrontation. Shooting her problems away wasn't her style. But she had a feeling her tune would change quickly if her time with the bounty hunter so far was any indication.
The moment she turned the corner and out of their sight, she broke into a run, hoping to put enough distance between her and the men following to lose them down another turn. The baby cooed in surprise, bumping against her hip as she ran, then pivoted to swing a sudden right when another side street came into view.
"Shh!" She begged quietly, hoping he'd get the hint and stop making noise.
Anwyn didn't stop, intent on losing her pursuers as quickly as possible and finding her way back to the market. Even when they cursed in frustration as they reached the edge of the first alley to see her gone, she kept going, weaving a confusing path through the small pathways until she was confident they didn't know where she went. Hopefully this would somehow lead back towards the direction of the ship.
Coming up on another turn, Anwyn let out a huff of breath, then ducked into it hastily.
The sight of a very large and intimidatingly muscular Devaronian that blocked her path made her scramble to stop before she barged head-first into him.
"Shit!" She muttered under her breath with wide eyes, attempting to turn in place and go the other direction. Too late. A strong hand clamped around her neck, throwing her back-first against the concrete wall beside them. "Uoff!" The impact snatched away all the air in her lungs, her head hitting it a split second after.
"The you want?" She ground out after a moment of coughing, her hands reaching up to try prying the bulky hand from her neck. It was like iron around her throat, not tight enough to constrict her breathing but not budging an inch either. Even her futile attempts at kicking him away did nothing, her legs too short to reach him. He didn't reply, just stared at her with his pale green eyes as he watched her struggle to free herself.
At this point, the kid was crying in the bag at her hip, squirming to try getting the flap off his head, but she couldn't do much for him now. She paused, suddenly remembering the blaster at the back of her waistband-she blamed her head being smacked into the wall for the hesitation-then reached behind her to grab at it in a panic.
The Devaronian must have expected as much, because his other hand snatched her wrist the moment the weapon was free, pressing her limb to the wall and forcing her to drop the blaster to the ground with a pathetic clatter. Anwyn grit her teeth, wincing at just how tight his grip was.
"Let me go!" She growled.
"Well, well, well..." A gravelly voice said, and Anwyn shot her gaze to the left, where a deep-yellow skinned Zabrakian walked into view. Beside him were the three other armed men she'd seen in the market, glaring at her with distaste. The Zabrakian's darkened eyes trained on the captured thief, who frowned at him in confusion. "I didn't think you'd really be stupid enough to ever show up here again. Or maybe you thought I wouldn't recognize you? Tch."
His words made her look at him closer, trying to jog a memory as to how they apparently knew each other. His horns were a rustic brown, pairing with the harsh yellow of his skin. His clothes weren't fancy. Not far off from the sort of practical things she herself wore. Fitted, smooth, and if she were to guess, full of hidden pockets and sleeves to hide things in.
Her first stint in Llanic had only been a few weeks, but it all started coming back to her now, recognizing the bandana hanging around his neck. A pattern that she'd thought strange and beautiful the first time she'd seen it.
Pushing aside the anxiety that this was definitely not a happy reunion, and also relieved that this wasn't about the kid after all, Anwyn forced a surprised smile on her face. "Deveen! Heh, I didn't recognize you at first, it's been too long. You look great, by the way. How's Gorla?"
Taking a step up beside the Devaronian holding her against the wall, gesturing to him in some sort of signal. He released her throat and arm. Temporarily distracted by the relief of being freed, she did not react in time to block the punch he threw at her stomach.
"Gruugh!" She grunted, doubling over from the blow to drop on her knees. The sling's strap slipped from her shoulders, and the whole thing landed on the ground with a thump.
"Still in prison." He snarled. "The same one you got him sent to when you set us up!"
"Ugh..." She mumbled, spitting out whatever liquid was in her mouth. Her stomach churned with bile, feeling suddenly nauseous, but she held it back with an iron will. Puking in front of these guys wasn't really a great thought. The baby kept crying, and she had the forethought enough to place her hand where his head would be under the flap, hoping to calm him.
A few of the men chuckled their amusement at seeing her pain, but she looked up at the man who stood with both fists clenched together in anger. "Set up? I think there's...been a misunderstanding here." Anwyn tried to say, holding up a hand in defense, but he yanked her back to her feet and shoved her back against the wall by her shoulder. He brandished a sharp knife just under her chin within the same motion.
"I'm sorry about your brother!" She tried, the heat of his breath forcing her to stop herself from curling her nose in disgust. The point of the knife poked harder with each word. "I am. But if you really think I ratted you out to the republic-"
"How else did they know where we would hit next?" He muttered, jaw clenching as his anger grew. His fingers clenched and adjusted around the knife hilt, fidgeting nervously. "That information couldn't have come from anyone other than inside the group."
"Like I'm supposed to know!" She retorted, frowning. "No one knew what the fuck was going on. Their jammers ripped our comms to shreds but Gorla wanted to hit the place anyway. What did you think was gonna happen, Dev?"
Deveen growled lower at the nickname, head tilting as he searched her face for some sort of sign that she was lying. The knife didn't move, a sign that he was still on edge. But her poker face was excellent and half of it was true anyway. That night, their leader made a bad call and they all paid the price for it.
"Gorla got cocky, made a bad decision. We slipped up. That's it." She pressed quietly, holding his gaze. His dark eyes flicked between hers, searching for any sign of insincerity. His breathing was shallow. Quick. Contemplating.
Anwyn suddenly realized that the baby had gone quiet. She didn't dare risk glancing at the little guy, in case Deveen or any of his men decided they wanted to know what he was or why she had him. The less they paid attention to the abby, the better. Her past rapport with Deveen she could use to her advantage, but none of his men were people she recognized from the original group they ran with. Probably newer recruits.
"Why'd you leave, then?" He asked insistently, brows rising. The knife finally moved from her throat, choosing to point down the alley in what she assumed was the direction of the space port. "Why take the first ship off this planet if you had nothing to do with it? Looks awfully suspicious, doesn't it?"
Anwyn closed her eyes for a second or two, before pinning her with a hard stare.
"You really think I was gonna stick around with the republic coming down as hard as they were? This isn't my home like it is yours." She retorted, feeling more confident as the conversation went on. The anger was still present in his expression, but it no longer marked his face with harsh lines and a fiery hatred behind his eyes. It was calmer.
Her shoulder gave a dismissive shrug, voice growing quiet. "So yeah, I ran. I was a coward. Not my finest moment, I'll admit, but I wouldn't betray you. Not you, Dev."
His eye twitched, but there was otherwise no other response. They'd been on good terms when she'd last seen him, though she assumed he held warmer feelings for her than what she could have ever reciprocated. Having someone on her side with an in to the group's leader had been an appealing thought at the time. Unfortunately, the botched job had happened before she could have used that connection to her advantage.
His hand gripping the knife was held low, beside his hip. Less of a threat but still present. Behind him, Deveen's men exchanged glances, confused as to why their leader hadn't killed her yet. Leader...ah, something she could use.
"I mean, look at you." She continued, gesturing at his chest with a growing smile. "Leading the group, organizing them like Gorla never could? I'm sure it wasn't easy after he was arrested, but you're still here, still kicking...I always knew you would make a better leader than him."
Deveen's brow raised in a mixture of amusement and incredulity. "...yeah?"
"Yeah." She breathed. Sensing that he was to a point where he wouldn't outright kill her now, she dared to reach out and stroke the lapel of his tattered jacket, as if admiring it from under her lashes. "Always so smart and cunning, thinking further ahead, of the next step and the step after that..."
Her fingers drifted lower, but Deveen's hand stopped her, gaze boring into hers. "You were always better than Gorla. Smarter. Resourceful. And more..."
A pause, and the Zabrakian's eyes narrowed. "...more?"
Anwyn's smile widened, hoping the disgust in her chest wasn't showing through her eyes. "Captivating."
Eventually his eyes left hers, drifting lower to the space between them, as if really seeing her for the first time. Anwyn let out a breath and held back a grimace, feeling the way his hand on her shoulder ghosted up towards the side of her neck. Gently in a caress.
The brunette had never found the yellow-skinned man attractive. In fact, the crooked horns on his head made her queasy and the way his eyes looked so angry and dark was unnerving. So she hoped the disturbed shiver running down her spine would be taken as anticipation instead to her Zabrakian captor.
"Now that I'm back...what's say we take this reunion somewhere else?" She ventured, finally cashing in on all of her negotiation. Her smiled quirked, feeling the way his fingers crossed the column of her throat, swirling a small circle between the center of her collarbone. "Somewhere a little more...comfortable? I've thought about you a lot since that day."
"Oh, darling," he muttered in a small smile, gaze still centered squarely on her neck, "you think I'm really that stupid to believe you?"
Anwyn stilled in cold fear, their gazes connecting again. And before she could utter another word, his hand shifted to vise around her throat, pressing her harshly into the concrete wall. She scrambled against his grip, mouth open in an attempt to gasp for air even as he put away his knife and placed his other hand on top of the other, squeezing with rage.
"Before Gorla, I might've believe you...but I'm not the naive man you thought you could twist around your little finger anymore." He whispered menacingly in her ear, listening to her gasped whimpers with delight. Her feet once again kicked uselessly at him, struggling for dear life to suck in any sort of air. "You're not as convincing as you think you are."
"N-nngh! Hahh!" She gasped, face growing hot as panic and the burning of her lungs began clouding her head.
The air came alive with the sound of shrill whistles. The thugs lifted their weapons, ready for whatever was coming to appear. Deveen's hold around her neck lessened just a moment before tiny projectiles came whizzing into sight, homing in on all five of the men surrounding her. They weren't prepared, and all of the targets stiffened and collapsed as the rockets came speeding into their necks.
"Haaugh!" Deveen cried, head snapping back as his own missle dug itself under his jaw, sending him tumbling to the ground alongside his men.
Anwyn collapsed to her knees in a fit of coughing, greedily sucking in long breaths of air. The relief of not being choked to death trumped all else, even the curiosity of who had seemingly saved her from Deveen's anger. The burn of lack of oxygen was replaced with the ache of taking in too much in a desperation to fill her lungs. Slow footsteps approached, and she waited for the anticipated order to put her hands up. Perhaps the Republic had found them and thought it was some spice deal gone-
"What happened to staying out of trouble?"
Surprise overcoming the burning in her chest, she lifted her head and stared up at the silver-clad Mandalorian, blaster held loosely at his side. His vambrace closed with a snap, but not before she saw a dozen or so tiny little holes. Most likely where the tiny missiles had come from.
"Not my fault...when the trouble finds me." She croaked, composing herself enough to check on the baby still sitting in the sling on the ground. Opening the flap, she saw that he was fine, though worried from the obvious frown and drooping of his ears. All the commotion had no doubt given him a scare.
Her gaze returned to her companion, who was checking on the kid as well, glad to see he was safe. She hadn't been expecting him here for at least several hours. "What happened to the job?"
"I cleared the thieve's hideout earlier." His helmet gestured towards the dead thieves on the ground beside them. "They were the last stragglers."
"Huh." She muttered, putting two and two together. When he'd said the locals had put in a bounty for a group of thieves, her time here hadn't even crossed her mind. "I guess I should have expected they were your targets. Just didn't think about it."
"It sounded like you had history with them." He mentioned, stepping away to crouch next to one of the fallen men, the Arconan.
"Yeah...long time ago. Spent 3 weeks here hiding out from Imps. They were looking for people to fill their numbers, and were offering a place to stay. It was a good arrangement at the time." She explained, leaving it at that.
Anwyn watched him search the rest of the corpses, before furrowing her brow. The only way he could have known her association with them was if he'd been listening. " long were you standing there before killing them?"
"A few minutes."
Her brows lifted in shock. "And you didn't help?"
"Seemed like you were handling things." He replied evenly, distracted by checking his targets with the tracking fob. "Until you weren't."
Anwyn scoffed and shook her head, but didn't say anything further, choosing instead to bounce the kid in her arms until his frown was gone. She waited for him to finish, everything that had just transpired running through her head. It had all happened so fast once things went downhill. And if not for the Mandalorian, she'd be dead. Clearly, Deveen had been right in the end.
"Thanks for stepping in." She finally said, smiling tiredly. "I guess my negotiation skills need some work."409Please respect copyright.PENANAg99Ecv2qfR