Leyland White:
"The Saint Wizard destroyed all the supplies from a forward camp to the east." A soldier says as he and his friends sit around and drink.
"The Saint Wizard has become quite a nuisance to us!"
"If only someone was strong enough to get rid of her."
"I hear the bounty on her head had risen again."
"Again?! The officials must be getting desperate to get rid of her."
"If only it were that easy to kill her."
I sigh as I stop eavesdropping on them. I am currently in a tavern. All tables are filled with soldiers having their fill of rum. Everyone's talking about how much trouble Levia had already caused the kingdom and that getting rid of her would make the world a better place. Honestly, I would have said the same thing if I hadn't met her that day.
Speaking of which, it has been weeks since the day I met Levia. So far, nobody suspected me of meeting with her and for some reason, Levia made sure not to meet with me even when I am assigned to patrol somewhere outside the kingdom. She must be giving me space to make my decision.
She didn't have to wait for too long, though. Now that I had paid close attention to whatever the kingdom is doing, I am starting to make sense of what Levia told me. The wars being waged... the small villages razed… it was all because Demis wanted to expand their territories. Too many lives were already lost and had I known all this from the start, I wouldn't have followed their orders so blindly before.
All that aside, I also can't stand the fact that everyone's talking ill of Levia. There was that one time when I almost defended her. It was a good thing I managed to calm myself before anything happened. Talk about an overprotective brother. And since when did I care so much for her anyway?
"Oi Leyland!!"
I blink when I am forced back to reality by the person sitting opposite to me - Archos Mago, my bestfriend. The blue-haired guy's ebony eyes stare at me inquisitively and I know he's gonna start questioning about it again.
"Hmmm?" I give him the most confused look I can muster. I know he's not gonna buy it though.
"I have been talking here for minutes and you weren't even listening!" He exclaims, glaring at me. "You've been spacing out more and more these past few days! And you never space out before. Tell me what happened to you!"
I deadpan. Archos was an orphan just as I am when we first met and that's probably why we hit off almost immediately.
He is also the only person who doesn't buy my act. He was the only one who caught on to the changes I made in my life and he's been bugging me to tell him what happened. I wouldn’t blame him though. For me to suddenly cut off ties with my other friends when I found out they were only using me for their own personal gain, no wonder he's worried. It was a really drastic move and I'm glad nobody dug too deeply about it. Well, aside from Archos. I already tried plenty of things just to get him off the topic but his claims about knowing me too well are true.
"Nothing happened to me." I mutter, tone completely unenthusiastic from how many times I already said this response. "I already told you like a thousand times!"
He huffs. "And like a thousand times before, I will not believe you."
I sigh. Perhaps I should tell him already. I planned to leave the kingdom and join Levia tonight. But... if I just disappear without saying anything, Archos might look for me and end up getting himself killed. If I tell him, at least he'll let me go without a fuss. He's not stupid enough to go and tell the officials either.
"If you manage to get yourself assigned to the same patrol as I am tonight, I just might tell you." I mutter.
His eyes widen a fraction, surprised that I just gave up easily this time. "You got yourself a deal." He smirks and happily lets me change the subject this time. I sure hope I won't regret this.
"You actually got the official to reassign you?!" I question my blue-haired friend out of disbelief. "H-how did you do it?!"
"A magician never reveals his tricks." Archos says smugly, a smirk playing on his lips. "And now that I managed to do it, spill the beans."
I look around us and turn back to Archos. "Not here." I tell him seriously. "We should go somewhere more private."
He looked confused when I put out our torch but still followed me when I started walking towards where I first met Levia. It doesn’t take too long for me to make it to the location even in the dark. I've memorized every detail of this path just so I can leave the kingdom without anyone following me. I originally planned not to take anyone with me though.
I stop. "Well, we're here." I mutter.
"Where is here, exactly?" Archos grumbles, irritated by the numerous times he's tripped and slipped while coming here. "I can't see anything."
"Sorry." I say. "I didn't want anyone following us. I originally planned to leave the kingdom without telling anyone. But... I had to at least tell you so you won't try and find me."
Archos doesn’t say anything at first but I can tell he currently has that disbelieving look on his face right now.
"Come again?" He says and I didn't need to see him to know he's looking at me with his signature raised-eyebrow look. "I think the crickets are making me hear some weird things like my overly loyal-to the-kingdom friend wanting to leave the kingdom."
I sigh. "Things happened, Archos.." I say. "..and I found out the kingdom I am serving is not as good as I thought it was. I want it to stop."
I hear him sigh. "You're serious about this?"
"I am." I answer.
"Then I'm coming with you." He states and my eyes instantly widen in disbelief.
"W-what?!" I can’t help but exclaim and I know he's smirking right now. "You have no idea what you're saying, Archos!"
"I think I do." He mutters. "You want to leave the kingdom and I want to come with you."
"No." My tone sounded forceful but I couldn't help it with the way he's acting. "You will stay in the kingdom and continue to live your life. Don’t ruin your life just because of me."
"Ruin?" He sounded amused. "Without you as the trouble magnet, my life would be boring. Besides... friends always stick together, right?"
I shake my head. Even if I wanted to take him with me, I doubt Levia would let me. She didn't seem like she'd trust anyone from Demis that easily. "You don't understand, Archos."
"Then tell me everything. And this time, leave nothing out." He states and I am not at all surprised. He was always the most observant of us two. For him to notice how I didn't tell him everything is not a surprise at all.
I sigh and turn to the direction of the tree branches where I sensed Levia had hidden herself when she arrived just moments ago. I figured she didn't want to stop the conversation but now I want her to make her appearance just to force Archos back to the kingdom. I doubt he'd want to join me if he sees Levia.
I gesture for Levia to come to me when I feel her eyes lock with mine. I can’t see anything in this darkness but I assume she probably can. I'm glad I suddenly gained the ability to sense her presence and movements without having to do anything. I’ll ask Levia about my newfound abilities later.
As if she knows what I’m planning to do, Levia lights our surroundings with orbs that glow in faint, bluish flames. The light it produces is just enough to make me see Archos and as I can see, his eyes are darting all around our surroundings in search of the person who’s capable of casting such a sophisticated spell. He knows I can’t do it.
Levia appears just two arm-lengths beside me, which causes Archos' eyes to widen in shock as he points to Levia. "A h-hooded c-cloak t-that covers the w-whole b-b-body!!" He stammers as I see him gape at my sister. "T-the S-saint Wizard!! The Saint Wizard is standing beside you, L-leyland!!"
Archos' expression turns into worry as he realizes how near Levia is to me. If the kingdom’s claims of Levia being so ruthless were true, she might’ve taken me hostage right after she arrived. But... the claims aren’t true and I plan to make Archos see that by closing the distance between Levia and me.
"L-leyland!" He sounded desperate. "What the hell are you doing?!"
"You didn’t want me to leave anything out, right?" I stop just beside Levia and grab hold of her shoulder. Levia didn't seem bothered by the contact so I proceed to turning to Archos. "Weeks ago, I met the Saint Wizard and found out that she was actually my sister. She didn't force me to side with her but before she let me return to the kingdom, she warned me about the lies our kingdom had been telling us. Since then, I became more and more convinced about siding with her. Now, I want nothing to do with Demis."
Archos drops his stance and just looks at us in complete shock.
"I'm sure this is all quite a shock to you." I mutter. "But when you get back, please don't tell anyone about this. Do this for your own sake.
I turn to leave but for some reason, Levia doesn’t budge from her position. I stop and turn to her. “Levia?”
“Your friend hasn’t given you his answer yet.” Levia mutters, to which I scrunch my brows in confusion. What answer?
“You’re as rude as ever, Leyland.” Archos speaks, a glare directed at me. “Even the Saint Wizard has a better conduct than you.” His eyes immediately widen once he realizes he has also insulted Levia. He fearfully turns to her. “N-not that I-I’m saying y-you’re bad o-or a-anything.”
“I’ve taken no offence.” Levia replies with a small bow. “Please... speak your mind.”
Relief washes over Archos and almost immediately he turns to me, a serious expression on his face. “My decision remains the same.” He states as he grabs hold of both my shoulders and looks at me deep in the eyes. “I’m coming with you.”
“H-huh?!” I can’t help but exclaim. This is definitely not the outcome I wanted. “Are you seriously alright in the head?! I. Am. Siding. With. The. Saint. Wizard!!” I speak slowly as if it would make him change his mind. “Get it?! Side. With. The. Saint. Wizard.” I repeat again.
“I’m not deaf nor dumb, Leyland.” Archos deadpans. “I heard you the first time.”
“Then stop acting dumb and go back to Demis!”
“You worry too much, Leyland.” Archos tells me as he points to Levia. “Even the Saint Wizard doesn’t have a violent reaction like you do.”
I immediately turn to Levia and realize Archos is right. Levia didn’t seem bothered by Archos’ declaration. And here I thought she’d be the one most opposed to it. “L-levia? But I thought you wouldn’t trust anyone from Demis.”
“There are many who cannot be trusted... and it’s not just from your kingdom but all around the world.” She says. “But your friend... he has displayed his loyalty to you even when you told him you would side with me – a person whom he considered a threat just a while ago.” She gives me a smile. “A friend such as him is very hard to find, Leyland. I suggest you do not let him go.”
“So you’re alright with it if I take him with me?” I ask.
Levia nods. “If it is what you wish, then I will allow it.” She says with a small smile. “It might be best to have someone you can talk to before the people of the village will start trusting you. I could do it but I doubt the elders would lighten my work load just because I’m finally reunited with my brother.”
I turn to Archos and he immediately smirks. “See? You worry too much.”
The relief I am feeling surprised me. I didn’t think I was this tense when I tried to make Archos return to the kingdom. It seems I actually wanted to take him with me all along. I was denying what I really felt all because I considered what Levia wants. And even I’m wrong about that.
“Leyland..” Levia suddenly says, her tone sounding too serious at the moment. She immediately puts out the orbs that had lighted our surroundings, making it impossible to see in the darkness again. However, I can still sense Levia’s presence as she grabs my hand and gently drags me to where Archos was standing a while ago.
“What’s wrong, Levia?” I ask once she stops dragging me and drops my hand.
“I feel multiple presences nearing us.” She whispers just loud enough for me and Archos to hear. “Were you followed?”
“I don’t think so.” I mutter. “I made sure of it. Archos and I had been gone from our designated patrol area for a while though. They must have thought something happened and tracked us.”
“Then I have no other choice.” Levia mutters, shaking her head. “I have to go and lead them away from you.”
“Why not just teleport us out of here?” I suggest.
She sighs. “I only provided one other slot for the teleportation.” She tells me. “I usually only take one other person when I teleport so I never really saw the need to create a third slot. I wasn’t expecting you to bring company. I already started making an additional slot when I witnessed your friend’s loyalty. But... as it is, it will take me another five minutes to finish it.”
I shake my head. “How long until they make it here?”
“Not long enough.” Is her reply.
I sigh, steeling myself for what I am about to say next. “Then you don’t have to do this alone, Levia.” I tell her. “Let Archos and I assist you. I think we can hold out long enough until you finish the teleportation slot.”
“No, Leyland.” She says and I can’t help but feel dejected at the rejection. “Although you and your friend have the skill to protect yourselves, you’re not ready to face your comrades yet. You will only hesitate and that will not end well for you.”
“She’s right, Leyland.” Archos supports Levia. “We should let her take this one. I’m sure she’ll be fine. She’s the Saint Wizard after all.”
I sigh in defeat. I know they’re both right about this. “Alright...” I mutter and turn to Levia, giving her a nod and leaving to assumption whether she can really see me or not. “But if you feel you’re in trouble, give us a shout.”
“Will do.” Levia leaves and maneuvers her way around the trees. Once she’s far away from us, she creates orbs of light to lure the incoming soldiers her way. She then dashes away, with them hot on her trail.
“Whew... that was really close.” Archos whispers. He is right beside me but unlike Levia, whom I can sense, I can’t tell what he’s doing at all. I wonder if it’s because she’s my sister.
“Are you still willing to come with us now that you know how dangerous this is?” I question my blue-haired friend.
“Are you kidding me?” His tone sounded amused and I can imagine him giving me a toothy grin. “I wouldn’t miss this for anything. Going on an adventure with my best friend along the Saint Wizard. Isn’t it nice?”
“I think your definition of nice is way off.”
“You say that and yet you’re actually glad your sister let me come with you, right?” He’s teasing me this time. When will this guy realize that we’re actually in danger right now? Apparently, only when one of us is about to be killed. If the situation doesn’t fit that criteria, he’ll continue to act as carefree as he can be.
“You’re currently making me want to change my mind.” I say with a sigh.
“Well, I’m coming with you whether you change your mind or not.” He says. “I already got the Saint Wizard’s consent so there’s nothing you can do about it.”
I shake my head and roll my eyes though I can’t deny that he’s right. I don’t have the power nor the will to stop him from coming. He’s always been there for me whatever the cost and honestly... I’m glad he is.
“Shhh...” I shush Archos when I hear the nearby bushes rustle. The rustle comes nearer and nearer to us and I instinctively grab my sword as preparation for an attack. A few moments later though, my senses tell me it’s Levia, making me slack my hold on my sword.
“Levia..” I call to her as I feel her come nearer.
“Leyland..” She mutters lowly. “I have finished the third teleportation slot. We should go before they realize they’re chasing a decoy.”
She doesn’t wait for us to respond. With one snap of her fingers I immediately feel intense dizziness stun me yet again. As we are teleported, I can’t help but think about what I’m doing. When I decided to side with Levia, I decided to abandon everything I have ever known. I can only pray I’m not making a grave mistake.