"I mean, what if you didn't have to...you know...tomorrow?"
He shook his head. "We're stuck behind bars and I don't have my spear to cut through this mess. What do ya mean?"
She sized him up. If he had followed the warrior vocation, then he wouldn't know any spells or have many helpful abilities without a weapon, but if he had said weapon he also had a chance to kill her. Sighing, she decided it was a chance she had to take. "I was born in a little village in the northern part of the country Lecion. The people of Lecion could follow a vocational path just as the Scorupion do."
His stare was blank. "Yeh? You're only animan, so ya couldn’t follow the vocational path."
She shrugged uncaringly at his boorish response. "Then I guess I can't get you out of here."
"Wait wait wait!!" He automatically ate his words, holding his arms out to stop her. "Are ya telling me...you're an animan that could follow a vocational path? Just because you're from stupid Lecion?"
"Sorry sorry, old Scorupi training: 'All countries are stupid but ours!' But that isn't the point." He pointed at her, sitting upright. "Ya...can follow the vocational path?"
She gave him a stare before nodding as if it were completely natural. Animans haven’t been able to follow a vocational path because their blood traced back to Pisceon, a vocation-less country. But maybe, with the hundreds of years that have passed, things could be different.
The boy whistled before sitting back, letting it sink in. "No wonder Madam Lord fears your kind so greatly. Ya not only have those natural defenses, but now ya can possibly follow a vocational path? It's ridiculously scary, even for me!"
She shrugged shyly. "I don't quite understand it myself. But," she clenched her gloved hands, hiding them behind her back, "things are quickly changing here in Regionem."
He smiled gaily at her. "Maybe for the better." She broke into a sheepish smile at what he said, her chest filling with warmth. "Which path did ya choose, then? Tell me!"
"Well...” she paused for effect, exclaiming with excitement, “Minstrel!"