When I woke up alone in Rayquans bed, I was still in disbelief. The only real man I had in my life was no longer here. True, he was lowkey a horrible person but somehow, someway there was a part of me that missed him.
I'd no longer wake up to the smell of weed or moneybagg yo blasting from the living room speakers. Rayquan really was gone.
Anyways, I was headed to Mack's wife's sex shop for some stripper gear. I'd dug into my savings and took out $400. I didn't want to steal from my bosses wife. Not a good look.
"Hey, my name is Karma. Mack sent me." I announce, entering the shop through the colorful beads that served as a door to get into the little shop.
To my surprise a very short woman greeted me. "I've been waiting for you. Come on let's get you fitted." I follow to the back where a platform and 3 dimensional mirror is set up.
Shelly worked in silence as worked to take my measurements down.
I waited in my panties and bra for Shelly to come back with a pink plastic bin. "You have no idea how long I've waited for someone with your body type to come along. I sewed these pieces when Mack first opened up the club but I didn't have anyone to wear them!" She cheered.
Out of this magic pink bin came a bunch of bodysuits, tights, and other costumes. There were a series of pink, red, and white outfits. Almost all of them were drowned in glitter, sequins, or bedazzled. But they were very stunning. I'd say it was kind of age appropriate.
"You're so quiet." Shelly notices while I do a slow spin in the mirror, admiring but also feeling a bit insecure about my body in the floss-like piece I was wearing.
"Oh, sorry. I've just never done something like this before." I admit.
Shelly giggles. "How old are you, dear?" She wonders.
"19," I say, proud.
"Well I've only been around you for an hour or so and I can tell that you're going to be a force to reckon with at Tootsies." Shelly tells me.
I smile. "What makes you say that?"
"You're young, you have natural curves..." Shelly trails off, "and you are absolutely beautiful. Do you parents know you're about to start stripping." She questioned, her brows raised.
"My parents aren't in my life," I reply, shrugging carelessly.
Shelly frowned. "Such a beautiful girl. I wouldn't want to miss a beat of your childhood. It could've saved you from stripping." Shelly shakes her head in disbelief.
"You've never met them?" Shelly continues.
"I have. My mom lost her job when I was in middle school and got addicted to drugs not long after. And my father wasn't around much. I saw him here and there when he'd drop my mother back off from tricking her out."
Shelly gasps. "Wow. Definitely wasn't expecting that."
"Yeah, apparently he's a pimp. Who knew?" I laughed sarcastically.
Shelly huffed. "You'll have a very touching story to tell someday. I hope you make it big."
I thought I'd have to pay Shelly for the shoes and outfits she provided me with but I was very wrong. She said I reminded her of an old friend from college and she told me to keep my money.
When I rushed back to my apartment, I had two hours to get ready before I had to be at tootsies. I curled by hair big and voluptuous. My make up was very extra but just on the eyelids mostly. I stuffed the shoes and outfits into a backpack.
The sun was almost down by the time I reached the club. Mack welcomed me into the locker room where the other strippers sat getting ready.
"Everyone, this is Karma. She's new. I'd like for you to nice to her." Mack announces.
"Yeah, yeah," a few of the ladies say, shooing Mack out of the room.
The ladies in the room were absolutely beautiful. Fat asses, big titties.
Not wanting to interrupt anyone, I found a vanity station in the far left corner of the room and for settled in. I tried to discretely change into my outfit but I heard the clacking of heels coming towards me.
"Girl, you know you got that on wrong, right?" It was a tall, brown skin woman wearing a neon string piece and silver platform heels. She looked like thinner Bria Myles.
"Let me help you," the woman says, standing behind me and rotating my outfit around. "My name is Lauren. What's yours?" She speaks.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Karma." I say, causing her a giggle lightly. "Your real name girl!" She exclaims.
"That's my birth name." I laugh along with her. "Oh shit. My bad. I took a few shots. My mind ain't right!" Lauren tells me. She ties my outfit in the back and takes a good look at me.
"You are one bad bitch! Come drink with us." Lauren grabs my hand and brings me over to the other group of girls who were filling up cups and shot glasses full of alcohol. Lauren hands me a red cup filled halfway with an unknown substance.
"To Karma!" Lauren cheers, and I tap my cup against everyone else's and take a sip from the cup.
"Sweetheart, you might wanna chug that. Especially since it's your first night." One of the ladies say. I did as I was told.