Chapter One ~Stalker~672Please respect copyright.PENANAcJKnouDl3d
Yuki panted while shivering, sitting in her bed. It was her sixteen time seeing this dream (Sixteen days in a row) ,but it was her first time seeing it that clear. She always felt nauseous after this dream, but now she felt like vomiting, after getting a clear look at blood and monsters faces that were attacking the city. It was as if she was part of the dream. She remembered the man that was holding a head in his left hand, and a sword which was covered in blood in his right. The thought of that man sent down another wave of shiver trough her body.
Yuki was not afraid of blood, well it's not like she ever crossed a scene with this much blood like in that dream, she even felt the smell of it.
'Who's voice was it?' She thought, remembering the voice that told her to wake up.
She didn't understand the whole conversation between the people in her dream, their voices were not clear as the dream it self. She only heard something about gemstones and and 'their last hope'.
'But wait, why did he call me the chosen one?' She started to think, trying to crack the meaning behind the last words. In the end she couldn't think of anything.
'I guess that I need to take a shower early in the morning' She thought to herself, looking at her sweaty pajamas.
She always got up early in the morning, earlier than any high school student does.
She reached for her mobile and switched it on, it was 5 in the morning (Well not that early). She sat on her bed, yawning while rubbing her sleepy eyes. She couldn't go to sleep after seeing that nightmare. She got up and went to open the curtains, it was still dark outside, only cars that were passing by gave some light.
"Just like always" sighed Yuki, while stretching her arms. She walked inside the bathroom, and started brushing her teeth, facing her reflection in the mirror.
Yuki had black,wavy hair reached down her shoulders, green eyes,and she had fair skin with a bit of tan. She was tall, with good figure. She liked playing soccer and basketball with her Best friend. Even girls basketball team of her school wanted her to join, but she diclined. Its not because she didn't want to play with them, she didn't like to play in front of audience, which was present during the matches. She didn't like to receive attention.
After brushing her teeth she went out of the bathroom taken her blue mat on the way and started doing some light exercises.
After finishing doing the exercises, she opened her wardrobe and took out her school uniform that consisted of a long sleeved blouse, black skirt that went below her knees and of course any type of pants under (In the case something happens), and a tie with a sleeveless jacket. Most girls in her class preferred short skirts, and when boys were trying to see what is under the skirts, these girls started to call them pervs, unmannered and disgusting, but in reality they were the once trying to get attention from the boys by wearing these skirts and trying to get their "Pervy" attention.
When she was done with her changing she picked up her bag and looked around the room, it was a tidy middle sized room, with walls painted in white, the wall behind the bed was black, the bed it self was black too, it was covered in a white bed sheet, and on it lay two black pillows, the white book shelf was above the bed, the white and black desk was between the white cupboard and the white curtained windows.
'I guess that I don't need to clean it today.' She thought turning around and walking out of her room to the living room, on the way she threw her bag on the sofa.
'Huh? That's weird why did mom forget her mobile?' She thought puzzled, looking at her mother's mobile that lay on the table. She also noticed a small box on the table, wrapped nicely in a red gift paper. She took it in her hands, she saw a small note, hanging down from a ribbon.
"Happy Birthday to our dear little kitty! May you have the best day of your life! From: Mom and Dad. PS. Hope you like this gift (We think you will love it)."
She unwrapped the paper, and saw a box of Samsung Galaxy S4, her mobile was really old, you know the old one with buttons. Her parents promised to buy her one if she would get one of the first three positions in her class. She was ranked second so far.
She smiled, "This is the best gift ever", she murmured to herself, "But not really the best".
She was thinking about her parents, 'It would have been even better if they were here today.' She thought.
Yuki lived with her parents in a two room apartment with a big kitchen, a dining room and a large living room, but because of their work, and both of her parents worked overseas in the same business company, lived alone most of the times.
Yuki diled her father's number, to tell that her mother forgot her mobile, but no one answered. Instead an auto voice answered "The number you dialed is not available, please try again later."
'I think they are on the plane to New York, that's why I can't contact them.' She thought, thinking about calling them later.
Yuki walked in to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and took out some eggs, cheese, milk and bread. She started making her breakfast.
While she was eating she opened yesterday's newspaper, that she couldn't read yesterday because of her homework, she turned to the first page.
'Another murder happened for the third time, why can't anyone do something about it?' She thought to herself. The police on the news were telling that the case of the victems death were unknown. The bodies of the victims were not found, well not as in the whole piece, instead a pool of blood was their, not even bones were left.
'Who could have killed people this way?' She thought taking a sip of her favourite Italian coffee.
'How can something kill, leaving behind a pool of bl-' She stopped at that thought, because she remembered the man from her dream that killed people with his eye powers, and turned them in to a pool of blood.
'No! It is just too impossible to happen' She thought logically.
When she finished her breakfast, she took her bag, and went out of her apartment, closing the door behind her, and moving towards the elevator.
When she got out and went out of the building, she saw the building's watchman, who was sitting on the bench and drinking beer.
'Again drinking beer, and not doing his job.' She thought, glancing at the man who was in his forties. He was not tall, with dirty dark brown hair. He smelled awfully, and looked like he didn't have a proper bath for a long time.
Yuki always thought why the building's owner appointed him to work here, but she already knew the reason which was kind of weird. The building's owner appointed him because once he saved him from getting squashed by a truck, the owner was a kind person he asked the man if he wanted anything , but that man asked him to work at the building as the watchman.
'Even if he saved his life, it doesn't mean that he can walk around all drunk and dirty.' She thought. And she was not the only one who thought that way.
Four days ago, around three am at night , a man came to their building, holding a briefcase. When he entered the building the watchman was sitting at the small table near the lift.The man told him that he was a relative of Miss. Suzy, an unmarried women around her 50 , who lived on the 2nd floor. He told him that she called, wanting him to come to her apartment, the watchman let him in.
In the morning Miss.Suzy called the police and told them that she was robbed, she was out that day and returned at 7 am. They questioned the watchman he told them that he didn't see anyone suspicious that time, then police asked him about the last person that entered the building.
"Oh.. It was just some relative of Miss. Suzy with a black briefcase." Said the watchman "He told me that she called him, asking to come to her apartment . After he visited her on the way back I proposed him a bottle of beer. He refused at first but I told him that I have like ten of these bottles and that I drank seven of 'em, and there were some bottles left. While we were drinking ,he told me some funny stories. Ah..what a funny fellow he was, he even said that it's his first time seen' someone drinking seven bottles of beer in a row"672Please respect copyright.PENANAVKbLjKvBUm
He finished with a proud look on his face.
The police started asking about the man's appearance, but he said that he didn't remember how the man looked. The police just assumed that he was too drunk to remember that.
Miss. Suzy was angry, she looked like she would strangle the watchman where he was standing. The police didn't know what to do, laugh at this old fool or be angry at him.
"Are you out of your mind!" Shouted Miss. Suzy at him, "No one in their right mind would let a stranger inside! But in your case I think this kind of thinking doesn't apply to you! Because you are always drunk!"
"But he told me he was your relative" Said the watchman looking at her as if she was crazy.
"I don't have any relatives living here at first!" Stated the angry women, her face turned all red like tomato.
"And what for do you even have the residents phone numbers?! And Yesterday before leaving, I told you to fix my doorbell from the outside, telling you that I will be going out for the day, and return tomorrow morning! The doorbell was not fixed, plus I got robbed, that man stole my ruby necklace!"
"Oh!" exclaimed the watchman slamming his fist on his left hand.
"Now I remember! He didn't look like you at all! He was too good looking to be your relative, I don't remember his face thou, but he was not fat like you."
Miss. Suzy was furious " I'll get you ...!you disgusting man! "
The police were trying to calm her down, while trying to hold their laughter.
Yuki overheard this story from an old lady that lives on th same floor as her, most of her time she sits on the bench near the building, gossiping and exchanging the "Granny" news with other old ladies that don't have anything better to do, exept for gossiping, she happened to be around when this happened, in the end the robber still wasn't caught.
Yuki started walking down the street. The markets were still closed, but people already started to appear on the streets. The first sun rays started to appear. She looked at her black wrist watch, it was six in the morning. Her school was open now , the classes started at seven.
Yuki usually wakes up at this time, but not for the past sixteen days. Before going inside the school building, she usually jogs around it. She always wears her sport's clothes for the jog, but yesterday she forgot to put it inside a washing machine, that's why she decided not to jog for today.
While turning down the street she felt as if someone was following her. Well she already knew who or actually what was following her these past sixteen days.
'Its you again you stupid cat'! She thought, rolling her eyes, while turning around. She loved cats, but not this one.
There on top of the metal garbage cans stood a black cat. Well it was not an ordinary cat, it had eyes of ice blue color which was kind of weird. But the weirdest part was that this cat was staring at Yuki.
"Again following me? Can you please stop doing that?" She told the cat.
'Wait why am I talking to a cat?' She thought, feeling stupid.672Please respect copyright.PENANAw11a8EOfAe
'It's not like it is going to understand me.'
The most creepiest part was that this black cat was following Yuki these past sixteen days. Not like following her to beg for food but as if absorving her. Yuki ones got annoyed and yelled at the cat, which caused some people passing by to stare at her, she felt embarrassed and stupid at that time.
She ones told her mother about that cat and the dream as well, her mother told her that maybe she is having this nightmare after watching a horror movie, and that she is just imagining that the cat is following her because of her lack of sleep. Well her mother didn't believe that the cat actually is stalking her. It's not like she can call the police and say 'Hi officer! You know these past sixteen days I have been stalked by a cat with Ice blue eyes, you know I might sound crazy but that is true!' They are just gonna hang up the phone thinking that it was another prank call.
Yuki turned away, she walked five steps away then turned back. The cat was still staring at her. She walked ten more steps then turned back, the cat was still staring at her. Her patients blew up.
"Why the hell are you starring at me!" She yelled at the cat in anger. She didn't care that she would get embarrassed, but luckily there was no one passing by.
"I never did anything bad to you! I love cats! But not the ones that stalk me!" She finished yelling, she looked angry.
The next thing that happened was beyond creepy.
Suddenly the cat smiled at her, showing all her white fangs. Than the cats eyes started to glow, it's eyes started to look like ice.
Yuki froze on her spot looking at the cat, with her eyes wide open from the shocking scene. Suddenly she heard a voice in her head, that got her freaked out.
"You should start controlling your temper."
It was a male voice, it sounded amused.
Yuki finally got that the voice belonged to the cat. The cat jumped from the garbage can, making it's way towards her.
"D-Don't come near me! Even if you are a cat it doesn't mean that I can't kick you, especially the weird glowing , talking ones that stalk people!" She said walking from the cat backwards.
The cat stoped. It's ears got straight, as if it tried to listen to something.
"Run now!"
She heard the cats voice again, but this time it sounded alerted.
Suddenly a whip appeared from behind the nearest building, flying very fast, hitting the spot between Yuki and the cat, creating a crack on the ground. Yuki was still in shock but she reacted to the sudden attack, she jumped back.
'What in the world' She thought, her thoughts were interrupted by a males voice.
"It looks like I missed, how unfortunate." The voice was coming from the direction where the whip came from. It was not loud, meaning that this person was still not near the place.
"Run! Before he comes!" The cat again spoke to her through her mind.
"But what about you?" She asked in a low whisper.
"Just run!" He yelled at her.
Without a second thought, she started to run away, turning behind the other building. When she was far from that place, she heard loud noises, probably from the garbage cans falling, coming from that diraction
Yuki started to regret not taking the cat with her.
'I hope it ran away' she thought. She still was shocked and confused after what happened.
'How did that man attacked me from a big distance! And he was behind the building for God's sake! Not facing me!'
'I need to mix with a crowd.' She thought to herself. She started jogging towards the crossroad, there she got mixed with a crowd. It was already 6:20 am in the morning, the school was a good fifteen minuet walk from her home.
'Damn! Why did I bother yelling at that cat!' She though, getting angry at herself.
'I need to run for it, because there are less people on the road to school now in the case if the man was near.'
When she saw her school she thought 'I guess, I won't be needing a jog around the school today', she dashed towards the school gates. When she was about to pass through them she heard a familiar voice.
"Hello Yuki, doing some exercises in the morning?"
Yuki stopped when she heard her history teacher, turning her head on the right side. It was a woman around thirty years old, with dark black hair tied in a bun. She had an average hight. She had brown eyes which matched the color of the suit that she was currently wearing, she wore a warm smile on her face, she was Yuki's favorite teacher.
"Hello Mrs.Sakuragawa....hah...yes sort of", she said,while panting
" Happy Birthday to you my dear! Here is a present from me." Exclaimed her teacher cheerfully, handing a yellow paper bag to Yuki.
'Great! I almost forgot that it was my birthday today, thanks to that furrball! 'She thought while accepting her gift. She opened it and saw a large history book inside.
"This is awesome! Thank you very much for this lovely gift!" said Yuki smiling.
"I am glad you like it, now I think it's better if you go and take a shower, and why were you jogging in your school uniform?" Her teacher asked raising an eyebrow at her student.
"Mmm.. I forgot to laundry my sport uniform, that's why I was joging in this. I actually have an extra uniform with me, I'll go to the changing room right now." She said. Luckily she had her uniform inside. She always carried it with her in case something happens. And finally it came handy.
"But I still think that you should not jog in your uniform. OK, go on now, see you at the lesson." Said her teacher before going inside the building.
'As if I wanted to.' She thought, walking towards the entrance that led to a sports hall. She entered girl's changing room, and started taking out her clean uniform out of her bag.
'I should be cautious next time, now I know that someone is trying to kill me, well he doesn't know how I look, I hope. It's not like I have enemies, well at least not the ones that would kill me.' She thought while entering the shower cabin, closing the door behind her. ' Next time I need to take my bamboo sword with me.'
Yuki was also going to a Dojo to learn Kendo (The way of the sword) five times a week, they also had extra karate classes there.
When she was about to finish the shower, she heard as if someone was opening the small window, that was on the right wall near the door.
She stopped moving, turning of the shower, while taking a towel from a hanger, and wrapping around herself. She started moving towards the shower cabin door, slowely trying to not make any sounds. Well the only sound she made was her hearts thumping.
'It can't be that dangerous man.' She though 'Wait ....what am I thinking! The window is too small, ofcoure he wouldn't fit in to it!" She imagined her sports teacher instead of a man that attacked her, stuck in that small window. She stoped her self from laughing.
There was still no noise. She tried opening the door a bit, looking outside to see if someone was there, without asking 'Hello? Is anyone there?' Like some people do in the movies. There was no one.
'Maybe I am starting to hear things.' She thought to herself sighing in relief.
She opened the cabin's door walking out.
'I thin that I am starting to get c-' "Oh MY GOD!" The last sentence she said out loud.
She was not the type that would scream, but this time she held her hand tight to her mouth, so she wouldn't let out a scream.
There was a glowing blue writing on the wall that said:
"We are going to meet soon, chosen one."
As soon as she read it, the writing disappeared.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!😆
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(The picture of Yuki you can find in the copy of this book that is on Wattpad, )