The sun which would never be any more brighter shone above my head splitting the flawless white light into a million spectrums around me while I dug a pit for my exquisite roses. A bunch of the black ones grew on my right and these which I am planting are a perfect shade of pink . A strange hobby for someone like me but surely not a wrong one. I used to spend most of my time out in my nursery with the lovely little angelic plants seven decades past. But I am not sparing my lovely hobby for my new life. Now I must take a leave from my lovely company as Nessie would be waiting. My house is just forty kilometres from the Cullen house. I shifted here just 5 years ago when I met Nessie. We became best of friends instantly; after all, who would deny the company of such a sweet and winsome lady. Although I must admit that being around the pungent smell of the wolves is extremely hard but I act gentle. I don't like hurting other people's feelings or wolves' feelings. However I seriously wonder how the Cullens manage to be with them.
In one-fourth of a minute I cleaned up myself from the dirt gathered by my clothes in the gardening session. I was going for hunting so better wear an overall. I feel very light in it, that's the reason I got plenty of them. So today I chose the short denim color which is upto the thighs exposing my pale spotless skin and tied back a half pony in my black hairs letting much of them flow till the waist except the one streak which spreads across my forehead. Those black locks went perfect with my subtle face, at least that's what Esme said. I much prefer running rather than taking the car. It makes me feel like flying and no matter how many times I have done this, it will still bring me the same joy as the first time. In not more than five minutes I reached by my checkpoint. Nessie was already waiting. Although she doesn't like the so-called vegetarianism but still it's hard for her to kill innocent humans as is for me.Jake offers a company everytime so Nessie enjoys a competition which would make it more interesting for her. I respect his choice much. Bella had told me about the wolves' imprinting thing already. I actually envy that idea. Of course anyone like me who has been all by herself along the last seventy years would surely fancy the idea of someone to love and care.
"Hey Sylvi! look I won" Nessie shouted in enthusiasm from half a kilometer waving at me with Jake tucked between her left arm and a large mountain bear lying lifeless below her feet. With the same excitement as on her face I cheered for her and teased Jake saying loser.
"Loser! Loser! Loser! Loser!..." Nessie joined me in her chimed voice. Jake ran back up a big tree, we didn't bother to disturb him while phasing so we continued to dance and shout. He came back running and thanked heaven wearing clothes till us. He held out his big hands around our necks which were only a size of a baseball to him. Although it didn't hurt, we fought against him. Ness and I pushed our legs back forcing his feet to spread and fall on knees. As soon as he was kneeled down Nessie climbed on his neck and I tied back his hands. We were both strong enough to defeat him if he wasn't fighting back. So to continue our bliss we tied him on a stick as a prey tied for roasting and carried him to the Cullen house. It wasn't tough until Nessie had him under control. As soon as we reached home, Ness said out loudly in her lovely voice,"Look dad we caught a wolf" giggling and poking her finger in his stomach,"And he's got plenty of blood and flesh in it"
Jake was as much enjoying her laughing as I was. I added to it,"Let's bid on him"
"Yeah right Sylvi, so tell me who's going to buy a delicious, fleshy wolf for......." she paused thinking, staring at all his body and then continued,"ten dollar, ten dollar". Edward came out in a hurry hearing his daughter's pleasant voice with the gorgeous Bella beside him, in half of a second everyone was there laughing and enjoying the scenery.
Jake frowned and said,"Seriously Ness, you think I am only worth ten dollars?" He said, raising one big eyebrow to us. I smiled and she laughed out showing her teeth. She was the cutest creature I have ever seen.
Edward Cullen with humour on his face came forward examining the object of auction and raised a hand,"I object! This creature is just worth ten cents'' He chuckled as Jake frowned at him.
"Of course not, I think it's wise to say one dollar" Said Bella in her dreamy voice.
Everyone was enjoying the conversation including Jake. He freed himself from the ropes and stood up saying,"You naughty little girls, you will surely pay for it."
I danced back to Nessie , still smiling and she stood still laughing and looking at him with those adorable big eyes.
"You always get me with those puppy eyes" Jake said wrapping her and ultimately me in half hug. I was trying to adjust myself so he held out his right arm and pulled me on the other sides. Esme examined the view with affection in her eyes and smiled in joy,"Aren't you both adorable". Alice winked at us in mischief and Rosalie flied a kiss for us. The day was fast enough for us just goofing around and doing silly things. And by a day I would not underestimate the night part. Next morning we are planning to go hiking and at night somewhere-camp bonfire. After the Volturi incident most of the young werewolves stopped their transformation. Jake had told me that it was their will if they wanted to be this way or not. I was thinking why didn't Leah stopped it. But Jake explained that Leah is expecting if she imprints someone it would be much easier to forget Sam. But I think it's just because she doesn't trust us completely, even Bella thinks so but Ness is much positive that she is in pain and that's the only reason. Charlie was very pleased to meet me as Nessie's best friend two years past although he was a little agitated by the idea that I being a stranger to the Cullen family knows more than he does.
In forks Sue prepared dinner for who those eat. And no wonder any of us except Renesmee ate. Charlie and Billy had a nice time while we three mischievous ones wandered around. The three only humans were sound asleep by midnight even the werewolves slept a couple of hours later. We were the last awakened and hence the carriers of most people till their beds. I even had to carry Nessie when she was tired and asleep to Cullen cottage. Time had brought together everyone in these years. When I came it wasn't much hard to accept alliance with the foes because I never had grudges regarding them. Like Carlisle I have also been a doctor, a recent one for about fifty or some years. I liked helping out people with their lives because that's what matters to them. Nevertheless I was enjoying my so-called life right now ignoring my job. Renesmee even had fight-training sessions with me, not that we awaited a revolution to start some day but because it was fun to tease Jacob. Nessie was very intelligent in her studies. It took only two years for her to complete graduation by her home tutoring. Edward, Carlisle, Esme and I were her teachers. Not that she needed some but because we liked teaching her.
Some months of the year took me out for work to different cities of the world. I had wandered almost the entire wetern world yet because of my inquisitiveness. I liked it the most for silent places. As the Amazons, the Himalayas and the mystical meadows. It was hard to believe I still kept myself away from most of the east. Nessie showed up at my door at noon.
She searched by the book shelf of exploration for some enjoyment. Bella and Edward hadn't made her travel much places farther than Seattle. She found an album and went through it being attracted by the pictures and animals, she fancied my Camera skills. I being a vampire could easily click pictures from any deadly angle even though I adored this quality. I went into the kitchen which was specially constructed for her by me. It was easy for me to make her eat human food. I just had to make non-veg and drip blood over it for good scent. She was a little adamant but I got everything controlled.
She ate a chicken leg lying in my lap and pointed at a picture with the clean finger,"Where is this animal found"
"It's a golden tailed monkey, found in many places but I took this photo on Amazon. It's cute right"
"It sure is, look at the grape in its hand. It looks so big. Did you give it to him?"
"Yeah, I carried much food to feed animals I found"
"Did you kill him?"
"Of course not" I said, frowning,"Do you think I would kill that poor creature?"
"Oh you are so lovely Sylvia, I knew-" I cut her in middle,"And besides how much blood can that small body hold"
She punched me as I chuckled.
Jacod knocked by the window grinning widely. I picked up her head from my lap moving to the window,"Give me a second or my window won't have any" She giggled in her fine voice and sat up. I opened the door for him and he jumped in finding a cozy spot on the couch beside us. All the comforting things in my home like the bed, kitchen, sofa and chairs were for the two. Jacob eyed the chicken in Nessie's hand when his face utterly explained the disgust,"Do you want to have it jake?"
"No Sylvia I am fine, besides its smells of blood." He said wrinkling his nose
"You can have the bag of doritos from kitchen"
"Could you cook something?"
"Why don't you take any ready made food?" I asked sighing
"I want to cook,"He said, clenching his hands into fists like a three year old adamant child.
"Then order something from any restaurant," I said, handing him my phone and a catalog.
He pushed down my hand and said,"But you are the best cook"
"Fine, What do you want to have a sire?" I said standing up from the ground.
"Let me think, I want muffins, tacos and Chicken lollipops, that must be enough," He said, breaking his lips into a wide grin.
I went into the kitchen in less than a second. I had as much food as an average human would have in a year just for Jake and sometimes if Embry, Seth and Paul showed up my stock emptied. Not that it was a problem to feed them but just I was dumbstruck at the food quantity they ate. Cooking was an easy job. In the beginning of my life I was puzzled how my time would be passed. I have done many respectful jobs in America till now. But after I was completely bored and a pile of no use money rested in my bank, I started social working. I loved to find joy in other people's smiles. In thirty minutes the entire menu for Jake was ready. I could hear them while I was cooking. Nessie asked me about different pictures while Jacob made fun of the animals. I was kind of puzzled to see that he being kind of an animal is making fun of those beautiful artifacts of nature. Jake enjoyed the food much as he pointed out,"Your filthy Vampire scent is the only thing I hate in the food". As Nessie reached the end of the album she saw a painting on its back cover.
"Sylvi have you painted this?" She said, looking at a sunset scenery with spreaded pretty colors all over.
"Yeah Ness, haven't you seen any of my paintings?"
"No of course not. You didn't tell me you painted."
"Well, it never came up"
"Okay then show me now"
"I actually have thrown out them"
"What!" She exclaimed in horror like I had thrown away million dollar diamonds.
"What? They were too many"
She rolled her eyes and said,"Have you got painting stuff?"
"Yeah back in that room" I said pointing back in the left corner.
She was joined by my agreement in her question,"Can I paint?"
"Yeah sure, come"
She walked after me into a small room, with three big french windows on its hexagonal front. The walls were bright coco colored which went well with the wooden flooring. Room was mostly void except a cupboard covering the right wall and some easels. Nessie moved a step towards the left corner, reaching the pile of canvas kept on the floor. She picked up one and asked,"where are the colors?"
I pointed to the cupboard and she reached there in another step. It was fun to watch her color Jacob arrived in the room with the bucket of chicken lollipops in one hand. It was fun to watch her play with the colors. At last she completed even Jake had done his eating and cleaned up. Nessie had painted a beautiful sunset with the silhouette of two people standing hand-in-hand. By the perfection of her art it was clear that they were Bella and Edward. But I teased her,"Aren't that you and Jake?"
She was still beautifying the painting but I saw her rolling her eyes and smiling. Jake pointed to the clock saying,"Oh look it two already"
"So" Both Nessie and me asked
"Quil is out for work so I get to take care of Claire."
"What about Emily?"
"Actually it's Claire's birthday today so they are planning a party"
Ness asked in amusement,"Do I get to come there?"
"Of course you can"
I didn't bother to ask because I wasn't expecting any favorable reply.
"Sylvi you are coming too" Said Jake wearing his shoes.
I was amazed to hear it,"Why?"
"Don't you remember that you gave me a gift for her last year" "Yeah I did"
"She fancied it so much and therefore wants you"
"Correction my gift" I said smiling. "Yeah, I can say that."
The day was quite short. Me and Nessie even went to pick a gift for Clair. "What would a nine year-old like?"
"Ask yourself, you are also seven year-old" I giggled saying it. Nessie frowned and then picked up a doll house.
"Genuinely little girls fancy dolls."
I was still thinking of my gift when I reached near a beautiful princess diary. Perfect! I thought to myself.