Nixon parked his car in the drive way and get out. He opened passenger door and scoop Storm in his arms again. He like holding her in his arms as she wrapped arms around his neck in a very loose hold as if she trusted Nixon for not dropping her. Nixon well aware of her captivate grey orbs fixed on his face but he keep face straight at the front. The security guards and the staff members of the house saw Nixon carrying a girl in his arms. They couldn't help but stare wide eyes in astonishment and shock because never had they witnessed something like this. It was first time Nixon bring a girl in house, they are well aware of his sexual ways by the sudden popping of crazy females on the gate that claiming to be girlfriends of him since high school years. Security team had to run them off either by force or by scaring them with guns. This time it is different. All can see it by the possessive hold of Nixon on the female that she is important. Nixon never brought any of them in house or anywhere near the house but it's not like he can hide. His name and face was all anyone need to discover who he was. It is all over the internet and several web pages who blogs on the wealthiest heirs of the world, Nixon and his siblings being in that list.
He steadily walked inside threshold, taking stairs instead of elevator knowing after her episode, it can trigger Storm easily. He swiftly climbed the stairs up, reaching to his floor. Whole second floor is his with a huge bedroom attached with bathroom size of room connected to his closet. A small gym, gaming room and his secret room where he paint. It is his hobby where he spend most of his free time. No one actually know about his hobby of creating art on canvas, Nixon kept it well hidden from all. Painting is his way of working over his emotions and stress. He kept his room locked so not even house staff knew what was in that room.
Brad and Margret both frowned in concern watching Nixon and how gentle his actions are towards the girl. They also didn't miss the possessive hold of Nixon on the brunette. They both know how people are these days and can do anything for money. They both worry if the girl Nixon brought is after Nixon just for his wealth or his fame.
" I hope this girl not a gold digging bitch."
Margret glared at the kitchen counter. She couldn't help but worry about Nixon. She know the boy since Nixon was just a toddler. Margret know how sensitive Nixon is, even though the boy never express his feelings. Always keeping his emotions and hurt bottled up inside never expressing to others. She didn't want him to get hurt. Sensing his wife being upset Brad pulled her to his side, he felt same as her. They both see four siblings as their own children.
" We can't meddle in his life each time, love. He is a grown male who know well enough what's good for him."
Margret nodded with a frown before huffing. She know her husband is right but that doesn't mean she can't keep a close eye on the girl or have other siblings involved. She bite her lip knowing well her husband would disagree with her thoughts but she was with kids since they were little even before she met her husband. She practically raised them and felt her motherly instincts roared to life like any mother would regarding their child. The phone installed in the kitchen rang making Brad pull away from Margret so she attend the call knowing well who is the caller.
Nixon opening his bedroom door, entering kick it shut with his foot. A habit he developed years ago. The lights switched on automatically sensing the presence. Nixon took Storm to his bed and sat down with Storm in his lap. His arms wrapped tightly around her body as sway side to side softly. Kissing her head and rubbing her back to get her stiff body loosen up.
" Not a fan of new places, Star?"
" No. I hate not knowing my way around and exit points."
" Well, this is my house and i know every corner like back of my hand so you have to trust me. Do you trust me, my star?"
Nixon asked her with serious expression on his face. His eyes searching Storm's to find something, any swirl of emotion. He watch her face soften and the dark graphite orbs lighten up, more to silver hue. He is fascinated by her eyes that seem to draw him.
" Yeah."
Storm answered. He give her a smile before sliding her down from his lap to the bed and stand up.
" I get something for you to eat."
Walking towards the coffee table, he picked the phone and called in the kitchen. The call was answered by Margret. Nixon quickly told her to bring some food for two in his room. He looked at Storm whose grey orbs are fixed on him, her face is unreadable. Sighing, he walked back to the bed and sit down facing her, taking her hand in his. Nixon couldn't describe the feeling he had for Storm, there is something he never felt before. Seeing her huddled in the corner today tugged his heart string, he felt a pull towards Storm so powerful. There are hundred of things he wanted to know and say to Storm but he didn't. The moment is special to Nixon, just sitting silent looking in Storm's eyes while holding her hand. He felt content. Neither of them said a word just lost in each other's eyes.
That's how Margret find Nixon with a strange girl, holding hands. She know that Nixon is clearly attracted to the girl he brought with him. His action spoke a lot about his feelings. Margret blinked in surprise when the grey orbs clashed with her brown ones, they hold so much coldness in them. She felt a shiver of threat run down her body. Those eyes seem the eyes of predator that are oh so dangerous.
" Thanks, Margret."
She gave Nixon a shakily smile before nodded her head and run off tugging her imaginary tail between her legs, seeing the glare of unknown girl giving her. There is something strange about that girl. She gave a dangerous aura. Her eyes, oh those are like barrel of gun pointing straight to Margret's head that's how she felt when those dark orbs fixed to her. The warning is clear in her gaze to back off. Margret sure that the girl sense her disdain. She couldn't tell that to anyone what had happened. With several calming breaths, Margret schooled her features back to normal.
Nixon put tray of food between them which consist of four piece of heavily stuffed tacos, a plate of fried chicken popsicles, cheese bites and two club sandwiches, two glasses of Mango mausse, two water bottles and two cans of soda and lemonade in options to choose. Nixon's mouth watered seeing the dessert. He has a huge sweet tooth and Mango is something Nixon loved, anything made of that particular fruit is favorite.
" Come on, let's eat. I am famished."
He quickly loaded everything in a plate and handed it to Storm who blinked owlishly at him before taking it from his hand. Nixon get a plate for himself and about to load it with steaming hot food but a hand stopped him.
" We can share. It's too much for me to finish."
Storm muttered making Nixon freeze, sharing a food is something Nixon had never done before. He never did it, not even with his siblings. His body warmed inside as both of them share food. Nixon felt strange fluttering in his belly but he paid no mind to it. He is just hungry. Yeah, that explained the strange fluttering then why the fuck he is smiling so wide. He enjoyed just sharing something so simple and small with Storm. They didn't talk just eat food or more like he stuff his face with food while Storm nibbled, taking small bird like bites.
" This is my favorite dessert."
Nixon mumbled handing her glass of mango mausse. It took him two seconds to had his down in his stomach while Storm only managed to dig her spoon in.
" You don't like it?"
Frowning, he stop in act of opening bottle of water and questioned Storm.
" I never had seen someone eating this fast."
Nixon laughed shaking his head. He forget how direct and blunt she can be. Other may find her responses rude but Nixon find her way of speaking quite interesting. She speak her mind judging by how direct her answers are. She is strange in a most intriguing way.
Taking spoon from her hand, Nixon scoop a spoon full of delicious dessert and held in front of her lips. He couldn't take his eyes off her red lips that wrapped around spoon taking its content in her mouth. Damn. Is it possible to get hard just staring at someone eating because Nixon can feel his jeans getting tighter. His gaze remained fixed to her mouth as he feed her slowly. It was more of sexual foreplay in Nixon's dirty mind. It was killing him to suppress the urge to lean forward and capture those sexy and oh so soft lips. To him Storm has the most sensual lips that ignite flame of lust burning inside Nixon.
" Fuck."
Nixon breathed as Storm pink tongue licked dropped mausse from his hand. His cock jerked inside boxer briefs by witnessing the erotic image of her. Nixon groaned closing his eyes when he felt his hard cock throb. His eyes snap open, warm breath hit his face. He gulped watching Storm's face so close to his. He didn't even know when spoon was out of his hand and tray of food gone. He can see the desire and need in her grey dilated eyes mirroring his own.
" I don't have strength with me to stay away from you. I feel strongly for you, my star."
He whispered looking at the compelling grey eyes, wrapping his arms around her waist, letting Storm sit on his legs basically straddled him. It this position both of their chest touching.
" Then don't. . . "
Saying this Storm pull him by collar of his shirt, her lips fall hotly to his. A shock wave of surprise coursed through Nixon by her bold move. He moaned as she took advantage of his shock, slipping her tongue in his mouth. His chest rumble with pleasurable sound as Storm suck on his tongue sensually, he can taste the flavor of dessert in Storm's mouth. So delicious and sweet.
" The fuck. . . "
He hissed tearing his mouth and was panting hard by the kiss so was Storm. Her chest heaves and breath come out harsh from her kiss swollen red lips. He throw his shirt over his head along with jacket before cupping her face again, capturing Storm's lips with his while his hand working on removing her top. With skillful fingers Storm's sweeter and top both are gone leaving her in bra only, that soon also join the pile of clothes on the floor. Nixon waste no time in take pink nipple in his mouth making Storm arch into him while he roll the other bud in between his forefinger and thumb. He smirk hearing her soft gasps and moans. Nixon moved on to the other nipple, his finger going to the taut bud he just released with a bite only to pinch, pull and roll it. Damn, the sound of her pleasure. He loved the sound of Storm's moans that are filled with shock also as if she couldn't believe how much of pleasure he can give her. He had to bite inside of his cheek thinking about Storm's reaction if they have sex. Will she moan out loud or scream his name? The thought made his cock twitched. Shaking his head, he pushed those thoughts down. Storm whimpered as he nibble on her flesh. He released the nipple in his mouth and pressed a kiss against her lips.
His hand rub circles on her flat stomach as his other hand work on opening the button of jeans. Licking his way down to hip bone, he nibble on skin there before tugging jeans, sliding down her long legs. He kiss his way up from ankle to inner thigh. Fingers lightly and sensually stroking her flesh oh so close to her core. He know how aroused she is by the wet patch. Nixon reached out and rolled the last piece of clothing off from Storm's body. He groaned seeing the pink slick folds so wet and inviting. He reach out a lick her. Fucking shit, she taste so good. The sweet taste of her aroused Nixon to no end. He felt her tremble. With his hands, Nixon spread her legs wide reveling the pink pussy for him to devor. His tongue giving her heated core long and firm strokes, softly mapping his way through delicate slick folds. Judging by the grip and tugging of his hair someone is enjoying. Her grip is firm, holding his head on place. Well Nixon has no plan to leave her pussy any time soon. Let's relive the last time encounter again, he thought.
His lips enclosed around the soft pearl in between her folds, sucking on it before swirling his tongue. His skillful tongue and fingers work her closer and closer toward the climax. His green orbs met the heavy lust filled grey eyes as his middle finger ease his way in her opening.
" Ah. . .Nixon. . . ."
He groan as Storm moan his name making him suck harder on her pleasure button. She is so tight. He pump his finger slowly in and out of her, rubbing her. He can fell how close she is. Her grip on his hair tighten, her hips buckled, pushing and arching up to his mouth. Well can not have this beautiful girl in waiting? So, Nixon increase pace of his finger, mouth latched on her bundle of nerve and nibbled roughly. She come moaning his name louder, withering beneath him. Fuck. Her pleasured face look so erotic. Her hair sticking to her face, red swollen parted lips, lips closed. When she came down from her daze, Nixon give her a soft kiss, scattering kisses all around her face making the taunting dimple popped up her left cheek.
" You have the most sensual lips."
He licked her full bottom lip, sucking in his mouth. His hand found his way to her collar bone tracing circles with fingers.
" Are you okay, my star?"
He questioned releasing Storm's lip, hovering over her.
" Yes."
He nodded pecking her temple before to walked to the bathroom, hurriedly unzipped his jeans and pull his aching cock. There is no way he can think properly. His all thoughts are going to one direction; to have his ways with her. He is dripping so much pre-cum. Nixon stroke hard and fast to get some relief. Nixon didn't last long with Storm's pleasure filled face still in his mind, her taste fresh on his tongue. He shivered before emptied his load in the toilet bowl with a growl and curse. After taking care of his hard on, he quickly cleaned up and zip up his jean back. Washing his hands, he walk out to find Storm already in her jeans.
" What are you doing?"
He quickly cover the distance and snatch her bra off her hands along with her top and throw them far corner of the room.
" Wearing clothes."
She answered, tilted her head.
" Oh on you are not."
With that being said Nixon tackled her to his bed, slamming his mouth on her roughly. One hand holding her both hands above her head and devour her mouth. He felt irritated thinking for her going. Nixon didn't want her to go. What's best way of stopping than trapping Storm under him.
Laying in the bed, Nixon looked at Storm. After a good make out, they both lay on bed catching breaths. Both of them are only in jeans, upper body naked. Nixon can feel those round breasts pressed against his naked chest, skin to skin. He spend whole hour kissing, sucking and playing with soft round flesh. Tugging pink nipples with his teeth making Storm gasp before soothing the sting of bite by his hot wet tongue. They fit perfectly in his hands as if made for him to touch and feel but unfortunately Nixon had to stop it. The orgasm he gave her was result of his snap in self control but thankfully he able restrain himself. He didn't want it just a sex between them. He wanted to make Storm feel special and much to astonishment of his thoughts. Nixon wanted to take her on dates, ravish her with gifts, kissing her whenever his heart desire. The direction of his thoughts scared Nixon and shook him to the core. He know this girl for roughly a month long but she imprinted Nixon. He wanted to have her in his life, with him forever.
He freeze at the thought before look down at the half naked girl beside her. He liked that Storm was not shy type. She didn't shameful to admit or express herself, it made Nixon super aroused. Her bold and direct words kinda make his dick stir awake. He lazily draw random shapes on her naked back. Her face pressed to his neck and breath hitting softly to his skin. He know she was wake by Storm soft humming in his ear, the melodious humming making Nixon sleepy but he kept his eyes open. Nixon know if he closed his eyes it took him mere second to fall asleep, his body and mind both are relax and content.
" If i fall asleep you will going to flee without a word again?"
Nixon slurred, his eyes feel heavy to point opening them felt a impossible task to him. With difficulty he opened his eyelids watched Storm forehead pressed to his, her silky soft tresses curtaining them. Giving him a peck on his lips, she pulled back.
" Sleep."
She whispered gently covering his eyes with her hand. It no time, Nixon was out. As expected Storm was nowhere to find when he woke up. Gritting his teeth, he stomped to the bathroom feeling annoyed. He did told her not to. . . .
" What the fuck. . . . . .?"
He turn properly to the mirror to find words written on his chest with a marker? He grinned, feeling no more irritated now. The message written in a inverted way so he can read it through mirror.
' I didn't run a way more like went back, Tiger.'
Nixon chuckled at her clever way of finding loops in his words. Shaking his head, he step inside to shower. All his anger disappear like mist as the sunrise. Storm always manage to surprise him with her ways. Instead writing a note like a normal person on piece of paper, she wrote on his chest. He chuckled at the strange girl who had the arresting grey orbs. Nixon managed to sleep whole afternoon, it's almost seven. Taking a quick shower which consist of washing her note. He went down for dinner, wearing shots and a t-shirt. Twins , Dee and Sasha are there along with his idiot friends on the dining table.
" Ah, here comes the King."
Jack stood up and even bowed dramatically, Hunter play some music in his cell phone. Everyone stood from their seats, taking part in drama as if he actually someone royal making Nixon roll his eyes. Idiots.
" Fucker."
But he can't help but laugh along with all of them before taking his seat beside Elliot. He flip his plate and quickly serve two pieces of grilled chicken and a huge scoop of mango - avocado salsa with some fried rice. He looked at the other options and made a face, all of them had tomatoes in them. Nixon hate tomatoes with passion. Now all he need is a chilled glass of water.
" What??"
He looked confused around the table all of them looking at him. Nixon turned his head towards Elliot who was smirking at him, blue eyes dancing with mirth.
" Dude! you have a huge ass hickey."
Hunter chuckled along Jack while El wiggled his brows at him. Nixon grinned feeling kind of proud if that make sense. He never let past of his partners give him any mark but Storm is different. Nixon didn't know about the bruise on his neck until he showered. He was shocked by the size and how dark it is but soon shocked replaced with amusement. Without even knowing him Storm left her mark on his body. It wasn't his intention to show off but he forget about it.
" Oh my god!! was that Lucy?? She was on you for months, Nix."
Jack exclaimed staring at him with wide eyes but Nixon was on cloud nine because of afternoon time he spend with Storm. So name of that bitch didn't damp his mood.Chewing slowly, he shrugged making all groan at his silence.
" Nix, come on. Do tell who is that female who enchanted my brother enough to let him bared his neck to her?"
Elliot nudged him in the arm making Nixon rolled his eyes at descriptive speech of his younger brother. Why the hell they are so interested in his life? Nixon also didn't miss the curious glances of the staff members throwing at him. He didn't answer any of their questions giving all his attention to food. The topic soon died down for all as they engage on the steaming hot delicious dishes but Margret and Brad who are giving each other concerning looks. The couple fail to understand that it's not infatuation they are taking guess of but it is more of it. Instead of making physical relationship Nixon is stepping towards the path of emotional bonding. The head butler had no clue that the time he afraid of Nixon being in love, coming sooner. Well let's just say the whole Blood Family going to feel that and witness the cold heir of the Blood empire fall in love, sinking in the sea of love so deep that neither of them able to pull him back.