So here I was thousands and thousands of years ago. There was no electricity or shops or tv or cellphones. People here spent their lives just surviving from one minute to the next. They were superstitious and believed that anything good that happened was one of their God's fault and anything that went bad was another God's fault. I really wanted to go home, but I had no clue how to travel thousands of years to the future
My life was also in danger. My cave mom and my sister told me that others thought I was possessed by an evil spirit because I forgot everything. If they thought an evil spirit dwelt in me, they would either banish me from the village or they could sacrifice me. I found this hard to believe in. Who would kill an 11-year-old innocent girl just to please some Gods?
Mom told me that it was time that we slept. So I followed her into a small hut. The hut was made of twigs, mud, and leaves. It was not that large. There were some fur skins on the ground. I asked mom quietly where my bedroom was. She looked back at me shocked. She never heard the word "bedroom" before. She told me that we slept together on the rug.
I was standing there in shock. Did they expect me to sleep with them? This could have not been right. I always took it for granted that I had my own bedroom. Now I did not even have that. Dad must have seen how shocked I was as he started yelling at me. He reminded me that he protected me from the wild animals and other tribes that wanted to harm me. He asked me would I rather sleep outside and take my chances. I was afraid that he would hit me. I found a place and fell asleep.
To be honest, it was hard to sleep. It was so dark. I could hear every sound that there was. I was worried about every sound thinking that it could be some dangerous animal. I also wondered if there were dinosaurs. I decided not to ask as it could mean people thought I was evil.
The morning came. It took me a while to figure out where I was. Mom whispered to me and told me she would show me where they relieved themselves. This means the toilet was basically behind some bush. It's amazing how we take a running toilet for granted. Using nature as a toilet was not fun. I felt like I was on a bad scout weekend.
As we ate I could see others looking at me. They were most likely wondering if I was evil or not. I tried my best at not asking questions but to copy what people were doing.
Bluebell, my cave sister told me that I should be with her today. It would help me remember things and know what to do. So I followed her in some fields nearby. She told me that we would be picking berries that day. I saw others work in a field with some type of corn being grown. This made me think that the teacher told us that agriculture was introduced at the last stage of the prehistoric days. This made me feel a small bit better. It meant that there were no dinosaurs.
Picking berries was fun. Bluebell kept on scolding me not to eat them, as they were to feed the whole tribe. This was hard to do. It reminded me when mom would give me berries with icecream. I did not say this to Bella, as she most likely did not know what icecream was. There was nothing to do except think of all the things I took for granted and no longer had.
Bluebell told me that we could take a break. We sat and watched the view, which was mostly forests. It was hard to imagine that somehow there would be huge towns and farms here in the future
I asked Bluebell if children always worked or did we go to school or even play. Bluebell was confused and asked what a school was. I explained and this made her laugh. She told me there was no need to spend all day learning. Our parents would tell us all we need to know about picking berries, working in fields, farming, fishing, and hunting. We did not need to be cooped up in a small hut all day to learn about this. She laughed at me and told me that I had some crazy ideas.
I was trying to fix my hair. It hasn't been brushed and probably looked like a bush. I bet it also needed a lot of shampoo and hair conditioner. Bluebell sat behind me and brushed my hair with her fingers. It was more like a head massage, but it was nice.
We went back to picking berries. After an hour or so, Bluebell asked me why I was so silent. I could not tell her that I missed my real family. She would not understand that my family was not even born yet, and I belonged in the future. The truth was that picking berries reminded me of when Grandma and I picked berries. Afterward, we would spend all afternoon in her kitchen and make jam and bake bread. It was something I really loved, especially warm fresh bread with homemade jam.
I told Bluebell that I was fine. I hoped that she did not see a tear or two that were rolling down my cheeks. I was sure that I would see my family one day. Without this hope, I doubted that I could survive here.
As we came back to the camp area, there was a lot of commotion. My cave mom came and took my hand where we stood outside a hut. All I could see was people that were standing there as it was Christmas eve. They were all excited. Mom told me that a woman was giving birth to a child. This was one of the most important events in the tribe, as it ensured that the tribe could continue. The husband was on his knees praying to the Gods. I could hear him ask that both baby and his wife would be healthy and that he would have a son.
Mom whispered in my ear that Dad did the same when I was born. They already had Bluebell and was certain that the Gods would bless them with a boy. They decided that I would be a girl. Dad may never have been content with this, but mom assured me that the Gods blessed her with me in her life. This explained why Dad was always so grumpy when he was around me.
There was a lot of screaming and panting inside the hut. This went on for a long time. The people outside the hut never lost their patience. They wanted to welcome the new child in the tribe. I thought this was sweet. Its something that never changed in history. It was the same in 2021 as it was in prehistoric times. The birth of a child is special and a miracle.
Suddenly everything went quiet. I waited and thought I would hear a baby's scream, but there was nothing. This was strange so I tugged at mom's clothes so she could explain to me what was happening. She just looked at me with a worried face and told me to stay quiet. After a long time, an old woman came out and looked at everyone. She was sad and simply shook her head.
Both the mother and child were dead. I remember hearing the teacher say that most did not reach the age of 16 in prehistoric times. One thing is hearing about it in a history class and seeing it in reality. This was very bad news for the tribe. It was worse than I thought, as the baby was a boy.
Everyone was silent as we ate some food, which was fish and berries. I did not know what to say, so I just sat beside my cave mom. Once again I missed my real mom's hugs and how she would say something that would make me feel better.
I told everyone that I was going to sleep. I was sure that all this was a bad dream. So I prayed to God that I would wake up in my comfy bed and I would have my old family back.
This did not happen. I woke up in the hut the next morning. I now knew that this was no bad dream.
Bluebells and I collected berries again. I admit that it was fun doing it the day before, but if we did this every day, it would be a tedious chore. I really missed my phone. I missed the music. There were so many things that I missed.
When we were taking a break, I asked Bluebell if she had any plans with her life or ambitions. She did not understand what I meant by ambition so I asked her what she wanted to achieve. Bluebell explained that the Gods have decided what our destiny was. She explained that as a woman, we were to get married and have as many children as we could, so the tribe could survive. Women had a lot of duties. They made sure their husband was happy, have babies, raised children, cook, pick berries, help in the field, make clothes... the list went on and on. Bluebell did not have time to do what she wanted. She was expected to do so many other things.
The funeral of the woman and her baby came. They were on a bed made of logs. The people then put bowls of food and drink around the woman. Then the high priest started chanting to the Gods. The dead woman and her baby would now travel to the valley of the ancestors. This was a peaceful place and we would all at one stage be there together. The husband then took a torch and lit the log bed. The woman and baby were burned and it was like the smoke was their souls. Still, it was too much for me to see, so I buried my head in mom's dress.
After we ate supper which was fish and berries, a boy my age gave me his plate and told me to wash it. I told him that he could wash it himself. He must have got mad at my answer and slapped me across the face. I just jumped on him. He was not strong enough for me and he ended up in tears. Dad pulled me off of him and spanked me in front of everyone. He was shouting and asking if I was crazy. He ordered me to go into the hut as he did not want to see me.
I was confused! What did I do wrong? I went to my corner and started crying. Mom came in later and hugged me. I tried to explain to her that I was self-defense. Mom sighed and told me that I had to remember that the Gods have given men the gift of women, It was our job to make them happy and serve them. The men had an important job to do. They had to protect us and make sure we had enough food.
I told mom that someday women will be considered equal to men. We will even be leaders! Mom started laughing and told me not to let Dad hear that. He would be certain that I was crazy. She gave me a hug and told me that soon I would bleed in my privates, and this means that I would finally a woman. Then it would be time for me to find a husband. I think I must have gone white as I realized what she just said. When I started puberty, I will be getting married.
I couldn't sleep that night. It wasn't just the thought that I could be a child bride, it was also a storm outside. Mom and dad couldn't sleep either. They were at the door of the hut looking out. Dad was holding Mom's hand and telling her it will be ok. I could see that mom was putting up a brave face.
Then I could hear the rain belting the hut. It was like a small elves hammering. I was surprised that only a few drops entered the hut. Dad said he would go out and make sure the animals were ok.
Mom sat beside me and held my hand. She told me the Gods will take care of us
After a long time, Dad came in.
"Its the girl's fault," he moaned, "She has evil in her. The Gods are not pleased. The hailstone destroyed the crops!"
"How will we survive? What will we eat" mum asked
to be continued