A/n - hi guys. There's some mention of abuse in this chapter, so If you're triggered or uncomfortable with it just skip it. I'll give you a warning before it happens
We started drinking and trying on clothes like a fashion show. As Krista was taking a video of Nadine we heard music playing outside. Nadine ran out while Krista asked where she was going.
I looked outside and said "uh oh. Looks like Darien didn't listen."
Krista and I ran downstairs and saw her trying to call the cops.
"Hello, operator?" Nadine drunkenly said into the phone. Krista and I dragged Nadine upstairs while she was still "talking" to the cops.
" Yeah, um, can you please help me? My brother is hurting me in my no no hole."
Then Nadine had the urge to throw up so Krista and I helped her out. I held Nadine's hair while Krista rubbed her back. Nadine started saying nonsense about her voicemail and the how she chews gum. Nadine fell asleep on the bathroom floor. I covered her up with a blanket and Krista turned the lights off.
"I think I'm gonna head home krista" I said.
"Are you sure? It's late out."
"Yeah... My mom will have a fit if I'm not home soon anyway." I replied.
" Okay. Goodnight then Rose".
I said a quick goodbye to Darien as he was in the living room cleaning up.
As I was walking home I started to get creeped out. It felt like someone was following me. Maybe I should've stayed at Nadine's house. I looked behind me but saw no one. I walked faster as I was getting more scared. I walked by a few stores and noticed petland was up ahead. Maybe Nick was working there right now. I quickly dismissed the thought. He wouldn't be working so late.
I heard a crunch from behind and whipped around. I still saw no one. So of course I did the only logical thing anyone in a horror movie would do. I called out to them.
"Hello? Is someone there?"
I could see my own breath it was so cold. I waited a minute and heard nothing so I started walking again. Then I heard another sound. It sounded like very loud footsteps. I quickly turned around again only to find no one there.
"I-if someone's there s-show yourself" I yelled into the dark.
Still nothing. Just silence. I wrapped my arms around myself and began to walk even faster. I heard more footsteps and kept glancing behind me. Suddenly I rammed into a wall. Wait. That wasn't a wall. I looked up and saw the face of Nick Mossman. I was in the petland parking lot. He grabbed my arms comfortingly and looked at me.
"What are you doing out here so late Rose?" He asked. I was shocked he even knew my name.
" I-I was walking home. But i kept hearing noises. L-like someone was following me." I stuttered. Nick looked around but it was just empty streets and sidewalks.
" Let me give you ride. It's freezing out, and it's probably not safe for a girl like you to be walking alone" He said.
" Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother. I can just keep walking. I'm sure there's no one out there" I replied.
He looked at me and said it was perfectly fine. Then he grabbed my hand and lead me towards his car. He opened the passenger door for me and let me get in first. Then he went and got in on the driver's side. I gave him my address and he started driving.
"So... You never answered my question Rose. Why are you out here walking so late?" Nick asked me.
"I was at my friend's house and she got a little drunk and passed out on the floor. I didn't wanna bother anyone, so I decided to walk home. Besides my other friend is there with her. Plus my mom probably wants me home anyway." I said shyly.
" Why are you out here so late Nick?" I asked.
"I was workin the night shift" he shrugged. It was silent for a few minutes before he turned on the radio. Big Jet Plane by Angus and Julia stone started playing.
"Oh. I love this song" Nick said while turning it up a little. I looked over at him and saw him mouthing the lyrics. I smiled at the scene in front of me. This feels like a dream. I can't believe Nick Mossman is actually giving me a ride home right now. I saw Nick bobbing his head to the beat and I chuckled at the sight. He heard and looked over at me.
"Nothing."Just keep doing what your doing" I smiled. Then I looked out the window. I noticed we we're almost at my house and lost my smile instantly. My mom's car was in the driveway. Usually she's not home this late. She's either working or doing some guy in a hotel.
"What's wrong Rose?" I heard Nick ask.
"Huh? Oh. Nothing. I was just thinking" I said.
"About what?"
"Uhh..homework. I forgot I had to turn in some today." I said as he pulled up to my house.
"Thanks for the ride Nick" I smiled slightly at him. I went to open the door, but he grabbed my hand first.
"Wait!" He said.
"Uhh...can I uh...would it be alright if I had your number?" He asked while scratching the back of his neck. Wow. He sounded nervous. Was Nick nervous because of me? Ha no way. I can't believe i was gonna give the Nick mossman my number.
"Yeah sure" I replied. He gave me his phone and I typed my number in.
"Bye Nick. See ya at school. And thanks for the ride again" I smiled at him.
" No problem" he said. I opened the car door and walked towards my house.
A/n - skip the rest of the chapter if your triggered or uncomfortable about reading abuse.
I turned around and waved. He waved back and started to drive off. I opened the front door and walked in. I quietly tried to go upstairs, but a hand grabbed mine before I made it to the first step.
"Where were you so late young lady?" My mom asked.
" I-I was out at Nadine's house. We always go there after school." I replied nervously.
" Liar! " She yelled. " I bet you were you going around being a slut again!"
" I-I wasn't. I s-swear mom. I haven't even had sex yet" I told her. Then I felt a sudden pain on my cheek.
" T-T-That was just a friend mom. We go to the same school." I stuttered. She grabbed my wrist forcefully and pulled me to the kitchen.
"NO! Mom please! I swear I wasn't doing anything. Mom please not again" I cried. She banged my head on the countertop while turning the oven on.
" SHUT UP! Maybe this time you'll learn your lesson" she said.
Tears were streaming down my face. My mom got a lot more abusive after my sister left for college. Whenever she thought I misbehaved she would burn my arms on the oven. She thought maybe it would burn in my head that I was just her doll. Her grip was getting tighter as she pulled me to the oven.
"Mom please! Please don't" I cried.
"You've got learn sweety" she said.
Then she opened the oven and pushed my arms on the racks. I tried so hard not to scream but I couldn't help it. She pulled me away from the oven and dragged me over to the bathroom.
"Clean yourself up. I don't wanna see you again for the rest of today or the weekend" she said and left.
I silently cried as I tended to my wounds. After I was done I headed upstairs to my room and closed the door. I layed down in bed and noticed I had a text.
Goodnight Rose -Nick
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I saved his number in my contacts and drifted to sleep.