February is right around the corner, it's used be so funny watching everyone struggling to get that perfect gift to their significant other. But, I never really thought it would be this difficult to find that perfect gift.
I basically walked all around the mall, nothing caught my attention. Couple rings would be great, but since I'm broke that would mean 'eating cup Ramen for the rest of the month '. Why is this so hard !! . wait...... that's it!!! Food !!!.
[on day mostly awaited]
like my mama always said "the way to a man's heart is through his belly".will he like it though ? we are supposed to meet up near the cafe . shit ! I'm late!.
Running in heals is freaking exhausting .... I'm almost here ..but what if he doesn't like them ? what if ....oh on pls no ...what if he is allergic to chocolate? ... what if it gives him an allergic reaction and he'll never talk to me ever again!!!!! ok lets not overthink this . lets get this over with !. ...oh no he's here ! what do i do!? crap he saw me !...He's waving at me! wave back stupid..
"ah .... hi"
"you look cute today "
".....t..th..thanks.. you look good too."
" hey .what's that ? is it for me?" oh no pls no he noticed it . what am i supposed to do?.
"ah...what?....i..ah ..yeah...no..wait" ah great i fliping stuttered .
"they're great !!!.did you make them?"
"yeah..." wait when did he?" is...is it good?"
"you kidding they are great!!! i love them "
"you . do?"
"yeah"he mumbled still chewing those cookies.
ha i knew it. ofcourse he likes it ,i made them .i knew he would like them all along. what did you think? you thought i was worried HAHAHA......HA..ha....ha. who am i fooling ? thank goodness he wasn't allergic to any of the stuff i put in those cookies.