The festive strum of the darbuka drum filled the grand hall. It's master sat in the center of the room, playing a fast-paced tune that every female slave rocked their hips to. They moved like sensual serpents; each motion admired by their onlookers. None of the women missed a beat, the music moved through them. Large feathered headdresses adorned their scalps, as thick hip skirts of silk clung to their hourglass figures. Fire eaters followed the dance of the women, flame rivaling the streams of adolescent dragons flew into the air. The onlookers gasped in wonder at the intriguing practice.
King Ephesious clapped, his eyes scanning over the parting crowd. In came his honored guests, Shaman Alaz’nar and his son Prince Alo’car. Ephesious gave his long beard a stroke. His brow arched as he looked over the man his daughter would marry. Leaning over to Uonata he spoke.
“Gaze onto your husband a man carved by the gods. Admire how his skin gleams and his muscles tighten before you. With his strength and your lineage, you shall birth him sons to shake the heavens.”
The princess forced a dainty smile to please her father. Her nails secretly digging into her seat. A lump grew in her throat as her teeth quietly chattered. The man was menacing in both height and appearance. He stood a head and neck taller than the king, and he stood six foot three. Golden eyes washed over the princess and she gave a slight bow of her head in return. The charcoal that rimmed the foreign prince’s lids stirred something inside her.
The two men wore blinding white robes and hid most of their features and hair behind red veils. A common accessory to those baked regularly under the sun in the east. To the left of them walked a young woman. Her slender body barely covered by lilac robes and golden chains of bondage. All eyes fell onto her, leaving most of the court wondering why such beauty was enslaved. She moved forward her head bowed. A curtsy pressed her downward, leaving her gaze hidden in respect to all ruler’s present.
For a fleeting moment Ephesious drew pause. Should he marry his daughter to such a man? In Morgeideign women knew their place and seldom stepped outside it however, women of note were not slaves. He gave thought toward his dragons and the worth they held over women. If they could feel the weight of chains for the protection of his kingdom, his daughter could as well. Uonata’s birth subjected her to being a visage of peace. Her life held no worth outside marriage. The princess was a thing to be bred and often to ensure the survival of Morgeideign.
Silence gave way to the sound of boots atop the floor as the wiser of the two men stepped forward. He bowed and returned to standing with a joyous smile. "Raxio contanus viaera trimio."
The slave moved to her master’s side, voice coming into the air as dainty as the flight of a bee. "Our leader grants his deepest blessings upon you and your family." She looked at her master's feet and awaited him to speak once more.
" Exio flaintain jura de costo mirio trimian. Wexeous gunda sexven rumia lliovima. Costa lilea mesta gustax surae ragentiya." The shaman bowed again resting his right arm over his chest.
"He gives praise and expresses that you have impressed him with the wonder of your home. Master Alaz’nar wishes to present his son Prince Alo’car to you and your daughter.”
King Paraxious gave them a warm and welcoming smile. "Please extends words of gratitude to your leader. Explain that I have already claimed his blood as my own, his family and friendship the same. I welcome you all to my kingdom and bless the union soon to come in joining both our families."
The young woman nodded and turned to face her master, eyes falling again to the floor. "Mastgeen lorien towand estandior, mosstgur eran toen vio towan. Masta oxo gande mostagilda, exowantwan yotogae oeton gia vagur."
The foreign leader nodded, a smile spread his lips as he pressed his son before the king. Alo’car was a god among his people. The prince won countless battles in the name of his father and had done so with valor. He was believed to be a walker of worlds a being of rare birth. Unlike the generations before him, Alo'car was allowed to practice the Sanguine Arts. Such things were forbidden in Morgeideign. However, in his home of Vermilion City the practice was widely accepted. It was this freedom that allowed the male to excel in battle. His frequent trades with Dovium made it safe to say that the prince earned the right to be feared.
The rulers completed their greetings and Paraxious summoned his daughter forth. Her eyes met with her future husbands. She felt no connection, only a glimmer of lustful attraction. One that was rapidly overshadowed by the burning glare of her eldest brother.
A great feast followed the joining of Uonata and Alo’car. Bread was broken and wine was shared, replacing formalities with a joyous show of dancing. Uonata found seclusion with her betrothed, sharing conversation as the court celebrated. Raxsies watched from the shadows as she laughed and smiled. Alo’car leaned forward rolling a collection of her hair between his fingers.
"You are beautiful."
His words rushed forward, heavily peppered with an accent. One that seemed to sing in even the most heated of conversations. The princess flushed and dropped her head to hide her embarrassment.
"Gratitude, such compliments are owed to my mother. It is told far and wide throughout our lands that I am the spitting image of her."
Alo'car took a moment to look around the room. Attention fell away from the pair and onto the desserts freshly laid onto the tables. His hand cascaded down her neck until it moved over her breast. The princess gasped to conceal a moan as she pulled away. Alo'car grinned darkly.
"You are young, too young to have such a reaction to a man's touch."
She shivered, sweating and breathless. "I am yes, but I must admit you are very arousing Prince Trazdeign. I have never been touched in such ways." The lies rolled off her tongue like water, trying to sell the notion of her callow nature.
" Your lips drip nectar as your tongue taints it with piss. I know what a pure woman acts like. I have taken the virginity of many women. You act nothing like them, which means you have already been fucked. My father is soon to waste his coin on damaged goods." Alo'car stood up gripping her arm tightly. The touch had turned from sensual to demanding as a sharp pain snaked through Uonata's arm. "Follow me and do not make a sound."
His voice was commanding, holding a tone that expected her obedience. Uonata tripped several times as he drug her from the crowds. His strides were difficult to match. In comparison to the man the princess stood nearly two feet shorter. The pair hurried from the grand hall, slipping into the secrecy of a guest chamber.
Raxseis had watched them go, in fact, he had never once taken his eyes off her. He saw it all, including the newfound hostility of their guest. The prince moved to rest on the wall outside the room Uonata disappeared into. He remained silent and listened.
"Unhand me! You have no right to accuse me of such dishonorable things."The princess growled and pulled away from the man.
He surged forward grabbing her by her corset strings. He licked his fingers and slid them into her. Alo’car pulled them free and saw her essence twirled before his face. Not a trace of blood lingered on them. He cleaned his fingers with a trip over his tongue and smirked.
" You see girl, I am no fool. If you were yet a maiden I would have blood on my hands and the salted copper of your purity on my tongue. Stop your fighting, my father already purchased you for me. The moment he signed your father's treaty you were mine. All that is left is to exchange your weight in gold and for us to leave as a wedded pair. You belong to me now. Perhaps in time I will unravel your father's binds on your mind. Let the worry within it cease, your condition is welcomed. I fight, kill and pillage every day. I see, smell, drink and bathe in blood, for once it shall be nice to spread a pair of legs and not fight to gain entry inside them."
“So you will not speak of it then? My secret will remain in the shadows of our marriage?”
He kissed her, Uonata returned the affection in kind. Everything about the man was dominating. He was a known sadist and there had been tales of his sexual arousal being held in the hands of damsels. She knew from the passion in his kiss and the strong pull of her hair that he would accept no less than her submission. Only then did she realize perhaps this man, this warrior and god of death would pull her from the shackles of her brother.
“I would not bring light to your sins. Such would save my father gold yet, deny my cock of its desires.”
Uonata leaned onto his chest eyes peering upward in seductive innocence. “And what desires stir you in such ways?”
“The desire to feel the loving embrace of my beautiful wife. The knowledge of her longing for me unlike any other I have fucked. In Morgeideign, you will never amount to more than something to barter. A means for your avaricious father to uphold his reign. I would see such a delicate flower such as yourself plucked from this land. It will not be long before it falls. The House of Paraxious has created many slights in its time span. Soon it will reap the seeds it has sown."
“Then show me just how much your heart and cock desires. Prove to me that your protection could veil my fathers.”
Alo’car wrapped her so tightly in his arms that she lost breath. His lips took hers with a passion not even Raxsies had been able to conjure. For the first time in her life something about her arousal felt right. No longer did the shackles of sin or shame hover over her. Instead, her heart fluttered and her body seized in its approval of the man. He released her and took a hold onto her shoulders.
“I wish to see you again before our wedding day princess. I would see my questions answered and your curiosity stroked. In my country a woman has the right to explore her partner’s body. I will see your eyes feast on what you shall awake beside for the rest of your days.”
“Of course, meet my ladies in the courtyard tomorrow evening they will lead you to my chambers. I appreciate the gesture; just be sure you are not noticed.”
“I look forward to it my sweet girl.”