The savory scent of roasted fa’ra’fet filled King Paraxious nostrils. The aroma of herbs and melted butter stirred the man’s appetite. His stomach growled and he gave its roundness a pat as a servant brought him a plate fit for a king. His lips were laced with wine, a comfort he often took pleasure in after the death of his wife the queen. Only punishment and a ravenous appetite followed his love of libations. Among those the king favored punishing subjects who would defy his rule or his laws. Burning commoners gave him a welcomed escape to avoid the pain he had been running from for the past sixteen years.
The monarch spent much of his time researching old textbooks, particularly those with information on how to breed and tame dragons. They were his most powerful army, even as weak as he forced them to be. The man claimed fifty enslaved flying serpents of diverse lineage. Some had been passed down to him during his coronation, others he sought out and captured. One by one Ephesious earned his new trophies, breaking their wills with beatings and torture. Out of all his loyal pets, the king held only one he did not abuse, Bei'onbog the White. The albino wyvern had been gifted to him by his father, King Revalasious just before his death.
Unlike his brethren below the castle, Bei'onbog lived inside the throne room. Iron shackles littered his throat and limbs, confining him to a life wrapped around his master's throne. Like the dragon protecting it, the throne had been constructed in the visage of his breed. White marble had been the primary source of its creation. Ruby orbs sat at the ends of each armrest, while snakes and wyverns were carved into the hard stone. Its existence was Bei'onbog's only reason for living. He protected the rock forged chair with his life and the man who claimed it. The male wyvern was three hundred feet long, with translucent wings and eyes as pink as a spring rose. As big as he was the being was dwarfed by the size of the throne chamber. The ceiling reached toward the heavens and was wide enough to allow him to roam around on the length of his chains. Though he was granted more freedom than any other, the king's dragon remained at his side like a dog.
The Curia Regis Ashton Fenrick, stood silently awaiting his lord’s attention. Ephesious sat atop his throne dabbing the juices of his meal from his beard. A task that seemed of more importance than the man seeking his conversation. The gaunt man stepped forward scrolls in hand.
“May I be so bold as to beg your attention Your Majesty? I have humbly come seeking such in attempt to quell the rumors surrounding your children. It seems that the peasants of Trademan’s Bay have been speaking ill of your heirs. There is rumor of incest I am sorry to report.”
The king slammed his plate into the chest of his servant. “How dare they?! If not for our lumber they would lack the ships they use to ferry across the water. What came to spur such false tongue?”
Ashton rolled his eyes over the scroll. It was imperative he had his facts straight before speaking. “They lean on the fact that neither Prince Raxsies nor Princess Uonata have come to wed. There is also talk about their closeness in the public eye. Despite the efforts of your men, these rumors seek to spread themselves into the Kingdom of Varo and into the ears of its queen.”
“Nothing more than the speech of the ignorant led by those who would seek to destroy our reputation. My children would never tarnish their lineage with such vile acts. To do so would be to summon death on a life yet lived. Raxsies seeks only to protect the memory of his mother, one held in the features of my only daughter. I will personally see their actions attended and falsehood erased with fire.”
Ephesious stood and made his way down the steps of his throne. Ashton took a moment to gaze over the man who towered over him. Despite his wine fed belly, the king was still built in strength and height. Ashton bowed his head in respect before continuing.
“I beg your forgiveness Your Majesty in coming voice. Do you think it wise to burn part if not all of Trademan’s Bay? With the Marauders of Vermilion City approaching it would present quite an eyesore.”
The king squatted beside his dragon’s head, a palm rubbing his snout. “Remind me again what value they hold to me. Beside a passageway and place of rest for my mother in marriage to torment me.”
“They do grow your most highly favored grains there. They also provide much needed land for the grazing of your cattle. Alongside the use of their highly coveted apothecaries.”
A huff rocked the ruler’s chest into a hearty laugh. “And because we take advantage of what I own I should bow to their misdeeds? I own the fucking land! It is my right to see it burned for their defamation of my children. What good are healers that speak in false tongue against their king? Seek me a replacement from the Citadel of Physicians.”
“Of course, my apologies Your Majesty. I sought only to council you as you have seen requested of me. I will see that your guard escort a messenger to the citadel.”
“Very good. Besides, my dragon has yet to eat for some time. As for the marauders they care not about the dealings in my territory. They seek only to come and claim my daughter. Fire and marriage shall see these rumors forgotten in due time.”
The wyvern crawled forward, his stomach rolling painfully. It had been weeks since blood fell onto his tongue. The forked organ slipped past his flews and onto his master's arm. King Paraxious stroked him softly.
"Should I allow you to be set free to roam old friend?”
The serpent cooed, his head rising high above all present. The primrose hue of his eyes looked up at the stained glass ceiling of his home. To fly meant his freedom, deep down he knew he would never be let free. Even if he were, he would return humbly to the king's side. To attempt escape meant certain death, and Bei'onbog was not ready to experience the Realms of Drathell just yet. Ephesious moved to a large cabinet and saw the doors opened, summoning a few servants to help him. Inside rested the saddle and bridle of his mount. Pulling it free from its binds, the king turned to his advisor.
"There is only one punishment befitting of such treason, death. I will see the deed done with the aid of my most trusted ally."
He waved the servants away, who quickly equipped the wyvern with the riding gear. Paraxious made his way to his pet, pulling a single key from around his neck. He saw his shackles undone, giving the beast time to stretch before the flight. It took only a few passing moments to see the reptile ready for battle, after all, it was not like the people of Trademan’s bay held the ability to fight back.
Paraxious stood at the wyvern’s left side whip in hand. "Extend your acceptance to me, so that I may claim my pound of flesh and you may see your hunger struck down."
The creature turned to face his rider speaking a single world. "Master." He lowered his head allowing the king to grab onto his nostril. In one swift motion, Ephesious was carried onto the back of the creature. He made himself comfortable in the saddle taking the leather and iron reins in hand.
"See the ceiling opened," he commanded. The servants rushed to either side of the room and began to turn the wheels at each end. Slowly the roof of the throne chamber started to open, allowing the fresh air of spring to rush into the space they shared. Bei'onbog scaled the stone of the walls until he sat atop the roof. One swift motion of his wings forced both he and the king into the sky.
"When we arrive see as many as possible burned. And when they have fallen to their knees pleading for mercy only then are you to devour them."
Minutes passed like seconds during the flight to the bay, when the pair flew above the city people scrambled. Years had passed since a dragon had been seen flying free. Unknowing of the horror about to be unleashed by the man hidden atop the animals back, some civilians stopped to gawk at the form of the beast. Heeding his previous commands, Bei'onbog spread his jaws and sent a wave of flame toward the ground. It slithered atop the soil like a rabid snake, seeking to consume all in its path.
Only then did panic take over every living being in the city. The lush green grass and trees of wise age turned to dust at the touch of Bei'onbog's flame. Children too young to outrun the clash of fire and soil were consumed, leaving only their bones as a sign of life now stolen. Horses trapped in their stables spooked, while the livestock on the city's edge fled in a stampede that shook the ground below them. Screams filled the air with a song of suffering, while their wailing filled the tyrant king with a sense of sadistic joy. He was untouchable, with such magical power under his command Ephesious viewed himself a god.
Women and children could be seen scattering towards shelter. Paraxious pulled roughly on the right rein of his mount, the motion traveled down the straps and tugged tightly on the piercing in his cheek. He banked in the direction in which he had been instructed, seeing yet another flow of his fire shot into the ground. Houses fell and turned to cinder, claiming the bodies of any unfortunate soul within them. Inch by inch the port fell. Bei'onbog's fire never dwindled, it grew in its ferocity galloping through the streets.
The rushing wind whipped the king’s long strands wildly as he surged toward the sea. “Burn only the ships that belong to the merchants of this city!”
Diving from the clouds Bei’onbog hurled himself into the bay. One by one ships were set to flame. The screams of the men carried the wind in the aerials wake. The king looked over his shoulder as his madness spread his lips into a grim smile. The begging of the community surged into the sky. Their loss was so great that Bei’onbog could smell the salt in their tears.
The crops came last, everything from grain to healing herbs was burned. A plume of black smoke mushroomed over the bay, leaving ash to blanket its waters. The thirst for vengeance and the task of protecting his children’s honor had been accomplished.
“Come now my warrior. Let us see you fed.”
Bei’onbog landed with a soil quaking thud, his wings moving forward to stabilize him. The tyrant made his way down his beast, walking through the flames to witness the fear he had instilled into the people. Women knelt wrapped around the wailing of their children. A grouping of men came forward, tears streaming down their ash tinted faces. They pleaded and begged for mercy, each falling to their knees praying to him as if he had been born of Hailotia itself. The white scales of his dragon came into his vision. Patting his jaw, Ephesious spoke.
The peasants bowed their heads in fear, hoping their show of submission would buy them time. Their surrender went unnoticed as Bei'onbog combined his twin flames into one. The group of over fifty men women and children were consumed in fire leaving their bodies charred. At last, the enslaved could indulge and bring an end to the pain that grew in his belly. He ate savagely, the sound of snapping bone and ripping flesh painting a devious grin on the features of his keeper.