"Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody."
Mark Twain
"There is darkness inside of everyone. Without darkness there can be no light just like without wrong there can be no right. We are all but human, a being made up of flaws and imperfections. There are those who would delude themselves enough to think they are perfect or the mirror of perfections. There are even those who would like to believe that they come damn close to perfection. Doctor I am not one of those people". Dr. Juan sits up in her chair and studies Brenda carefully "So tell me than, why are you here?" Brenda looks up at the doctor agitation spreading across her face. She was no longer calm and controlled everything was going just as Dr. Juan had hoped. The question didn't really have a verbal answer, in fact it wasn't really even meant to be considered a question. It was more like a trigger. Dr. Juan inspects every movement and expression Brenda makes and scribbles it away in her notepad as she waits for her to answer. Suddenly her pen stops when she realize that Brenda movements had stopped and her expression had relaxed. Gazing up at each other Brenda begins to speak " There is no reason for me to be here after all there is nothing wrong with me. The problems and issues lies with the world not me. Society decided that I was to different and open to express myself so they sent me here hoping that their labels would silence me. I'm not crazy doctor!" Dr. Juan folds her hand together on her desk determined to keep the flow of the discussion steady. So are you saying that you are here because the world have a problem with you " the Dr. Juan asks". Brenda eyes determinedly stared back at the doctor " No, I'm here because the world has a problem".