It took Einieni a little over four hours to get back to the village. That was understandable seeing to the fact that the boy was well over a hundred pounds. That was quite a lot for her to drag that far all by herself. But it was all over now. She was at her grandmother’s door, and no one had seen her dragging the boy back from the forest. She pulled him right in and left him lying on the floor. She then followed suit and laid down on the floor. She was exhausted from the long trip.
“I’m… here…” Einieni called out with exasperated breaths. She wanted to go to sleep so much. But she knew that there was probably something that her grandmother wanted her to do with the boy. She wouldn’t have told her to bring him all this way for nothing. Would she? Surely she wouldn’t.
“Come on. Get up. There are things that we must do. We haven’t much time before the boy wakes up. There are a few things that we must prepare,” her grandmother said hurriedly. She seemed to be shocked about something.
“Can I finally know why you wanted me to bring him back? And who he is? This seems like something that I should know by now,” Einieni said still laying on the floor. She wanted answers and at this point, she didn’t care if she sounded disrespectful. She was too tired to mind her tongue.
“Don’t worry, you’ll find out as soon as he wakes up. But this spell will go by more smoothly if he is asleep during it. He most definitely won’t let us cast any spells on him once he is awake. He doesn’t even know that magic exists,” She said and pulled Einieni to her feet. They needed to work fast.
“What do you mean? He looks old enough to know what is and isn’t real,” Einieni said. How could this person not know what magic was. It was only one of the greatest things in the universe.
“That is a very good question dear. And the answer is simple. Very few of his kind know how to use magic. And those who do, tell everyone that it’s just tricks. Humans like him believe that magic isn’t real. Though he is going to learn it. I plan on him being a magical adept. If that isn’t possible then he’ll at least learn basic spells. And so will you,” She said. She then went into the next room to grab a spell book.
“Wait what? I’ve asked you to teach me on countless occasions and now because this ‘human’ is here you’ll teach me? This guy is amazing. He’s like a wishing well!” Einieni said happily. She had wanted to learn magic ever since she had been a little girl. And now it was finally happening.
“Yes I know that you have asked for this for a while now. But this is what I’ve been waiting for. You see, There is a reason that you and he are both here. But I cannot reveal it now. I will reveal it after you both learn,” She said. She walked into the room with the book in her hands. As she walked she flipped through the many pages of the book. Once she was there, she kneeled down, and put her palm on the boy’s head. A red light began to resonate from her palm. She was casting some type of spell. Einieni didn’t really know which spell, but it was obviously a spell. “There we go. That should make things much easier for us all.”
“What did you just do to him?” Einieni asked her grandmother. It didn’t look like anything had happened. He looked the same, and he was still asleep. Maybe she had hit him a little bit too hard. Humans must have been weak, because that was only one hit and he had been asleep for several hours.
“Oh, when he wakes up, he’ll be able to speak our language. An easy spell to do. But you two are going to start of with the basics. Fire is the easiest so that’s what you will be taught. I also fixed what I did to him earlier. From the comfort of my home, I cast a spell that caused him to be knocked unconscious by even the lightest of touches. That is a more advanced spell that I doubt you’ll get to,” her grandmother explained. “Now, how about we wake him up,” she said. It was more of a statement than a question. She snapped her fingers and the boy shot up. He was now wide awake. Einieni couldn’t wait to have an in depth conversation with him. He seemed fascinating.
“What the hell!? Where am I!?” The boy exclaims. He seemed either frightened or upset, Einieni couldn’t tell which. Or perhaps it was a bit of both. Who wouldn’t freak out if they were knocked out and then woke up in a complete stranger’s house? The boy then looked confused. “Why the hell am I talking like this? What the fuck is this place? Are you space rapists!?” He asked. That was an absurd question. Why would they do that? This boy was crazy.
“Calm down boy! And don’t yell. You’re making my old head ache,” her grandmother said as she rubbed her temples. Einieni could see that her grandmother was getting annoyed, so she sat down beside the boy.
“Hi, i’m Einieni. Don’t worry, we won’t try to rape you. But my grandmother tells me that you’re important. I don’t exactly know how yet because whenever I ask, she says something like ‘You’ll find out later,’” She tries to imitate her grandmother voice but does a terrible job. “But I just wanted to know. Do you know why? If so, can you tell me? Also, What is your planet like? What is it called? What galaxy is it in? Is your planet big? Do all of your species look like you? What is with your weird clothes? Do all people on your planet where that? He look, you ripped your pants at the knees. Do you need new clothes? You’re about the size of my cousin. You can have some of his clothes, I’m sure that he wouldn’t mind. How old are you on your planet? I know that on your planet the age measurement is different. But I’m sure that grandmother can convert it so that I will be able to know. Also what is-” Einieni’s barrage of questions and statements were cut short by her grandmother interrupting her.
“Don’t pester the boy dear. He still needs to adjust. Now listen. Your ship is gone. You were transported here safely somehow. I foresaw your arrival and planned for my granddaughter to come get you. Now, can you please tell us your name?” She asked him calmly. She still hadn’t told of anything that would have to do with his importance.
“Uhm, my name is Mordecai. And I guess I’ll answer the few questions that I actually remember you asking. You crazy sonsabitches. I am from the planet Earth in the milky way galaxy. Though you guys probably have a different name for both of those things. I am seventeen years old. I don’t know how old that is to you guys. But that is almost adulthood where I come from,” Mordecai explained calmly. It was a bit surprising how well he was taking all of this. “Now, would anyone like to explain to me WHERE THE FUCK I AM!?” Now there was the reaction that Einieni had expected.
“You are on the planet Polious in the village of Gromac. You are here because you are important. I cannot explain to you why, because knowing the future will alter it, sometimes in negative ways and all that stuff that you’ve probably seen in movies. But trust me, you are here for a reason,” She explained. “You may call me grandmother like everyone else in the village does. Though I only have three real grandchildren, Einieni being one of them. Also, Einieni, that is almost twenty cycles. If you were to have lived on earth, you would only be sixteen,” She said.
“Wow! That means you’re older than me. But that’s fine, we can be friends anyway. Now are you ready to learn magic?” Einieni asked excitedly. She was ready to learn and now she had someone that she could study with.
“So you can see the future? Can you explain those vision things to me? I’ve been having them for the past day. And all of them came true. Including the one where this girl knocked me out,” Mordecai explained. Einieni thought that it was pretty cool that this guy could do that. “Wait! Did you say magic? What the hell?”
“Of course I said magic! Isn’t it great? We’re going to be grandmother’s students! She never trains people. Do you know how lucky we are right now? This is going to be the greatest thing in our whole lives!” Einieni said. She was more excited than when she had killed her first beast. This made that look like the first time she stepped in rotten food. She couldn’t wait to get started. But she knew that she’d probably have to wait for him to get adjusted to the completely new environment that he was now in. But at least it would happen eventually. And since she had a partner, they could do cooperative spells. Those were the really cool ones. But they required two people just to have enough energy to do one. Though her grandmother could do cooperative spells by herself. It didn’t really make sense how she could. No one person had that much power. But her grandmother did. And Einieni took pride in that. She was related to perhaps the most powerful being on the planet. It was also a bit scary, knowing what she could do if the occasion called for it.
“So we’re going to learn card tricks now?” Mordecai asked. He looked confused. As if that was what he thought magic was. Einieni wondered if he actually knew about magic. Her grandmother had said that very few of his kind knew about magic.
“Of course not. Why would we do things with cards when we can learn how to set things on fire with our bare hands?” Einieni asked. She was perhaps the most enthusiastic person on the planet at that point.
As soon as Einieni mentioned setting things on fire, it looked like Mordecai had seen a ghost. Did he dislike fire? She didn’t exactly know why he would not like fire. Fire was amazing. It could burn stuff, and looked awesome. Maybe he was afraid of fire. “What’s wrong, Mordecai?”709Please respect copyright.PENANA7KoDa06ZMT
“Well I was almost burned alive. So fire is about the last thing I want right now,” Mordecai said. He seemed pretty beat up about it. Einieni could understand that though. Almost dying was a scary thing. Something that had happened to her before in fact. An animal had charged at her during one of her hunting trips and she had been cut deeply by it’s horn. If she hadn’t been with a group, she would have bled out and died. Such was life though. In order to live it right, you have to nearly die.
“Oh get over it boy. That was over a thousand cycles ago. You were transported through both space, and time. So you are in the far future. You can probably never go back to Earth. It is nothing more than a wasteland. A dead, barren wasteland. Everyone you knew is dead. And the places you loved are destroyed,” The older woman said without the slightest bit of sympathy.
Einieni was a bit confused as to what was going on. How could her grandmother know all of this? It was almost as if it had happened before, or that she knew it would happen. Just how far did her vision go? Was it more than just seeing the boy crash land on the planet? This all seemed so strange to her. She was so far out of the loop on the whole topic.
“Well damn. Don’t spare my feelings I insist,” Mordecai said in an annoyed tone. As if he was more angry that Einieni’s grandmother had been so blunt and less concerned that everyone was dead. Was he just numb to death? Or was he hiding his thoughts about it all?
Seeing to the fact that Einieni was always an upfront and slightly blunt person, she didn’t hesitate to ask him, “So how do you feel now that you know that they’re dead?” She still sounded very cheery . In fact, she was cheery. She was going to learn magic. Nothing could tarnish her mood at that point. This was what she wanted for so long. And now she was going to, all because of this boy. Hopefully they would be great friends. Einieni didn’t want to work with someone who she couldn’t get along with.
“Well, it could be worse. If I had been there during their deaths it would have been way worse. Wait, so what kind of wormhole was it? There were many different theories on Earth about them. Was I just transported through time? Or was time fast forwarded until I got here? This is kind of interesti-” Mordecai had fallen against a wall. He was holding the sides of his head. He made a strange noise that was a mixture between a wail of agony, and a sigh of relief. He was shaking quite a lot as well.
Einieni was taken aback by the boy’s sudden outburst. Was he dying or something? Did the crash do more damage than they had thought? She was a bit concerned that he may be badly hurt. She had no idea what to do though. She waited to see what her grandmother would do. Curious to see what her grandmother had planned to do. Her unrivaled wit and quick thinking was sure to come through for the better again. Something that would help the boy, and perhaps make it to where it wouldn’t happen again.
After a few seconds more, her grandmother walked over to Mordecai. She was about to see a genius at work, right in front of her eyes. This would be great. Nothing would make this cooler, she could learn so much just by watching what she was about to do. Perhaps a healing spell, or some special herbs that would cure him.
Though none of that happened. The elder woman reached out her hands, grabbed him by the shoulders, and vigorously shook him. “Snap out of it boy,” she yelled in his face. Einieni was so underwhelmed by the sight.
“That’s it? I thought that you were gonna do a spell or something,” Einieni said. The disappointment in her voice could easily be heard. She wanted to see her grandmother do magic, she had enjoyed watching her grandmother do such things ever since she was a child. Nothing was more amazing to her. Well the fact that she had just met a boy from a completely different planet was, but that was a one time thing. If she ever met an alien again, it wouldn’t be as cool. But the magic that her grandmother could do would never stop amazing her. At least not any time soon. That was just how cool it was.
“These visions aren’t going to stop boy. It’s time that I told you a little story. And a little something about who you are. Come into the other room and have a seat,” The wise woman said as she walked into the next room herself. Einieini quickly followed suit.
She looked back to Mordecai and saw that he was slightly out of breath. He looked curious, and relieved at the same time. As if a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. Maybe he really wanted to know about what had just happened. Maybe it was a frequent thing.
Mordecai followed them into the room. Einieni sat down next to him when she got there as well. This interested her. Perhaps she could learn something about her new friend and study partner.
“Good, now I will explain it all.”