Song for the Chapter - Visions of Gideon (Sufjan Stevens)
(for the immersive experience, listen to the song above while reading. please like if you're enjoying the story, comment your thoughts and share with others)
It was crisply cold outside, the air reminding Hadrian that it was indeed winter. He knew that he should not be here, walking through the quietly lit streets surrounding the university. It was not fair, and he knew that everyone was hoping secretly (or not so) that he would give up and move on. That wasn’t Hadrian, and despite what she said, that wasn’t Aurora either. Clouds of vapour leave his lips as he sighs in the cold air. As he approaches the auditorium where her art would be on display tonight, he stops. Quickly, he smoothes his hands through his golden hair, removing glasses that were standard issue for Immortalise; tucking away his golden pocket watch in his dark heavy coat to the best of his ability.
Hadrian drew a sharp breath before entering the busy auditorium, quickly grabbing a program leaflet before making himself ambiguous among the patrons of tonight’s gallery showing. Hadrian scans the pamphlet, quickly finding her name; Aurora A. Constantine. With a brief look at the galleries and artists, he can pick her out in an instant. It may have been a year since they had last spoken and since she remembered who he was, but Hadrian is hopeful. Frankly, he is just happy to have the opportunity to see her, albeit from a bit of a distance. This is how it had been almost every night for him for the past year.
Hadrian positions himself rather innocuously next to a pillar. He watched as patrons visited her at her display, one after another, admiring her works of art. Her artwork is dreamier and hazier than it had been before. It is almost as if the world she had lost was hiding beneath the haze that had taken over her digitally constructed art. The reality from the photographs which all her art was centred around is mostly disguised. A lull appears, where there are few visitors as the crowds in her area begin to clear; Aurora’s eyes start to scan the room and land on Hadrian’s. Aurora starts to approach him with intent. Hadrian internally begins to panic; Was it his tall stature, unusual eyes or his general being overdressed for the occasion making him conspicuous? Hadrian turns to leave, but Aurora catches up to him before he can leave the auditorium.
“I’m sorry, did I spook you?” Aurora starts, looking empathetically into Hadrian’s eyes. Hadrian is temporarily frozen with shock.
“No, no, it’s not your fault; but I can’t talk to you,” Hadrian replies apologetically yet terrified. Hadrian turns to leave and makes a mad dash for outside of the auditorium, wide-eyed.
“Hey! Do I know you?” Aurora shouts, catching Hadrian again, stopping him dead in his tracks outside the auditorium.
“No, I don’t think so,” Hadrian replies with a nostalgic smile, allowing himself to glance over Aurora’s mesmerising fiery hair.
“No, I’ve definitely seen you somewhere before… You’re Hadrian, right?” Aurora asks, staring intently into Hadrian’s eyes with a very puzzled expression. Some of Hadrian’s internally held anguish is released, feeling hopeful that this was real; that Aurora was really coming back.
“Yes, I am Hadrian. Hadrian Lancaster.” Hadrian replies, softening his facial expression with warmth, Aurora’s voice reigniting something inside of him that he had not felt for a very long time.
“I’m Aurora; Aurora Constantine. But you may call me Rory.” Aurora answers warmly, reaching for Hadrian’s hand. She notices his golden pocket watch peering ever so slightly out of his coat pocket. She picks it up, opening it and runs her fingers over the inscription.
“I’ve seen this before, I think. I think I used to have one of my own.” Aurora begins, pausing and admiring Hadrian’s pocket watch, reading the inscription. Hadrian looks down in disbelief. Was the curse really ending? Aurora suddenly looks up.
“What’s an Immortalis?” Aurora asks, looking up at Hadrian earnestly and inquisitively. For a moment, Hadrian loses his stoic composure, shock washing over his features before he regained control.
“An Immortalis is a type of person, a special type of person who has special abilities and is not bound by the mortality of an average human lifespan,” Hadrian says, stuttering and finding himself almost speechless. It feels like the air has been knocked out of him. Aurora picks up on his shock, changing the subject.
“I’ve drawn something like this in one of my older artworks I think, but I don’t remember doing it.” Aurora starts, calmly. Hadrian is surprised, not having previously thought that any of her old artworks would still be around.
“Hey, why don’t we meet another time to talk about this? It must be a lot to think about, and I am keeping you from your amazing art show.” Hadrian begins, tentatively.
“Thank you for offering: I would like that very much… Hey, give me your phone and I will put in my number and address, and you can meet me at my place at eleven tomorrow morning.” Aurora responds, Hadrian quickly obliging and allowing her to enter her details on a fresh note.
“You trust me to come to your home?” Hadrian asks, mildly surprised.
“Strangely enough, yes,” Aurora replies with warmth in her smile and confidence.
“I better let you get back to your show. Goodnight Rory.” Hadrian starts, warmth and electricity lighting up in his body.
“See you tomorrow, Hadrian,” Aurora replies before disappearing back into the auditorium.
Thoughts run through Hadrian’s mind like wildfire; Hadrian begins his walk back to his home, feeling more hopeful and satiated than he has in the past year. He walks with purpose and briskly reaches the gated community wherein his home lies among others of the Immortalise. Hadrian rushes past his own front door, darting up to the stoop of his sister, Sophronia Maxwell. He knocks quickly, and she lets him in.
“Soph, is Felix here? I need to talk to you both immediately.” Hadrian begins, head down, walking into the dark and cosy home.
“Yes, he is, what is it?” Sophronia asks with trepidation, noticing that Hadrian looks remarkably upbeat compared to his usual demeanour since the curse.
Hadrian stands in the middle of the living room, fidgeting slightly with his pocket watch before cautiously shutting the front door.
“She knew who I was; something has changed. She might be coming back.” Hadrian begins softly, eyes glued the floor, hands continuing to fidget.
“Who might be coming back?” Sophronia asks, puzzled. She turns to Felix, who offers a shrug of the shoulders in equal uncertainty.
“Aurora. She knew who I was.” Hadrian replies, his stoic composure faltering, revealing his inner emotions. Sophronia gasps in sheer disbelief, collapsing onto one of her plush couches, frozen in shock. Felix instantly goes to her side, pushing her long, silky straight dark hair away from her face.
“Are you serious?” Sophronia exclaims, recovered from her momentary collapse yet still wide-eyed in shock.
“How did you find out?” Felix asks, cautiously, running his fingers through his short dark hair. Hadrian bows his head.
“I went to see an art show where she was presenting her work. She spotted me in the crowd and came after me when I went to leave. She remembered who I am but nothing about Immortalise or any of the business.” Hadrian begins, apprehensively.
“How can you be so certain?” Sophronia asks, curiously. Hadrian breathes heavily.
“She asked me about the pocket watch, she found the inscription and asked about that too.” Hadrian answers, sighing.
“Oh,” Sophronia replies quietly, finally raising her petite figure off of the couch. Sophronia carefully approaches her brother and envelopes him in an embrace of comfort and reassurance.
“Why don’t we all get some sleep and deal with this in the morning?” Felix gently suggests, smiling softly at Hadrian. Hadrian nods, softly smiling before leaving Sophronia’s home and entering his own next door.
Hadrian swiftly makes his way up to his room, mind still whirring from all that had occurred that night. He flops onto his bed, wondering if his constant prayers to whichever benevolent angel or god had been answered. His nightly shower could not clear his mind; not that he expected it would. Nothing could halt his mind from thinking about Aurora until she was returned safely. However, the steam of his shower did calm his mind; inhaling the steam seeming to soothe his being. Not to mention that the hot water helped soothe his beaten muscles. He basically spent his days training other Immortalis and looking out for Aurora. There was only so much a recovery potion could do if you spent your days continually beating yourself up with little reprieve or rest.
Stepping out of the shower, the air hit him like a cold steel wall. He stares at himself for a while in the mirror, looking at the man that he is. He stares at the position over his heart where Aurora would always place her hand. His eyes glow as he imagines the past, the time he did have with her; the time he would never forget. He slowly but surely makes his way back to his room, sitting on the side of the bed, preparing to pray.
As always, since Aurora left, he prayed before he went to bed, begging for the gods and angels of the Immortalise to bring Aurora back to him; pleading with them to see that their love was more powerful than any spite. He slides into bed, dreams peppering his sleep.
A dream plays on repeat, plaguing Hadrian’s sleep; a vision of a sleeping Aurora, held in the arms of Clara; Aurora slowly stirring awake.
“You have been repenting, my child;” Clara says while looking down at Aurora, cryptically, handing Hadrian a half-asleep Aurora. Now in Hadrian’s arms, Aurora stirs.
“I’m coming.” Aurora sleepily says, before falling back to a half-asleep state in Hadrian’s arms.