Harry wondered to himself, and looked at the red haired boy in front of him. He had already mentioned the different houses, and Harry registered it quite quickly. He wondered, about....everything! Which house he would go to, who would be his friend, which subject might he (actually) be good at.
They were finally here, at Hogwarts. And his name was called out and he walked towards the little stool. Professor Mcgonagoll Placed the hat on his head, and it fell in front of his eyes. The hat did its search on his head. Not slytherin, not slytherin... Harry thought. It was like his mantra. The top hat whispered, “Not Slytherin, eh? You would do really well...”
“No. Anything but that.” Harry said, stating his point firmly yet timid.
“You could be a great wizard...” The tattered hat Tempted. Harry lightly shook his head.
This top hat must be right...Maybe my destiny is Slytherin... Harry thought.
The top hat Made a rustling sound and suddenly bellowed, “SLYTHERIN!” Harry took a deep breath, and walked up to the Slytherin table, and Took his seat next to Malfoy, wanting to be as near as Ron as he could, but he wasn’t even looking at him. He sat there, a frown on his face. Was this the right thing he had done? Was he meant for Slytherin? He didn’t feel like Slytherin material...
Harry hated this. Every time he passed through the hall, everyone would turn the other way round, as though trying to avoid crossing a black cat’s trail. Most of the teachers there hated him, worse, were frightened by him. The only one who favoured him seemed to be Snape, who gave Harry the shivers. He didn’t have any friends, no one to spend time talking to. He would rather be at the Dursley’s. Malfoy and Harry seemed to be getting along, but Harry didn’t really like him. His attitude was a bit too much, and he wondered whether he was just being nice to him because Harry had had an encounter with he-who-should (apparently) not-be-named and was Slytherin. Everyone was hating him and Nobody wanted to even be near him.
“I hate Hogwarts!” He said to himself. This was his future; this was his life now.