Lyric's seven year old feet touched the cold floor beneath her. She walked towards the kitchen passed her sleeping strung out mother and her many friends that surround her naked body. Lyric started breakfast before making her way back to her room for the pistol underneath her bed. Lyric(now standing in front of her sleeping mother): "Say yall got to get the fuck out!" the three dudes lift their heads and laughed once they seen the little seven year girl standing in front of them. Lyric(cocking the gun back):"I said yall got to fucking go, free pussy hour is now over!" The three dudes put they're hands up in the air. They could tell by the look on Lyric's face that she wouldn't hesitate when it came to shooting them. They grabbed their things and left. Lyric tucked her burner in her pants before covering her mother up and getting back to cooking breakfast. Riley stepped out her bedroom fully dressed, Lyric could hear her five year old sister feet drag across the floor towards the kitchen. Lyric: "Riley if your teeth ain't brushed and your face ain't washed don't come around that corner!" Lyric could hear Riley grunt as she turned back to the bathroom. Lyric turned off the stove and went and did the same thing. Riley turned and looked at Lyric as Lyric started to brush her teeth.
They brushed and washed their faces side by side before walking in the front to go sit down and eat. Riley looked over at her mother with sadness in her eyes. She had been praying her mother would just quit doing the drugs and start being a mother. That away Lyric could go to school and stopped hanging out on the corner with the bigger kids. Riley wasn't really sure what Lyric did out there but she always came back with a lot of cash to pay the bills and by food. Lyric(trying to distract Riley from their mother): " Say don't you have to get ready for school?" Riley(taking a deep breathe before answering):" Yes, I'm finna go now." Lyric put the dishes away before going to her stash to hit the block. Riley walked outside to wait for the bus and Lyric came out shortly after. Lyric(giving her baby sister a kiss on her forehead before hitting the block):"I love you be good at school." Riley watched Lyric walk around the corner before following her. She wanted to see what was Life like for her big sister on a regular day. Lyric was so cold at heart it seem like nothing bothered her. Life had handed them the short hand of the stick but it seemed Lyric had none of the remaining stick as if she gave her piece to Riley so she could have more. Riley followed Lyric five blocks over from there run down apartment. She hid behind a building so she could watch her sister from a far. Truth was Lyric would kill her if she knew she was missing school.
Lyric stood on the block shivering from the cold winter breeze. Riley watched her sister serve fien after fien. Riley and Lyric mother Sharonda walked up on Lyric. Sharonda(scratching at her neck):" Hey baby you think you can fix yo mama up?" Lyric(rolling her eyes):"no money no fix!" Sharonda(looking at her seven year old child in confusion):" what you mean no money no fix?" Lyric:" Just what I said no money no fix!" Riley over heard the conversation and started walking over. Riley: "Lyric! What are you doing?" Lyric(turning her head to see Riley sprinting towards her.):" What the fuck you doing here, you supposed to be at school?" Sharonda(cutting into the two): "fuck allat I raised you, birthed you and you gone make me pay?" Lyric(turning her attention back to her mother):" Raised me? Bitch I'm raising me and Riley so either pay or go suck dick for it!" Sharonda raised her hand at Lyric as if she was going to strike her. Lyric: "Bitch I wish you would, I'm drag yo crack head ass up and down this street!" Sharonda put her hand down and reached into her bra and pulled out a twenty. Riley watched in horror as Lyric made the deal. Riley: "are you serious Lyr! we suppose to be trying to help her get off not supporting her habit." Lyric(looking Riley dead in her eyes208Please respect copyright.PENANAeVe0BGr2Du
): " Baby girl you can only help those who want help, your mother doesn't want help!" Riley: "I cant believe you Lyr , I understand it's survival but our mother?" Lyric(holding her held high): " We are all we got Riley the faster you get that the better we can co-exist."
Riley shook her with disappointment in her eyes, she had zero understanding. She knew she needed to get away from Lyric, she could forgive her one day but today wasn't the day. She turned to start the walk to school but was met with a bullet between her eyes. Lyric eyes widen, she reached for her burner but took two in the chest before she could even pull it out. Her body hit the pavement hard. She turned her head to the left to find Riley body slumped beside her. She could see through the hole in Riley's head. A tear escaped Lyric's eyes as the breathe in her body started to fade away. Lyric felt a cold piece of steel on the side of her face. The shooter: "We told you to stay yo young ass away from our block. Lyric(turning her head to face the killer): "Nine? When I survive this I'm coming for you! Lyric spit blood into nine's face. Nine: "to bad you ain't goin survive. Lyric could hear the sound of her mother scream at that moment nine looked up and instead of shooting Lyric in her head his shot grazed the side of her head. Lyric laid there gasping for air as she watched Nine take off running. Her body grew so cold and darkness started to surround her. She tried to stay moving until help come but her body started to feel like heavy metal. She couldn't left her hand again, nor her legs. She look up towards the sky that seemed darker than usual she let out a loud scream as if she was yelling at God himself before her body went limp.
*10years later*
Lyric shook her head violently as the replay of the events that took the only thing she ever loved away. The flash back had played in her mind over and over again before she woke up in a big king size bed with IV's and her arms. The doctor jumped up and ran to her side. Doctor: Ms. Lyric nice to finally have you back, you've been sleep for ten years, We thought you was never coming out, but I fought for you." The sound of the lady voice filled Lyric's ear so gently. Lyric tried to speak but she couldn't speaking, not a sound exited her lips. Doctor: "My name is Dr. Lisa, I'm one of many who was brought in to take care of you." "I know your probably wondering exactly where you are?" Lyric shook her head yes with a confused face and a terrible headache. Dr. Lisa: " Okay, a man name 187 saved you that day you was shot and brought you home, unfortunately we could do nothing for your little sister." Tears rushed down Lyrics faces at that moment the image of Riley's dead body popped into her mind. 187 stood at the door and stared at Lyric's pain. Lyric looked up and matched his gaze. She held her head up high with tears rolling down her chins. She wanted to pledge her loyalty to him for saving her life. For giving her a chance to take the life of those who took the only thing that tamed the monster that clawed at her deep inside.
187(walking towards Lyric's bed): "Lyric for a moment we thought you was never going to wake up out that coma, but (pointing at Lisa) said that I should keep hope and give her a chance to succeed where others had fail, and look here you are." Lyric(in a raspy voice): "Thank all of you." blood spilled out of her mouth after the last word. She put her hands up to mouth to catch the blood that was falling. Dr. Lisa(rushing to Lyric's side): "be careful don't push so hard so fast, your body needs time to heal everything you would have been using everyday." Dr. Lisa grabbed her clip board and checked Lyric's monitors. she got on the radio and called for the team of doctors to bring Lyric water. In a matter of second there was a table full of fruit and water before her. Dr. Lisa: "Now listen we can started you off with water and than move to some soft fruits to make sure your stomach can handle it." "You've been on a liquid diet for 10 years." Lyric ignored everything Dr. Lisa said and reached for a strawberry. Lyric wanted to get better as fast as possible. 187 and Dr. Lisa watched Lyric amazed at the way she swallowed the fruit with out hinting towards any pain. Blood again spilled from her mouth as wiped it away and ate some more until the blood quit spilling. Dr. Lisa tried to stop her but was met with a look that could kill.
Lyric pushed the table away and tried to stand but her legs would barely move. She pick them off the bed one by one and sat them on the cold marble floor. She tried to stand but her legs fell from underneath her. Her arms wobble as she held her self up. Dr. Lisa rushed to her side as 187 watched fully intrigued by Lyric's determination. Dr. Lisa: "Lyric we got the best team that's going to help you walk and stand again but right now I need to run test and make sure your not gonna die from trying to stand, please let me help?" Lyric grunted with her approval. Dr. Lisa smiled she had never seen some one so strong and in so much pain it made her want to cry for Lyric. 187 held his high and more than glad that he kept Lyric alive, because She was going to be something that could be tamed nor stopped and he wanted that type of loyalty in strength on his team.
The Next Day
Dr. Lisa walked down to the gym to make sure everything was in order for Lyric's testing and progress towards walking. She was surprised to see Lyric standing using the two bars beside her. Dr. Lisa walked over to cut on the computer. She walked beside Lyric and charted her progress without a word. Soon after the rest of the team made it to the room and saw Lyric lifting weights and working on her legs and arms. Everybody was shocked in how fast she was bouncing back it seemed as if Lyric wasn't human because any other human would have took weeks or months even. 187 walked in and eyes widen as soon as he seen Lyric standing and lifting weights working hard to get to a better her. Dr. Lisa(now standing beside 187): "She had to be here all night long, Gene!" 187 shot the Doctor a look warning her not to say his government name again. Dr. Lisa: " I mean 187, she has to much will power, are you sure?" 187(staring at Lyric): " Of course, this is exactly what I wanted Lisa!" 187 walked closer to Lyric dismissing the group of the doctors. 187: "I know where to find them." Lyric dropped the weights at her feet and stared at 187. She knew exactly who 187 was talking about without him finishing another word.
187: "all I ask in return is your loyalty in the chance to teach you everything about surviving this cold world?" Lyric: "Okay, only on one condition?" 187 was shocked you would think that when a person saved your life spent millions to keep you breathing for ten years the only answer would be is sure. 187 waved his hands in front of them as if he was giving her the floor to speak. Lyric: "You give me the same Loyalty I'm about to give you, I'm a firm believe of just because they will kill for you don't mean they will die for." 187: "You have my word. Lyric(taking his hand to shake):" Then I give you my word, My word is the only thing I have left don't take it lightly and I wont take yours in that manner." 187 could tell that Lyric must have been taking classes before she was shot, she was just way to smart. 187: "after we get you graduated from high school, and I teach you everything there is to know about being a contract killer I'll take you on your first mission. Lyric: "I graduated High School 10years ago online, I was on my way to college, in the day I was a drug dealer but at night I was staring at a screen studying.
The next month or so Lyric spent everyday training and learning how to become an untraceable killer. She worked hard the only thing she could think about was Nine and how she wanted him dead with a quickness but before he died she wanted to look him in his eyes so he would know where the bullet came from. After training Lyric walked down the hallway towards her room when she spotted Dr. Lisa. Lyric(walking up behind her): "Say ma what you doing out here alone?" Dr. Lisa(turned and held Lyric's neck): "Please be careful Lyric." Lyric(with a smirk): "I'll be fine yo chill." Dr. Lisa: "you don't understand Lyric in the time that I've watched out for you I've fell for you Lyric!" Lyric(Shocked): "Say I cant say I feel the same Lisa." Dr. Lisa(tears pouring down her face):" You think I don't know that Lyric, I know your not capable of love, but I'm scared I will never see you again. Lyric took Lisa by the hand and lifted her to her feet. Lyric gently pulled her closely so that there was no gaps between their bodies. She leaned in and kiss Dr. Lisa lips and picked her off her fit. Dr. Lisa was a Dark skin goddess, standing 5'2 thick and curvy, her hair was bone straight and laid down her back silky and flawlessly. Lyric had been wanting to fuck Lisa but didn't think she went that way. Honestly Lisa wasn't gay but it was something about Lyrics that made Lisa want everything that came with Lyric. She couldn't explained She melted and Lyrics arms. Lyric put on her strap, and parted Lisa legs. Lisa felt warm lips swallow her clit whole. Her leg trembled in pleasure. Lyric made Lisa squirt before sliding her strap inside of her. Lisa gripped the sheets and arched her back as Lyric worked her out. Lisa looked up to find Lyric staring at her in her eyes as she wore Lisa out. Lyric got to switching position giving Lisa the best sex she ever had in her life. Her 30year old body could barely handle the thrushes of Lyrics 17year old body was giving out.
Lisa and Lyric came at the exact time and Lyric clasped beside her. Lisa laid her head on Lyric's chest. Lisa(tracing her finger around Lyric's abs): "you fucked me as if, you where in love with me why?" Lyric(stroking the back of Lisa hand): "It seemed to be what you needed Ma and after what you did for me it was the least I could do." Lisa(snuggled up against Lyric): "Lyric I'll always be here for you, even though I know you don't love me I'm okay with that because well I just need you to lie to me for as long as you're willing to lie to me." Lyric: "But why?" Lisa(falling asleep): "I don't know why, your just something I need , you had me the first time I laid my eyes on your sleeping body you just seemed like you need love." Lyric held Lisa as she drifted to sleep. Lyric looked up at the ceiling as her thoughts went back to being evil and heartless. She imaging the day in her head until she to drifted off into a deep sleep.
The next day came all to quick for Lisa as she watched Lyric get dressed for her first mission out in 10years. Lisa put Lyric gun on her hip for her. Lisa: "Come back to me even if its for a moment!" Lyric smiled and walked out the door to meet 187 down stairs in the car. Lyric smiled wiped away once they was on the way to where Nine was. The images of Riley began to flash before Lyric's eyes. 187 could tell she was fully focused. He was glad this was a mission to test if she was really worth keeping. 187 pulled up beside some rundown apartment complex. Lyric: "How you want it done?" 187: " As messy and loud as possible and make sure you tag the place with her name." Lyric exited the car without saying a word. She stepped up towards the door. She pulled out the paper that 187 gave her earlier to make sure it was the right apartment. Lyric ringed the door bell and put the gun up to the peek hole. One of Nine's homie walked up to the door to see who it was. Lyric felt the vibrate on the door from Nine's friend asking who was it and she shot through the door shooting the dude in his eye. She kicked the door down and shot one bullet through two people heads. the bodies dropped. Lyric smiled as she shot the gun out of Nine's hands. Nine eyes widen when he recognized Lyric's face. Lyric(smiling): "Remember me pussy?" "I told you I'll find you." Lyric pulled the trigger emptying the clip in Nine's face. Lyric slid her hands in the white cotton glove over her plastic ones and used Nine's blood to write Riley's name above him. Lyric slid off the gloves and burned them beside the door before walking back to the car as if nothing happen.
The whole ride was quiet Lyric was enjoying the power she felt in her veins from getting rid of the one who killed her heart. Truth was Lyric loved the feeling of taking a life. This was something she would be okay with doing on a regular. It made the pain stop it only last as long as the kill lasted but still those moment of release was more than she could ask for. Finally 187 fixed his mouth to speak. 187: "So, how you like it?" Lyric(turning to 187 with a smile): "I need more." 187 was happy but more scared than anything now. Did he just create something he himself couldn't control. He never had anybody answer in the way she did. He could tell by the way she smiled that it wasn't an act. she got a kick out of killing somebody and that in it self is scary. That told 187 that she didn't believe in heaven or hell, she had no conscious, no feelings, let along a heart. 187 didn't say a word as he drove back home. His mind had a million question with no answers. He kept asking his self if this is what he really wanted. Did he really want someone with pure hatred and evil in their hearts. 187(parking the car in front of their house): "tomorrow we leave town, got someone you need to meet." Lyric exited the car with a smile. She knew that 187 had doubts on rather or not she could actually take a life. But she could and honestly she enjoyed it more than life. Lyric walked into her room and laid across her bed she said a prayer for Riley to see that she had her back no matter what.
Dr. Lisa came into the room with a worry look on her face. Dr. Lisa: "your leaving me tomorrow ?" Lyric(sitting up on her bed): "That what he said, I guess he want me to meet some people." Dr. Lisa(rushing toward Lyric to hug her): "Lyric don't forget about me, I know its going to be a while before you see me again, and I just want you to come back to me safely." Lyric(pulling Lisa close and whispering into her ear.): "I'll always be here for you, and I'll always be safe as long as you keep loving me." Lyric knew how Lisa felt about her and although she didn't feel the same way for her she felt like it was only right that she lied to her as much as possible while she was around. The woman had saved her life gave her the opportunity to keep her word and kill the man that took everything from her. Lyric was born with the ability to know what a woman needed by the way she acted, so she just played her role for Dr. Lisa as a favor to her. Lyric laid back and pulled Dr. Lisa back with her to drift off to sleep with her.
The next morning Lyric woke up to Dr. Lisa sound a sleep beside her. She got up and packed most of her clothes she didn't know how long she would be gone because 187 didn't say. Lyric hopped in the shower and got dressed afterwards. She looked over at Dr. Lisa who was still sound a sleep. She grabbed a pen and paper to write her a letter that said
Dear, Lisa I didn't wanna wake you because you looked like you was having a beautiful dream, this isn't a goodbye but a see you a later I kissed your sleeping lips before I left, don't cry for me nor wait for me live life like you gave me mine back
Lyric left the letter beside Dr. Lisa before meeting 187 down stairs. 187 was waiting by a 1969 Chevy Malibu hard top, Royal blue finish with white stripers going down the middle, sitting on it's original set of tires. 187 walked over and handed Lyric her keys. 187: "I'm tired of driving you around granddaughter I didn't teach you to drive to drive you around." Lyric smiled an sat inside of car looking at the interior. 187: " you also got your on home where we going it's where your going to be station for now, It's a lot of worked that need to be done where your going and a lot of money to be made so lets get going."