… I hit the floor as the Masch reenters to Vortex. Everything hurts but I am safe. The stasis bubble will keep me alive, but I have to get to the infirmary which is outside the stasis bubble. I hobble toward the hall door.
Once I get to the infirmary I stand out side looking at everything. I only have about an hour before my last two hearts give out. I quickly decide that the best course of action is to grab the stuff I need then get out of there to set up. I stumble in and instantly feel my hearts struggling to work without the stasis tech. I grab at the nearest equtment cart and shove it toward the door i follow as fast as i can. I get lucky there is a nice defibralator on it. and a auto nurse transmiter on the cart, as i sort through i find some painkillers i want to take them but that would be conter productive because they make you lose focous. i keep sorting through befor i look back into the infermary. I can see the equtment that i need now. the nano bots are stored on the second cart so i grabb the defibrlator and step into the room. I gasp. my hearts sputter. I warm up the defibrlator and shock my self. I cant belive that it works but it does. I drag my self over to the shelf with the nano bots and dump the entire bottel in my mouth, right as i pass out.....