My name is Natsu Dragneel. I'm 15 years old with a real crummy life. I'm going to be straight up honest with you, I hate everything. I hate where I live and go to school, I hate everything I wear. I hate what makes other people happy. Hate my neighbors (haven't even met the assholes), heck I even hate the stinking mailman that drops by once a month.
I hate my town.
I hate my country.
I live a dirty stinking neighborhood.
I go to a school designed for retards.
I'm hated by pretty much everyone I go to school with. Not that I have a problem with that. Hate those fuckers too.
I hate having to go to school, but the state says I need to have at least a certain number of years worth of education to get a decent job when I graduate. I hate the state too.
I hate the old man that runs the school. Yep, I'll stop hating things when that guy stops trying to make me learn.
I hate my life. Boy do I hate my life. Hate my dirty, rotten, good for nothing dad too. That guy, can go fuck himself.
Hate the sun, it's always too frigging bright. Hate the moon. It reminds me of fucking the sun.
I think I covered pretty much everything. So in conclusion, I hate everything.
Here's a little something-something about me you might need to know. Above everything else I hate I this world, I hate this scarf the old man left me the most. Like I really hate this fucking scarf.
That's why I wear it everyday. To see if one day it'll burst into flames from all the pure unjustified contempt I have for it. This scarf is the last thing I have left from my father. When I was about 6, he gave me this scarf and told me to hold onto it until he came back. He said he'd be back in about ten years and me being an ass, actually believed him.
Well guess frigging what? Tomorrow is my sixteenth birthday and I'd be willing to bet those fucking ugly- no fugly ass neighbors I hate so much, that his raggedy taggedy stupid ass ain't gonna magically appear tomorrow.
But I do know what I am going to see tomorrow. Flames. Tomorrow, I'm going to finally get rid of this god-awful scarf. To ashes with this piece of shit. Happy fucking birthday!
To me.
Cause I know, nobody else is gonna say it.
And I'm perfectly fine with that.
The Gift
Happly birthday to me!
Happy birthday to-
No, fuck that shit!
Whatever it's my birthday.
For once I don't need to use the alarm clock to get me outta bed. The sound of power tools and drills and grown men shouting was quite sufficient thank you very much. Speaking of which, why are those assholes here so early in the morning anyway?
I couldn't afford to complain. I'm so poor I can't even afford a decent apartment. Remember how I said I hated the sun? And the moon? And I hate the stars too, but that's off topic. I never get to see them. I live in house that can technically qualify as a log cabin beside a multimillion dollar construction site. I think I can say in all honesty I've never seen a real sunrise or sunset in all my days of living here. I hear these sorts of sounds every day of my stinking life. I gotta work two jobs just to keep this dump that's eventually going to end up bulldozed in the long run when they get to my side of the field.
You'd think since the state put me into this house the state could help pay for it too but, no...
I'm an orphan whose managed to finesse the system and allowed them let me live independently. At least for the time being. There are plenty of kids who I'm sure aren't as lucky. Part of my living arrangement here is that they give me a place to live in, but I'm responsible for day to day expenses, which means I have to get a job and work for what I want. I have no problem with working for the things I need, but my problem is with the fact that I'm living in the cheapest apartment that the government could find, which is near a project site which I'm sure they found to be dangerous as hell (fuck them, by the way).
I rub my hands up and down my face to wipe the sleep out my eyes and mentally get myself ready to start the day. I wasn't wearing a shirt and I felt my muscles and abs contract as I leaned forward. I got on the ground did ten pushups as I did every morning and headed for my grimy outdated shower. I sidestepped a few stray articles of dirty laundry, empty deodorant containers and mismatched shoes of a pair (going to have to move those later) and made it to my bathroom. I turned on the tap. There were a few choking spurts which gradually grew more violent but in the end nothing came out.
"Great not again..." I mutter under my breath moving from the shower stall now to look for a monkey wrench. It always did this. Either no water would come out at all or if by some off chance water decided to come out it was brown and rusty. Looks like today's another no bath day. I peek at my alarm clock in the room on my way back to the bathroom.
And I'm gonna be late for summer school. Shit.
I see it in view. My high school Fairy Tail High. I'm basically poor, so not only can I not afford the house I live in, I can't seem afford to pay attention in school. So guess where I have to go on June 21st, my birthday and this, the first official day of summer?
Come to think of it, who names a school that anyway? Fairy Tail. What the hell? And it's not even spelt Fairy Tale, because even though that sounds like a sissy name, Fairy Tale still makes more sense than Fairy Tail. Again, the fuck?
But I guess that's to be expected. The old man who runs the joint looks like he smokes weed for a living rather than run a local high school. Even though he has actively denied my accusations of selling and inhaling crack, whenever people stop him and ask him about the name of the school he goes;
Oh yeah man, the names a mystery. Yeah, (inhales crack) do fairies have tails or naw? (Sniffs more crack).
But seriously, do fairies have tails? That sounds like a question only someone on Marijuana would ask. Or heroine. I don't judge Makarov.
I hear the bell ringing effectively snapping me out of my thoughts. I see the school gates closing, the security officer and teacher ready to lock me out. Crap.
I make a break for it. Since I'm athletically inclined I could see I was running faster than the gate was closing. So, yes I'm gonna make it!
Then the teacher who was also there, I think her name was Ms. Porlyusica (again, name?), began helping the security officer closing the gate faster. Great.
I'm not gonna make it!
Pink haired bitch.
But I see an opening next to her over the gate. I have to do it. I have to make this jump if I don't want to be absent. So holding my back tightly I do a back flip and continue doing those until I see it was time to jump, I lurch my body up into the air, and...
Only half of my body makes it over the gate. I feel a stinging sensation shoot up and down my legs and my crotch took a direct hit, landing on the circular part on the top of the gate bars. A single tear drops from my eye.
I saw the teacher snickering silently to herself.
Again, pink haired bitch.
Gravity finally caught up to me and I painfully slid down the rusty old gate onto the floor. I still heard that woman's laughter as the security officer unlocked and opened the gates giving me a sympathetic look.
Well, that's one way to do it.
Then I blacked out.
Aww nuts.
So by the time I arrived to class (late, might I add) I big bump was on the back of my head, and on my nuts was an ice pack which was helping the pain, but really embarrassing. God only knows what I missed, and I was in a really bad mood. And it's not a normal bad mood that everyone is used to from me. With the way I feel, I could murder someone with my eyeballs closed. Or beat up a five year old and apologize for it later. Or kick a cat. Or perhaps all three. I trudged to the back of the classroom with the pink slip Makarov gave me for being late. I had detention.
Ignoring the usual stares from the students, and now some snickers because of the ice pack on crotch and the giant lump on my head, I make it to my seat.
Lifeless losers.
During recess, I spotted Gray Fullbuster talking to some girls who probably considered themselves very lucky. Gray is quite literally the school's heartthrob, I mean, this guy gets a dozen love letters and confessions a day, yet he rejects all of them! And he does it so coldly too. Yet for some reason, these crazy ass girls seem to love it. It's all apart of his 'cool as ice way' as they call it, and it makes them want to chase after him more. Yeah, us boys should all get like Gray.
As if.
So I had this idea, which, looking back at it, I realized was stupid as hell and I don't know what I was thinking but anyway, I had this idea. Gray was popular right? And wherever he went, people followed. So I figured if I explained the situation to him about my birthday, he might be willing to join me at the movies or something, bring some friends, perhaps persuade the love of my life, Lisanna, to come because if she did I wouldn't mind dying right after that. That girl is perfect, literally an angel and I just want her to finally see me as a man, not as another brother of hers or something. She's all I want in life. After my mother died, she came to me as vibrant as the sun, using all attempts to make me smile, and right after that I fell hopelessly in love with her.
But lately in high school, she'd been really distant and indifferent towards me, and I heard some whispers on the street that she liked Gray. I only prayed that was all there was to it.
Yeah, but what was I thinking? Just because you know a guy for almost a decade doesn't mean you can just walk up to him and ask him a totally normal question. Yeah, that's right. I knew him from when we were both eight years old and still living in that fucking orphanage.
The only difference between the two of us, was that he ended up getting adopted by rich people, and I, didn't get adopted at all.
So I walk up to this mother fucker and I try to tell him about my birthday and whatnot. So guess what this prick says to me.
"Are you talking to me?"
I stop and look around
"What?" I asked taken aback.
"I only talk to real people, so why are you talking to me?" He chuckled, "Deadbeat." He said and the three girls with him laughed.
I was totally floored.
How... DARE HE!
Quickly, thinking with my fists instead of my brain, I lunge them at his face. Gray fell to the floor with a thud on impact. The girls looked at me wide eyes, then quickly crouched down to Gray, whose face was locked in a grimace and was massaging his bruised cheek. Crap.
What did I tell ya? My ideas? Dumb as shit.
But to be honest, Gray and I grew up together. He knows that I have a terrible temper and I can't seem to keep my anger under control. Unlike him who seemed to have a lot of patience and can seemingly keep cool in any situation, I, could not. So in knowing all of that, and still saying what he said, knowing my history with my father and mother, the bastard was asking for it.
But now, I'm gonna pay for it.
"Gray!" I look up in my state of short lived regret to see Lisanna running towards us.
My angel.
My heart stops beating. She crouched down to him, her beautiful, big, blue eyes full of compassion and worry. How I longed for her to stare at me like that. I watched it all like a horror movie scene, she asked him where it hurt and gently caressed his cheek. He flinched making her touch him more carefully. All the other girls were looking jealous as fuck. I probably looked like them too.
Then she looks up at me. She definitely wasn't looking at me how she looked at Gray. Then, using every single ounce of strength in her body, she slapped me. The sound echoed throughout the halls.
I stared blankly at her, willing myself not to cry. Although it hurt like hell, I wasn't going look like some sort of a punk in front of all these girls.
"Natsu Dragneel!" She started shouting, attracting people who were inside nearby classrooms. Who stays inside class for recess anyway? Nerds that's who.
"You are nothing but a big bully! And you wonder why I don't speak to you anymore! Why would you do something like that to Gray when he was just minding his own business! And he's even your childhood friend for God's sake! I can't believe you! Don't ever speak to me again!"
She turned around and helped up Gray, then with Lisanna wrapping her arm through Gray's, they both walked away, the first three fan girls giving me glares full of murderous intent and promises. The voices I heard in the hallway echoed ominously through my head.
"Natsu Dragneel is totally insane!"
"Why would he do that to Gray?"
"Poor Gray!"
"I swear, nobody likes him and it's not like he learns anything, so why is he still here?"
"Hehe, I heard the guy's homless."
"I hear he's in debt."
"Gosh, what a loser!
"Hahahahaha haha haha hahaha!"
Their laughing continued. And it rang throughout my head.
In debt.
Nobody likes you Dragneel, why are you here?
You're right, why am I here?
Why am I at this school, living a lie?
Why am I in this town?
Why am I at this country?
Why am I on this Earth?
"Dragneel!" I turned around to get a face full of fist from some blonde boy. He punched me right in the cheek that was still on fire from Lisanna's slap.
Gray's best friend.
"Next time you think about touching my best friend, you'll have to answer to me!"
And with that last word, blondie really got fired up. He began giving me an onslaught of blows to the face, each one harder and with more force than the last. He had me pinned to the floor having his way with me until he felt content. I could've pushed him of me. I was a hell of a lot stronger than him, but why bother? I would only be seen as the bad guy and still lose in the end. Maybe if I was lucky, he'd keep beating my ass until I landed in a coma.
The kids were cheering him on. Shouting out every time he landed a blow. I heard a teacher approaching us. Loke, probably hearing him too, gave a small smile and landed the last punch on my right eye.
Pain shot up and down my entire body. I thought I was going to be blind in that eye for the rest of my life. The teacher shoved us apart, and roughing me up in particularly he yelled:
"Loke go to class! Natsu Dragneel, you big nuisance, come with me!"
I could barely stand at this point. Protesting about the unfairness of it all was the last thing on my mind. I mean, would you even bother if you were me? If you knew where you were going and what was going to happen would you bother an attempt to defend yourself?
The school day had finally finished, and slowly I left school grounds.
Another six weeks of summer school and detention for the rest of my life. And suspension when school starts. I hate my life.
I walked out the same school gates I accidentally crushed my nuts on this morning.
I turn around to see the classroom of the class I had to go to first period after I crushed my balls.
I saw the same trio of girls who were talking with Gray in the halls earlier today.
I saw some of the same faces of kids were in the halls when Loke was pounding the everloving daylights out of me.
Although it was the first day of the hottest season of the year, the sky was overcast and gray. The air was chilly, and although I felt as if I could drop dead at the touch of a feather, I had to get out of that school.
I staggered and dropped even, but even if I had to crawl my way back to my house, I was going home. After a day like mine, other kids would run home crying to their daddy's or their mommy's or at least complain about it to a friend. Their loved one would tell them that everything would be okay and give them hugs and kisses. I had none of that.
And speaking of the gloomy sky, it started to rain, which, looking at the clouds shouldn't have come as a big of a shock to anyone.
I was about to cross the street, but before I did, a car sped up and splashed mud all over me. I spit some of the offending substances out of my mouth and wiped my eyes. I tried looking up to see if it was still safe to cross the street when I see a couple making out in the rain. Ew. Like get a room would ya? Then I noticed that the boy had spiky, raven hair, and the girl with a short bob haircut.
Gray and Lisanna.
But hey, Gray and Lisanna sucking face, cause with my luck, why the fuck not?
So now, feeling a little bit more like shit than I did earlier, I walked ever so slowly in the pouring rain. I honestly felt as if I was taking a shower, and I know people make jokes about this and all, but I kind of enjoyed it since as you saw this morning, I can't even afford a shower.
I trudge on with my clothes soaking wet and a black eye, and the sheet of rain makes it really hard to see where I'm going. On top of that, I'm a tattered mess. Some birthday.
I finally reached my 'neighborhood' and ignored the terrified stares from onlookers and made my way to my 'house'.
It took me at least 5 or 6 attempts to try and shove the key in the door, before I go inside and collapse on the floor.
My body is aching, I think I'll have pneumonia when I wake up tomorrow, and I've lost my will to live. I have nothing in this world to fight for. And to think, I actually held out hope that I'd see my father again. What am I, four? The man went missing years ago and left my family in debt. A debt I still have to pay for. But would someone tell me please...
What do I have left to live for?
When Lisanna said all those things to me in the hall, she might as well have decided to stab me in the heart, because that's what it felt like. Even all my physical pain and bruises didn't hurt as much as those words.
If mom were here right now she'd be telling me about how many fish there are in the sea and all that shit, which makes me wonder where did she get all that free time to count?
Fuck I think my eye is bleeding. It hurts dammit, but I can't move. Might as well die here because, well, because...
My life is shit.
And it's funny, I could still remember a time in my life where it wasn't. Where I was happy, and people loved me. And in turn, I came to love those people back. Mom was still alive, and dad wasn't hiding on the earth somewhere.
"Dad! Daddy! Father? Momma, where's daddy?"
"Outside Natsu, but I don't think you should go out there because-"
"Hey little guy."
"Daddy... where... where are you going?"
"Hey kid... daddy's going on a little trip again."
"A trip? Can I come with you? Pleaaase?"
"I'm sorry son... uh look daddy can't take you with him on his trip... uh this trip is going to be really long. Like reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaally...
"Hahahahaha haha!"
"Hahahahahahahaha! Daddy I don't even know what 'bikini' is!"
"Natsu... you're making this harder for me. Here, tell you what. I'm gonna give you... this! This scarf."
"Dad... but you never take this thing off. You love this scarf!"
"Yeah well, I love you more. Here you go, Salamander."
"Daddy... I love you!"
"I love you too. More than you'll ever know."
"Daddy, wait daddy!"
"Natsuki, take him inside!"
"Mommy... when will daddy be back?"
"One day son. When you're a fully grown man... or should I say fully grown dragon my love."
"But when will I be fully grown mom?"
"You'll just know it son."
"But... but... I feel grown now! Can't he come back tomorrow?!"
"Well Natsu, you're only six! How's about we put a marker on it for sixteen? Daddy will come back on your sixteenth birthday, okay?"
"But that's so far away!"
"Don't cry baby. That's not so far away. Not with your new scarf! Besides, you still have me, right?"
"But I miss him! I miss my daddy!"
"Natsu wait!"
"Daddy! Daddy! Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddy!"
A tear drop rolls from my eye and delicately touches the scarf. I sob and lie quietly in a few more moments of agony, ignoring the sudden warmth I felt from the last memento from my father. But the sudden warmth transitioned into blistering heat in a matter of seconds. I quickly move it off my face and finally see what's going on.
The scarf was glowing.
I look up and rub my eyes.
Nope not crazy.
The fucking scarf was glowing.
I scramble away from that shit as quickly as I can because, once again...
The fucking scarf was glowing!
It became brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter... until all I could hear is a loud crashing noise.
There is a pillar of light and it literally blows a hole in my roof. I don't know how far up it goes but it's really fucking bright, not to mention it's created some sort of whirlwind in my room. All of my furniture is flying everywhere and I'm barely able to keep my grip on the floor.
Shit, what's happening?
Out of the ray of light, I see something... a figure I can't make out. Then I see the shape of a person? Or maybe a celestial being... I don't know, but it's eyes and mouth are glowing. The pillar of light diminishes and evaporates into thin air. The celestial being is still there though, eyes glowing and all. But there's a feature on her I didn't see on her the first time. Angel wings.
Shoots, have the people up above finally decided to kill me?
The angel flaps her big wings causing any light or unstable items in my room to blow away in its wake. And another thing, for what looks like a girl angel, she sure has a deep ass voice.
"Natsu Dragneel! Son of Igneel Dragneel! Descendant of the Dragneel family!"
Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. She knows me.
She's come to kill me.
"On summonce on this day, the 21st of June, by the order of the seven archangels of heaven as well as our Master who rules us all, I Lucilla the Angel of Joy, am officially your guardian!"
I looked at this being and I unconsciously began wondering if I was hallucinating the whole thing. I couldn't necessarily wrap my head around what was going on, but I wanted to know one thing.
"Don't kill me please!"
"What?!" She questioned incredulously.
This could be my one chance...
"Please, umm Luigi, is it? Just tell me this one thing!"
"What is it human? What do you seek?"
To see him again...
"Can you please tell me... Where is my dad?"
She didn't answer me, but instead I hear a loud thud and I see that the girl's collapsed. She's breathing heavily, she looks like she's about to throw up. Damnit! I rush over to see if she's okay. When I hold her in my arms, I realize that she's no longer just a silhouette with angel wings and a halo, she's an actual body, with arms, legs and everything.
"I... feel so... heavy..."
It's called gravity lady. Get used to it.
As I attempted to lift her up, I realize that she's ass naked.
Fuck, what's going on?!
A/N: This is a story I had already published on website but I wanted to see how it would do here. Um... Thoughts?
Oh and in case you needed one, OOC warning for literally all the characters and AU.