The minute I step foot inside the University I reach inside my bag looking for the flyer. I read the flyer, again and again, incredulous with the offer. 561Please respect copyright.PENANAXOTRqf0DaR
561Please respect copyright.PENANAcZkdkw6zSG
FREE DORM ROOM561Please respect copyright.PENANAA35zMJ9h4B
561Please respect copyright.PENANAlh5y8AUJUb
My hopes went sky high just by looking at those bold letters. Finally! Luck has come my way.
I smile idly at the flyer scanning the paper on how to apply. It says they need a utility manager and as payment, they'll give a free room with minimum wage. It already had me with a free room a salary is a bonus!
It's something that I can finally cut out of my long list of debt, by moving out of the break room and maybe paying some of my salaries to Nurse Catherine for all the help she did for me.
I looked at the fine print decided before my first class starts it would be best to show my interest with the Manager and send in an email with my application that way I can go and check out the place after class and maybe move in before the end of the week.
I was walking in the halls fidgeting on my phone when I bumped into something. Well, more like a someone.
"Watch it second place," he sneered almost to himself looking down at me. Literally.
He was like six feet tall with a slim body that makes him look like a walking pole. My eyes went up looking at his slicked jet black hair that's comb perfectly to the back then eyes that looked like a wormhole, black and dead, sucking the life out of everything and snorted. Shin Nakamura.
He was the top notcher in our University and the son of the school principal which makes him the worst person I could ever encounter since attending here.
I rolled my eyes at him. "Don't you have someplace else to be... obnoxious?" I bite back in hush tones.
Ever since I started school here, we've been battling for the first spot every term. From friendly forced grins to trash-talking without people looking at our way, I can say we've definitely gotten accustomed to how to get in each other's nerve without the watchful eyes of anybody. You could assume that we were having a friendly chat standing there, smiling.
I mean how could he let other people know how evil he truly is? He's supposed to be a role model being the son of the Principal and all. And then, here I am a black sheep trying to keep in line because of the fact that his father already signed my scholarship so it's kind of I owed and hate him kind of deal.
Still, he may be filthy rich but his attitude is trash which makes him umm... trash.
"Why yes but some penniless bumpkin is blocking my way," he said delighted with his humor.
I rolled my eyes again. Before I could think of a good comeback he walked passed me bumping my shoulders as his posse snickered doing the same.
The few people around us didn't have any clue what was really going on. I guess that's what happens when you enter the world of the prestigious and entitled you cares more about themselves than the people around them.
How prestigious and entitled, you ask? Let's just say, the air inside the premise could sum a thousand dollars with every draw in of your breath which is why I hate and love this place. Hate because of all the people inside of it. Love because despite the people it's the most wonderful and peaceful place to be in.
Florence University, the home of the rich and wealthy. I said rich and wealthy because I think that's the closest words that can explain how seriously well-off all of them are. I guess famous too? Yep, I'll add famous on that list given that they're all heir and heiress of multibillion-dollar companies.
I only got in because I was top of my class four years in a row after graduating High School and my Granma Vangie knows the Director of the school who offered me the scholarship. And well, how could I say no to that? The students may be brats and entitled but it is the well known and the most prestigious University in the country and that is something I am holding on to.
It was a tiring day at school, I got an A+ in Biology and Calculus, the cafeteria/buffet still cost a fortune, all of the papers I wrote for the needy were all disseminate and paid for, the Pep Rally was boring and there was another batch of proofreading needed to be done by the end of the week.
Every now and then I checked my phone hoping that the manager already replied to my application. Unfortunately, there wasn't any reply yet. I sighed loudly in the break room with my head slumped in the book I need to read for my English class.
"I'd be that devastated too if I was going to read Harper Lee again," Rica's voice echoed in the room.
"I never liked how lame and difficult that book is. I mean, can't they at least make it a little more... I don't know... happy?" Her eyebrows furrowed at the last word.
I looked up and force a smile. Rica wasn't really a fan of books let alone reading. She said so herself the one time I walked in the shop with Emily Brontë's book. She went on and on about how tiring and difficult it was dissecting every metaphor whenever they have to read one in class before and that she usually dozed off the entire time.
"I kinda like it," I said honestly. I'd say it's a really good book but I know she'll start a debate on why it isn't if I keep sitting there. I was getting ready to walk out the door when Josh busts in the room looking pissed. He took off his apron and headed to the sink trying to wash off the stain on his shirt.
"What happened?" Rica asked curiously. "I never pegged you as someone who could beat someone up."
Josh remained silent washing off the stain with running water aggressively. He's soft and cheerful image was nowhere to be seen and it's a bit unsettling seeing him in rage. Although, he was a bit ill-tempered.
"Alright, alright. I'll go check it out," Rica walked towards the door her eyes rolling.
"So... who was it this time?" I asked nonchalantly. He still wouldn't budge. He turned off the faucet and stayed still in front of the sink. I thought he was having a heart attack but then he replied saying, "Nobody."
After a few minutes I ran out of something to say, I mean I'm not really good at emotion in the first place. I am way out of my comfort zone here. I tapped the table nervously, the sound of metal echoing in the small room. Josh stood there motionless the entire time.
I looked at the door when I noticed Rica quietly opening it, her hand beckoning me to follow. I walked silently towards the door and looked at Josh again still at the sink.
Once the door was closed, Rica sighed and asked me to follow to the main floor. As soon as we reached the bar counter I noticed a couple of preppy uniformed students at the far side corner of the cafe.
Tasha blocked the view looking pissed before I can even see who it was. "They kept changing their orders as soon as we hand them their meal," her eyelashes batted to every word and threw her arms up.
"I can't deal with these dumbass entitled kids. I need a break." She took off her apron and walked towards the back a cigarette in one hand. Now that's something I rarely see, but when Tasha smokes that means she's under a lot of stress which is a bad thing.
I looked back at the dumbass entitled kids and sighed. "I'll deal with them..."
Before I could even walk outside the counter a guy with a spiky hair wearing a varsity jacket with a gang of friends beat me up to the task in walking towards the pesky snobby kid's table.
I couldn't hear what they were saying exactly but after a couple of minutes, one sudden bang at the table and broken glass that made all the customers look their way. Shin Nakamura and his posse walked at the door furiously.
Rica and I looked at each other contemplating who should do the talk when the varsity wearing dude came over our way.
"Sorry about the glass," he slid down a thousand across the counter and smiled mischievously.
I was about to ask what was that all about when Rica replied. "That's okay..." she grabbed the thousand and squeezed his hands before adding, "Thanks."
I gagged internally disgusted by all the flirting. When he was out the door. Rica squealed and started giggling like a little girl.
"Oh my god! He is so freaking hot!" I sighed loudly as protest and started walking towards the table with a broom in hand to clean up the broken glass when Nurse Catherine walked in and asked, "Who is?"
She looked at Rica at the counter then at me with shock. "What happened?"
Nurse Catherine walked towards the counter crossed her arms waiting for an explanation. When none of us answered, Tasha, walked in just in time and told her what happened.
I was really interested in what really caused Josh to be all that pissed off when my phone vibrated inside my pocket. I threw the broken glass on the can and took a quick glance at what it was.
FROM: Hillcrest Dormitory561Please respect copyright.PENANAZI6i4LOYdT
I excused myself and walked back to the break room anxious to check the email. I didn't even make it to the door when I read,561Please respect copyright.PENANAxbO46FTKiT
561Please respect copyright.PENANAAaoRA6UjoF
"Dear Ms. Meyers, 561Please respect copyright.PENANA4VJJFXWzFI
We are happy to inform you that you have been selected as our utility manager. We asked for your presence tomorrow at noon to discuss the details. 561Please respect copyright.PENANA9Nm1kvwLWp
561Please respect copyright.PENANAXExZchQnuz
Kind Regards,561Please respect copyright.PENANAZWakPavpHJ
561Please respect copyright.PENANAAujMQfvdm0
Rodney Richards"561Please respect copyright.PENANAl52rXmn3gl
561Please respect copyright.PENANA6shppOyXya
561Please respect copyright.PENANAwpV25ojJcj
I must've looked like a lunatic jumping up and down smiling at my phone because Josh looked so confused when he came out of the break room with the coffee stain still visible on his white shirt.
"What's up with you?" I stopped abruptly trying to maintain composure when he looked at me with an eyebrow.
"No... umm... it's nothing" I replied grinning like a psycho.
"Right..." he walked away unconvinced.
I didn't want to lie but I know him too well that if I say anything about needing a room he'll start spouting his list of reasons why their guest room is still a top choice. Plus, I didn't want to add to his already shitty day. 561Please respect copyright.PENANAUKyRU0yuJf