When the Libra and Company 8 figured out the relationship between their super rookies well let’s just say there were mixtures of anger, happiness, and some kind of optimism between the two but honestly it was scary for them to suddenly know/figure about it without knowing something about those super rookies as well.
There were some few problems with both organizations because both of them even though preserving peacefulness it’s in different ways like one of the Libra in this case killing in somewhat allowed within their ranks which angers and off puts Company 8 so much that there some missions that some of them loses their cool once or twice already.
In this case, knowing that murderous and peaceful companies have a secret love relationship in there puts a big damper and anger to both sides which in case if don’t notice scared the living hell of the two in question.
“Leo-Kun when I said the question about sensitiveness I’ve actually wanted to…you know maybe comfort touches or something?” Shin asked softly while on the bed looking at a distance.
“Those ones huh…? I did question about the same thing for a while but it turned more perverted as the time goes on!” Leo informed softly while touching Shin’s face slowly.
“Perverted o-oh God y-you’re way too much now!” Shin complained while smiling and thinking about the same thing.
“Honestly you would not be when you asked that question out of nowhere without actual context?” Leo fired back while smirking a bit now.
“Context I-i-I’ve already said that! There is no way you got that wrong even now!” Shin fired back indignantly blushing hard now.
“HAI Shin-Chan is you that clean-minded for your own well now…?” Leo fired back as well Shin’s cute.
“MO~ Leo-Kun stops now…!” Shin fired back harder this time while the devil’s smile is a full force now.
For Leo one of the most adorable and funny sights is the devil’s smile and the genuine one on Shin whenever that happens every-time there’s just the overwhelming feeling to laugh out loud and gush over his fire user way too much and that one keeps him up at night at the same time gives him the drive to do better more than enough just to see that same face every day as well.
Leo when he heard about the sensitiveness question from his oh innocent lover that shocked him a bit and kind of his perverted mind gets way too fried again that question needs to be at least not said out of nowhere and that fast just like that but his innocent lover gets reckless sometimes and that makes his poor head fried again and again.
Leo glanced at Shin for a second it’s already turning into a genuine one slowly as he looked these times like this just staying in the house or even a room is just the right amount of specialness on their own now the same one that they have when they kissed and even made out as well?? That was something that tenfold as they go on and both of them knew that there will be more as well.
“Shin-Kun I have a slightly either perverted or curious question is y-y-your f-f-feet sensitive or something else?” Leo asked embarrassed slightly as he let it out.
“W-w-wait that one is a-actually absolutely sudden y-y-you idiot…!” Shin stuttered out shocked at the question as well.
“But if you ask me it’s actually very very sensitive I don’t usually let anyone touch it but it was like that even before discovering this actually…?” Shin added before Leo could start.
“Comfort or pleasurable…? Did it… manifest more on being lively you know maybe ticklish or is it the more perverted ones then?” Leo asked curiously while glancing at Shin’s feet.
“That one is…. the answer there is the more perverted one I don’t know actually why but Hinawa-san said about fire users being sensitive depending on their body parts but rarely the pleasurable ones…” Shin trailed off while Leo attentively listened in.
“Well… that’s actually a lot of information from your teammate but why does it affect you in a different way then maybe cause of Adolla Burst or something more different than that?” Leo asked softly.
“I-i-I honestly don’t know about that m-m-maybe that’s why I asked that question now…” Shin guessed right there and then while Leo sighed a bit.
Leo just sighed in his head and move a bit more closer to Shin while he’s looking away damn “God now that he has said that I want to know about the difference or chances of his sensitiveness happening now” Leo though curiously it’s weird that fire users can have two chances and one of them may actually be more dangerous than others huh?
Shin glanced to Leo now and smiled happily honestly speaking these questions and brainstorming?? About this simple thing is weird and downright getting away too perverted for Leo’s mind and trusts the blind when he said that his head is full of imaginary pleasure-filled faces of Shin which makes his already fried brain more broken as well.
Leo moved to Shin’s lap the blind can’t get over the fact that his fire user still has the baby soft skin he just wants to get a bite or just a bit of taste Leo moved a bit closer to his fire user’s chest turning around and settling his face on Shin’s chest just basking in the heat and love.
“I can’t believe that you still have baby soft skin!” Leo almost whined happily.
“Y-Y-Yeah you too Leo…!” Shin equally happily while hugging Leo softly.
“There’s not even a single ugly thing you have the best lips and eyes, not even the best-looking girls can’t compare to you at all!” Leo complimented hard now burying his face in Shin’s face more.
“EH~ L-l-Leo t-t-that’s way too sappy!” Shin stuttered out while looking away.
“Shin I have some ideas for sensitiveness let’s test it out one by one maybe for now we can start off with your feet…?” Leo asked cautiously while giving Shin a sweet smile.
“W-W-Wait…!? M-M-My feet…!” Shin complained softly while blushing madly now still looking away.
“Joking its joke no worries we try that later on what about it we can try kissing first then maybe after few weeks we could try harder stuff…” Leo trailed off while he’s disappointed inside but worried on the outside.
Shin still looking away slightly embarrassed then thinking about Beni-san’s presentation that one was honestly surprised and he never thought that Beni-san was attractive or something hell no!! He’s way too old for Shin the problem is that his body likes the way Beni-san looks and is kind of aroused by that fact which makes him even more embarrassed as well.
The fire user in question does have this weird gaydar?? Or something else sometimes he’s attracted to the same gender just like with Leo and Beni-san but rarely on the other gender which keeps him up at night at how stupid is he with boys that have only a towel for a look as well.
Beni-san in question now actually decided that he should test out the BI ness of Shin or does actually what you call that now?? By just going out with a towel for only covering the parts that needed to cover and let’s just say that the ending was how it was never told in detail because one Shin never wanted to remember it and two Leo just wants to kill whenever that comes up.
“I never actually l-l-let someone touches i-it n-now!” Shin stuttered out nervously at the same time has a red face.
“You never huh…? I honestly don’t know what to say and do now but you’re way too cute now!” Leo said nervous and a bit scared now.
“C-C-Cute you’re an idiot I am not I’m sexy!” Shin complained hard now while a smile appeared on his face.
“HAI HAI sexy then…! I can devour you here if you wanted to!” Leo said sneakily as Shin blushed redder than his usual.
“EH~…” Shin complained because he does not have anything to say now.
“Let’s try with feet first there should some triggers or something we could kiss first and then maybe…” Leo informed Shin while curiously looking at him.
“I-I-I a-actually l-like the kisses from you it’s kk-kind of super c-c-cute as well!” Shin said hastily while looking away.
That shocked Leo a bit because he actually thought that Shin would like that with the way their relationship is moving right now "God I'm so excited and happy now this is it I could finally do special things with even more now!!" Leo thought excitedly smiling to himself hard and thinking things that he would want to do with Shin now.
Shin nod at him and points softly as his feet shocking and frying poor Leo's brain more now as the time goes but anyhow he's ready for it now so Leo can guess it will be a good idea right?? Leo can't help but release a nervous smile on his face as his hands go straight to Shin's foot.
Shin's face is a mixture of pleasure and something else "SHIT SHIT that looked so cute and sexy!!" Leo thought the fire user's face is scrunched up trying not to release at least a bit of a moan when Shin said it's fucking sensitive it's super he meant it one touch and he might die from pleasure as well.
"Hey Shin, you okay there it looks like you're getting uncomfortable do you want me to stop?" Leo asked nervously as Shin nearly released a cute sigh of pleasure.
"(PANTS) Hngh I'm fine it's just it's so good to move to the right now!" Shin panted out twitching from so much pleasure in his body now.
"Are you sure!?" Leo asked extreme worriedness in his voice now.
"Y-Y-Yeah HNGH it's fine (PANTS) Oh God fuck!" Shin panted out more while biting his bottom lips.
Leo shivered in worriedness and excitement "Damn Shin looks so adorable like this but is he really sure that I should continue some more!?" Leo thought scared for his fire user's comfortableness and honestly, it does give him that arousing factor but the worry is something bigger than this now.
Shin looked straight into Leo's eyes his eyes glazed over with the overwhelming pleasure shooting all over his body it's like electric buzz and adrenaline that he wants to let out but can't for more than enough reasons the more he tried to stop himself from moaning the more it wants to get out bigger and bigger.
Leo met Shin's eyes and his eyes grow big with shock and worry at the same time Shin's eyes are like glazed over rubies still shining but has even more beauty he never thought he would have this day and time to finally see this moment while Leo looked he can't help but touch Shin's face softly as well and stop touching the poor fire user's feet.
"Ya still good Shin we can't stop now I think your "censored" is growing bigger I don't want to start that right now!" Leo said curiously while Shin's pants grow more hurried and shortened.
"I-I-I d-d-don't think I can handle anymore now (PANTS)" Shin panted out softly as he looked in a distance.
"Yeah I think so let's stop for now!" Leo said softly while touching Shin's arm comfortingly.
"T-T-That w-w-was kk-kind of good and weird at the same time!" Shin said softly while looking away now red in the face.
"I did think so too I honestly did not know that your feet were that absolutely sensitive we could ask Hinawa-san about this Adolla Burst or not," Leo asked softly curiously while his head curved slightly.
"Hinawa-san implied that Beni-san has the same one me but he is less sensitive added to that asking Obi-san he still said that it was some kind of phenomenon that only happens rarely IDK??" Did Shin ask himself while still having a blush in something else?
"Rarely happens huh? How does it make sense?" Leo fired back curiously while Shin looked at a distance now.
"That kind of what I wanted to know but considering it's only me and Beni-san that have this type so... somehow there is a no research paper about it maybe we should not try to get into that-" Shin tried and got interrupted by Leo again.
"That's weird actually you and Beni-san having that maybe that's not related to Adolla Burst now huh?? The question is why then??" Leo added to the already growing pile.
So if Beni-san and Shin have this sensitiveness that's weird Hinawa-san and Obi-san never actually go thoroughly about this the question in their minds now is why?? What does the two say about it rarely happening then "God this one should be weird right or is it natural??" Leo thought curiously.
Oddly specific for only the two powerhouses to have that sensitiveness and added to that there are no signs or reports that this has happened in Company 8 or maybe too embarrassed to say it just like that.
This an indeed a weird type of phenomenon considering only two has been reported and what's more, both of them have a different sense of sensitiveness like with supposed Beni-san's is less and with Shin more actively than the other so... how would this thing connect then.
"Shin I would like to ask Klaus-san about Company 8's database about your sensitiveness there should be answers right this weird now....?" Leo asked curiously while gesturing Shin to go out of the room.
"I asked Beni-san about it and he said that some people that are more connected to the world fire have this type of sensitiveness and can actually bare a c-c-child!?" Shin indignantly said while blushing hard now.
"World fire? Did someone mention that to you, Shin? I never heard about the powerhouses getting that type huh?" Leo fired back while pondering if he can use his eyes to confirm about it now.