Allois hummed as him and zeloras rode on horseback deep into a nearby forest, zeloras watched him every once in a while the rifle on his back leaving a mark every time it hit him from the trotting of the horse. 189Please respect copyright.PENANA0P8kWYkctm
“Here we are” Allois said with a smile, zeloras smiled looking at the cliff and the clearing around them. “Wow...this place is nice” zeloras stated looking around as he jumped off his horse, allois nodded “i come here a lot...” he said letting zeloras help him off the horse. 189Please respect copyright.PENANAMv2WdwsYsu
“Well, I’m sure we’ll have a great time here” Zeloras said with a smile, allois mirrored the smile dropping their camping necessities on the ground. Allois nodded and walked to the cliff looking at the sea nearby “it’s gorgeous....” he said happily sighing, zeloras walked up next to him and nodded “it’s just like your eyes...” he said. Allois chuckled as he smirked “wanna play a game?” He asked, zeloras raised an eyebrow watching Allois take off his purple tie and handing it to him. “It’s called ‘dancing in the dark’ it’s where you blindfold your dance partner and dance with them and if they fall down you win, if they don’t fall down they win” Allois explained. 189Please respect copyright.PENANAW4mRCz1XZC
Zeloras looked at him and chewed his lip “alright...but let’s move away from the cliff a bit” he said, allois nodded as they moved and zeloras’s cold hands brushed his face as he tied the tie around allois’s eyes. 189Please respect copyright.PENANAy0vBlPQmjm
“Can you see?” Zeloras asked, allois smiled “nope” he said. Zeloras nodded and chuckled “what kinda dance would you like?” He asked, allois thought for a moment “how about a waltz...sense I can never get it down- when can think of this as practice” he said, zeloras smirked “alright” he replied. 189Please respect copyright.PENANAHrxKXdpSVv
Allois took a deep breath slightly fearful of the cliff that wasn’t to far behind them, zeloras took it slow placing his hands on allois’s hips and clasping hands with allois’s as allois searched for zeloras’s shoulder. Zeloras directed his hand to his shoulder and allois smiled slightly “thanks” he said. Zeloras nodded even though he knew allois couldn’t see it. 189Please respect copyright.PENANAfz4toSXCoz
Zeloras’s shadow split from him raising a shadowed bow to a shadowed viola’s strings strumming a slow beautiful tune. Allois raised an eyebrow confused as zeloras took a step Allois following automatically, zeloras’s grip on allois’s waist tightened causing allois to blush as he felt their chests collide as he held him close in a slow waltz. 189Please respect copyright.PENANAtd9MxmafRc
“Your doing good” Zeloras whispered, allois flinched and turned red “were coming up to the difficult part....” he said. Allois nodded firmly as his grip tightened and zeloras spun him around catching him in his arms backwards allois’s leg extending into the air as zeloras then pulled him against his chest. On impulse Allois pushed from him in a spin their hands falling from their intertwining as zeloras’s eyes widened and allois stepped on the edge of the cliff his leg extending up backwards as he reached for a non-existent hand. 189Please respect copyright.PENANA45xnhSs1ic
Allois’s eyes widened as his foot hit a rock the loose knot on the tie falling from place as allois stared in horror at the ground 500 ft down, his breathing quickened as zeloras stood in horror “dont move Allois-“ he spoke slowly. Allois stiffened in place just as the horses behind them started to kick and buck, zeloras spun around meeting eyes with over 30 people holding guns and pitchforks extended towards them. 189Please respect copyright.PENANAr7fYuhasRv
Allois frowned “z-zeloras...what’s happening...why are you so quiet?” He asked scared, someone stepped from the edge of the forest near Allois aiming a revolver at allois’s head. Allois went to turn as zeloras growled “DONT MOVE” he shouted, allois flinched as zeloras turned to lock eyes with the man, 189Please respect copyright.PENANAEGXa94H4U0
The man smirked and a loud ringing filled the air along with a bang of the bullet flying from the barrel of the gun. Zeloras’s eyes widened “NO!!”