-Third Person P.O.V-
Brown and black leaves crunched under the soft moonlight as the pair headed as far south from the laboratory as they could. Dark looked around, searching for any sort of shelter they could possibly camp in for the time being; whereas Light stayed put, assessing their situation.
“Light we have to go. They’re going to start sending out a search party for us.”
The elder looked at her cell mate.
“Alright, fine. But hurry, it’s going to get very dark soon, the clouds are going to cover the moon in about a few minutes.”
The shorter gazed up at the sky : Light was right; they only had a few minutes... Again, they picked up pace until it was similar to an army march; they continued this way until they reached a small clearing by the river.
“This has to be far enough right? Even search teams don’t head out so far.”
Pondering this thought for a brief interval, Light nodded, and the two began to set up whatever they could for the night (just a small can of soup and a few matches). They lit up some dry twigs and leaves as kindle and Light placed the can over the fire. They talked for a bit, deciding on what to do next.
”Maybe we should continue heading south? There has to be somewhere we can go to.”
Light was appalled by this idea.
”Are you kidding?! What if they know we’re fugitives?? Do you have any IDEA what they would do to us? No way.”
“Alright, fine then. What ideas have you got?”
“Don’t really have any right now...too tired.”
Dark hummed in agreement, copying her bestfriend as a yawn dragged its way out of her throat. Perhaps it was getting late, perhaps they should rest... abruptly, a soft rustle echoed in the nearby bush. It was nearly inaudible, but Dark’s sharp, neko ears picked it up and she sniffed the air.
”Another Omega.” She whispered.
Light cocked her head, unsure of why an Omega of all creatures would be out during this time of the night.
”Omega? Isn’t it dangerous?”
Dark nodded.
”It is, which means that we should be on guard. We don’t know what this Omega truly is, or if they are using some sort of scent blockers.”
The Beta Wolf nodded, clenching and unclenching her fists in impatience as they waited for the creature to emerge from whatever shrub they were hiding in. But they never did. The two girls looked at each other.
“Maybe you got the scent mixed up? We are sweating quiet a bit...” Light questioned with an eyebrow raised; it was possible.
Dark shrugged, her ears still flicking back and forth, the tips seeming to fold a little bit with each swipe against the air.
“Maybe? I guess I’m probably just tired too. Who’ll keep watch?”
“I will I suppose. I’m not that tired.” Light responded and watched her best friend nod.
”Okay. I’ll be awake on ground, go project yourself.”
Dark frowned, trying to shake away the memories from her head as she stared at Light’s motionless body across from her. The Beta wasn’t dead, no. She was looking for a pathway for them to travel through astral projection. Across the high and dense forest, Light’s spirit flew and zipped above tree tops, looking desperately for a free and clear pathway she could bring Dark along.
She barely got a glimpse of a could-be pathway before she was yanked back into her physical body, the heaviness of her being shaken violently back and forth by the smaller Neko.
”Woah woah...” The elder responded, pushing off her friend’s hands as she tried to steady herself, “What’s wrong??”
Again, the two froze for a brief moment, listening to rustles in the woods surrounding them. This time, the sounds persisted.
“Stay here.” Light ordered, summoning a weapon : a bamboo stick. Great, she thought sarcastically, this will have to do!
The Wolf stalked towards the edges of the clearing they settled in, holding the thin yet strong stick in between her neck and shoulder joint as she braced herself to fight.
What neither of them expected was for a body to fall straight at her feet. Light jolted briefly, but still held her stance as she looked around for any other perpetrators.
“It’s just him Light. I don’t smell anything other than him.”
Sighing in relief, Light nodded, ushering her friend to come over as she nudged his side gently with her stick. The boy in question stirred lightly, under the warm glow of the fire his chocolate skin seemed to shine with sweat and dirt and blood...? A quiet groan escaped him as he struggled to move his arms, fingers twitching with the growing effort.
“Hey.” Light spoke, still poking him, “You probably can hear us right now, I’m not sure if you can respond, but we’re not here to hurt you.”
“...Then...stop...pok..king...me...” came the broken reply.
The poking seized, and Dark crouched down to take a better look at him. The smell was surely coming from him, although weak, the scents of mossy wood wafted off his lanky and frail figure. A frown etched its way onto the girl’s features as she slowly picked up and tilted his head, turning it to rest more comfortably on its side as he looked at her.
“Oh!” She mused softly, “Your eyes are like mine!”
It was true, both Omegas had vibrant pink eyes, even though they were both broken, their eyes still shone like the brightest jewels out there. She giggled a bit, beginning to accept that this boy was not a threat as she swiped his hair to the side.
“Do you want to sit up?”
A slow, painful looking nod.
”Okay!” And on that note, both girls carefully lifted the boy’s long body up, and propped it up against a nearby tree.
The trio was silent for a few moments, before the boy seemed to have gotten his voice back.
”My name...My name is Azusa Menke. I am an Omega, and I am 17 years old.”
“My name is Dark Hashi, I’m an Omega too and I’m 18 years old!”
”I’m Light Anzai; Beta, I’m 18 years old too.”