"I'm glad you're not a soldier anymore. It wasn't right for you." Mom remarks. She's ecstatic about the lie Raul and I told her. She gives both me and Eugenio a kiss on the cheek and heads out the door for work. For the last few years she's been managing the Neruda/Rios Farm as well as her brother's bakery. Eugenio and I have the house all to ourselves.
"You're really not a soldier anymore?" Eugenio asks, sounding disappointed.
"Hold on a moment." I run upstairs to grab the white suitcase Raul granted me. I bring it down and slap it onto the table. "Can you keep a secret?"
Eugenio eagerly shakes his head. I know I can trust him. I open up the suitcase and show Eugenio the Survival Suit. "When I said I was in a safer position, I wasn't lying. But I'm still a soldier."
Eugenio pulls a flat object out of the case, "What's this?"
I take it from him and flick it in the air like I saw General Lena do, and it unfolds into a helmet, locking into to place once fully expanded.
"Cool!" Eugenio exclaims, reaching for the helmet.
"Yeah, it's mine." I hand the helmet to Eugenio and he puts over his head. It's a bit oversized for him, and looks a little silly.
"Apparently it'll protect me from gunfire. It's supposed to be top secret stuff. Just don't tell mom I'm still a soldier. After what they said about what Miro and the RLA just pulled, she'd freak out. Don't tell Melissa or Arturo either."
Eugenio nods in the helmet, "I won't tell." If there's one person I can trust to stay true to his word, it was Eugenio. "You still have to tell me about all of the missions you go on though."
I smile, "That's fair." He loved hearing about the 'adventures' I would go on as a soldier.
Eugenio takes the helmet off, "Miro is a good guy though right?"
I tilt my head at him, "What makes you say that?"
"That's what Melissa said. Miro is trying to get rid of the PCC so I can go outside."
Damn it Melissa. Why would you tell Eugenio something like that? "I think they're misguided. The RLA wants to get rid of the PCC too, but they're still doing really terrible things. Miro is no different."
"Oh. Ok. That makes sense." Eugenio nods and hands the helmet back to me. I collapse it to its flat state and return it to it's suitcase.
There was a rustle in my squad when I arrived at base the next day. They already heard I was given the Survival Suit and wanted to see. Word must've spread from Raul. Rico audibly gasps when I showed them the helmet of the suit.
"It looks just like Miro's." Ilyana comments, arms folded.
"Do you want it?" I ask. "They don't really care who uses it, as long as it gets tested."
Ilyana raises her eyebrows at me, "Didn't Raul give this directly to you?"
"He did."
"Then you should keep it for yourself." Ilyana remarks.
Ilyana did a bit of research into the previous incarnations of the survival suit, and found out that in 2006 a Survival Suit user killed Fidel Santoro, the original leader of the RLA. Soon after that his son Eduardo Santoro took over the RLA, and it began to turn from a legitimate army into the terrorist group it is now. The first Survival Suit user was referred to as Nirivo, and subsequent ones have carried that name.
"Have you tested it out?" Rico asks.
"I haven't used it yet. So no."
"Lets get you into that suit and see how well it does." Rico brashly suggests.
Ilyana unfolds her arms and steps in urgently, "Absolutely not. We're not going to shoot at Juaquin or any of our own soldiers."
"It's not a bad idea to see what its capable of. I'm not against trying it out." I say.
Ilyana nervously looks back at me, "Ar-Are you sure."
"Yeah. Let's try it."
I change into the Survival suit. It takes some time to get into. I expected it to be restrictive but its surprisingly flexible. I do some stretches in it to test its flexibility. I don't quite have the same range of motion, but this is fine.
Ilyana asks again when I return to the squad, "Are you sure about this?"
I nod. The prospect of getting shot is nerve-wracking, but its better to find out now than later.
Ilyana has me stand against a wall 10 meters away from her. "Where do you want me to shoot?" Ilyana says, the apprehension heavy in her voice.
"Aim for the shoulder, I guess."
"Alright. I'll try to just knick it." Ilyana pivots her back foot and takes aim at me with her pistol. Usually she fires almost immediately, but she's reluctant now. She pulls the trigger and I wince. There is a single loud boom from the gun, and a moment later I feel a sharp jab in my shoulder.
I look at myself. I'm fine. There is only a slight sting in my shoulder from the point where it struck. It hurt, but it's much better then getting shot. I can tell Ilyana is relieved. The single bullet lies around my feet.
"How're you feeling bud?" Rico hollers.
"Doing great! I barely felt a thing." I pick up the bullet and hold it in the air, "The suit works! Hit me again!"
Ilyana fires a few shots at my chest. None of which feel like much. I can tell where each of the bullets impacts, but I'm no worse for wear.
"You shot Miro in the head, and he didn't even react. Aim for mine." I holler to her, "I want to see what it feels like."
"I don't know if that's a good idea Juaquin." Ilyana responds.
"It'll be fine, trust me!" I holler back, beating my chest.
She fired almost immediately and I feel a small tingle on my forehead. I hear a quiet metallic 'ting' from the impact. It struck the visor of the helmet, but there was no sign of damage. Not that I could see.
"Still good." I announce, "I think the helmet is reinforced even more than the rest of the Survival Suit."
Business goes on as usual, things were starting to calm down in Uneva. Whatever presence the RLA had in our region was being stamped out. Soon our region would be rid of them entirely.
A few days' pass, and the Rhiveran Liberation Army in Uneva makes one last effort against us. Nearly 20 armed terrorists take over the train station nearest to the base, taking all of the passengers of the train hostage and halting all travel in and out of Uneva.
"Disband the Population Control Council, or we'll kill the hostages." They broadcast. A message they've repeated ad nauseam.
Raul mobilizes troops from the base and forms a perimeter around the train station. Around the military's perimeter news station's crews try to catch a glimpse of the situation, no doubt to stir people's fears.
The RLA's defense of the station was solid, we couldn't approach from any angle without being shot at. They must've been planning this for awhile. We have the numbers advantage, but we can't take the brute force approach. That'll lead to unnecessary military casualties. But if we hesitate there will be civilian casualties, which is far worse.
There is a point that wasn't as well defended near the back of the train on the track itself, but it still can't be approached without immediate fire from the RLA. Ilyana and I see a clear solution and I get into the Survival suit. Never one to linger on formalities, Ilyana approaches Raul directly rather than going through her superiors.
"General sir. We think we have a solution." Ilyana announces proudly, standing at his attention, "I think we can have Juaquin here eliminate the the forces at the rear of the train, and it will give the rest of your forces the opening they need to enter the train at all other angles. "
Raul raises his eyebrow. "Are you sure the suit can withstand such a beating?"
"Very sure sir." Ilyana replies confidently. "We've tested its abilities."
Raul hesitates, but without any other clear ways forward, he decides to go with the plan. They arm me with the standard automatic rifle, a pistol and a serrated combat knife.
Hundreds of soldiers gather at the back of the train, ready to strike once I clear the path inside. I know there's a lot of pressure on me, but I'm ready to follow through.
I'm given a signal to move in, and I sprint down the track towards the train. I feel a sharp jab in my leg, and another in my chest. The terrorists spotted me and begun firing. It hurts, but that won't slow me down. The gunfire from the train becomes more intense. They must think they're somehow missing me. Unfortunately for them, they've given away their positions away. There are two of them manned at the very back of the train. I take my pistol and fire through the train window and strike one of them.
Once I reach the train I climb the platform to the backdoor. The door swings open and I'm greeted with direct gunfire, much more painful at this range. Through it I shoot the terrorist in the head and he drops to the floor. I enter the train and see it lined with passengers.
I speak into my radio, "Ilyana, I've take-" Someone grips me from behind. They draw a knife in front of me and plunge it towards my chest. The Survival Suit deflects the blade. I feel the impact of it against my chest, but it can't pierce the suit. I draw my own dagger and stab the nearest part of their body.
They scream and release me, and I turn to them and respond with a few gunshots to their chest. They fall lifelessly to the ground.
More of the RLA comes to the carrying car I'm in, and I dispatch them as they come. In moments, the Uneva's forces approach from the back of the train. It was all over once the soldiers enter the train, the RLA lost their advantage and were in a scramble. Within minutes we had taken the train over and had either killed or disarmed all of the RLA aboard. Once it was clear they lost, the RLA stoops to killing hostages, but are quickly dealt with afterwards. A few hostages couldn't be saved, but not a single soldier's life was lost.
There’s a brief celebration at base at the success of the mission. With the situation the hostages, it could've gone far worse. Raul excitedly reports to General Lena about my work with the Survival Suit. With how effective it was today, I can see why they might mass produce more Survival Suits like this.
Before heading out for the weekend Ilyana stops me, "Good work out there today." She says.
"Thank you Corporal." I answer formally.
She rolls her eyes at me, "I told you. You can call me Ilyana."
I laugh a little, "Ha, sorry Ilyana."
"What're you up to on your time off?" She asks.
"Probably going to hangout with Eu-" I stop myself, "Hangout at the house." I quickly correct myself. I can't believe I almost said Eugenio's name.
"Do you want do something?" Ilyana says hastily, her face turns slight red.
I'm a little caught off guard, it takes me a moment to say anything, "Umm. Sure." I blurt out. "If you want to."
Ilyana somewhat nervously nods, "Ok. Ok. Do you know the plaza in town near here?"
"Yeah. That place is nice." I respond, really unsure of myself, "Did you want to meet there this weekend?"
"Yeah. Sure. Sure. How's the evening on Saturday sound?" Ilyana asks, sounding equally unsure of herself. "Maybe 6?"
"Yeah. That sounds great." I say, trying to seem more confident than I truly am, "I'll see you then."
"Yeah. See you." She smiles, a rare sight from her.
There a few bruises on my body from the points where I took the most impacts, specifically on my chest. They're a point of pride for me. I can do a lot of good with the Survival Suit. Maybe I'd get the chance to bring down Eduardo Santoro personally. I like to think that would do my dad justice.
The news stations cover the events at the train station, citing it as a huge success of the military. They cut to footage of me in the Survival Suit. Eugenio and mom watch in amazement as they see me charge through gunfire at the train. Eugenio glances at me in excitement, knowing it's me.
~Nirivo saves hostages~
Nirivo? I guess they're using the name of the previous Survival Suit users for me. As long as they don't name me, I'm fine with it.
The news station speaks to some of the soldiers outside of the perimeter. Rico comes on screen with one of the interviewers and my heart sinks. Please don't say anything about me. I'd rather not have people know that it was me. Who knows, the RLA could track me down or something.
"Can you tell us anything about Nirivo?" The interviewers ask.
"Nirivo?" Rico asks.
"The one in the white and blue armor."
"Oh yeah, I work with him. He's a good kid." Rico announces. I sink into my seat. "He's a good kid. I don't think he'd like me talking about him though. He's a bit shy."
I'm not shy. But he knew better than to out me. I see the time on the TV. It's almost time to go meet Ilyana. I rush to my feet and for the door.
"Where are you going?" Mom asks.
"The Plaza." I respond quickly.
Mom raises her eyebrow at me, "Oh, does my Juaquin have a date."
I pause for a moment... Do I? I mutter "Maybe." as I walk out the door.
After taking the tram and reaching the plaza, I find it be oddly empty. People might be frightened after what happened at the train station the other day, something similar could've happened here instead. But most of the RLA in Uneva is gone. There's nothing to worry about. I take a seat near a picturesque fountain sitting at the center of the plaza.
A tan girl in a summer dress comes towards the fountain, "Hey! Glad you made it." She smiles. It takes me a moment to realize it's Ilyana. Her hair is down to her shoulders, and it even looks like she's wearing makeup. I've never seen her like this. She takes a seat next to me.
"Hey. Glad you did too." I say, still a little stunned by her. "So, what would you want to do?"
Ilyana shrugs her shoulders, "I'm okay with anything."
I glance around at the plaza and spot the movie theatre. Dad told me his first date with mom was to the movies, "Want to see a movie?"
"Sure." Ilyana hops to her feet.
Fifteen minutes into the movie, I realize I made a mistake. I can't help but fidget in my seat as the film goes on. I can't remember the last time I sat through an entire movie all at once. There are scenic views of the countryside where the characters are traveling, and I just wish I was there myself.
Ilyana continually glances at me through the movie. She leans over to me and whispers, "Are you enjoying this?"
I look blankly at her for a moment before asking, "Are you?" If she's enjoying herself, I don't want to ruin it.
She rolls her eyes and smiles. "Let's go." She stands, takes my hands, and walks out of the theater with me.
"I could tell you're not a movie-goer." She exclaims as we leave. "I'm not much of one either honestly."
I'm such an idiot. "Sorry. I dragged you in there. I'm sure we can find something else to do."
Ilyana takes my hand, "I have an idea. I want to show you something."
We head south of town and find a slope with large and rough rocks, leading down to a river. "When I was little, me and my siblings would play here a lot." Ilyana let's go of my hand and hops down to one of the rocks on the slope, arms fanned out to balance herself.
"Be careful!" I impulsively say.
Ilyana looks back at me with a raised eyebrow. I should know better than to doubt her. She can handle herself. I hop down to rock next to her, and then to another beneath it. She follows close after. This is the sort of thing Melissa and I would've done when we were little.
When we finally reach the river at the bottom I look at Ilyana, she has a big smile on her face. For a while we just walk along the river as it gets dark, allowing the waters to wash against our feet as we go.
"Do you have a girlfriend Juaquin?" Ilyana looks at me inquisitively, all nervousness around me has left her. I feel more comfortable too.
"No." I say watching her reaction, "Do you have a boyfriend?"
"No." She says simply. "It's been a while at least. It's hard to find good men. Most men are terrible."
"I hope I'm not one." I comment.
"No no, you're not. You're one of the good ones." She said. She looks at me for a moment before taking my hand as we continue along the river. She gives me a kiss before we part ways that night.
For a moment, I think about telling Ilyana about Eugenio. But, I'm not sure how she'd take it. I'd like to think she'd understand, but I'm pretty sure she's a strong supporter of the PCC. There's a possibility she'd go as far as reporting him. No, she wouldn't do that. I'm sure of it. But, I still don't tell her. 548Please respect copyright.PENANAP8wS0XtcOu