When I look into the mirror I see sadness, depression, loneliness, abused, unsocial person that smiles for their friends and not for their self. Someone who doesn't like what they see, and what they see is ugliness, unhappiness, a suicidal girl who smiles for the hell of it. Jokes around like its her last day living, and dances like theres no one watching. But inside she wants to die, she wants to forget people who have hurt her feelings. People who have made fun of her for being her, and how weird she is. She doesn't understand life, and why people are so mean to others for the fun of seeing them cry. Yes, she has her own flaws but she is unique under all of that depression and sadness in her eyes. But people don't believe her, they just judge her from her looks and her style. No one really understands her, no one really cares to try. When i look into the mirror i see a string beautiful girl who is trying to make a difference in this world.