"Jake! NOOO!" Ruby exclaims as she walks into the door of her best friends house."Put that down, okay, we can talk about it, what's wrong?"
"Go away Ruby, you aren't going to change my mind"
Jake's body drops to the floor.
"Jake!!! No, please, you cant do this to me!" Ruby races across the floor to the lifeless body and straddles his head in her lap. "Jake, please! Don't do this to me, don't leave me, c'mon, wake up!"
Suddenly Jake's hand shoots up and clasps onto Ruby's throat and she gasps for breath.
"Stop!" Ruby darts up and looks around her, out of breath. Checking her phone she gets up and goes to the kitchen to grab something to eat.
There is a click at the front door before it swings open and Ruby jumps, startled, and ducks behind the counter before realizing who just came in the door. She stands up, still short of breath.
"Hey baby, you okay? You look pale" A woman's voice says from the shadows.
"Yeah, I, I'm fine" she replies, continuing to look for food.
"Did you have the nightmare again, Rue?"
Pausing to decide weather she should answer truthfully, she looks up, her eyes filling with tears.
The woman rushes over to Ruby and wraps her arms around her holding her firmly and protectively. "Don't cry, Baby" she says, comforting her.
"I'm sorry." Ruby cries out, going limp.
Holding her carefully the woman sits them both down on the kitchen floor, saying "No, baby, don't be sorry, let it all out."