It was slight slightly raining since the storm the night before. As the sun slightly broke through some of the morning rain clouds the light shimmered off the puddles nearby as Mia trotted down all 5 flights of steps to the bottom floor of her apartment building. She was holding Rupert like a newborn baby as she skipped down the sidewalk with her umbrella. Rupert was wearing the little black trash bag rain count Mia had made him and was purring as she skipped. “Okay Rupert today were gonna buy Taro a present! And you’re going to help me pick it out since you’re part of the group now.” Rupert let out a happy meow. “Then it’s settled! If you see something you think he’d like, just let out a great big meow!” As the rain fell, they ventured to every store in town. They would look in the windows and get starry eyed looking at things they thought Sho would like. She stopped at some street vendors and got Rupert and her some fish on a stick but still couldn’t find a gift that Sho would like. After a few hours she did accumulate some new stuff, but it was only a bed for Rupert and some other cat things to help welcome Rupert into Sho’s home. All the things she wanted to get him were out of her price range so she would just keep looking as they journeyed past all the stores around town. There were two young kids playing in a puddle on the sidewalk and for a little bit Mia joined them in jumping in and out of the puddle. They took turns petting Rupert than she waved goodbye and continued her adventure.
After a while Mia began to lose hope and started to feel like they wouldn’t find anything. “Gosh Rupert, Taro is so hard to shop for. He’s so grouchy all the time I’m afraid he won’t like anything I get him.” Rupert jumped out of her arms and strolled over to the entrance of thrift store a few buildings down. In the window was an old and small polaroid camera that prints the pictures off when you take them. “Good job kitty! I think I have a great idea.” Mia picked up Rupert and viciously did a ballerina spin while still holding him and he cried out a meow of help.
Mia was walking up the sidewalk to her apartment building when she heard a shrill and nasty voice call out to her. “Ms Hada! Do you have a moment?” Walking down the sidewalk towards her was Ms. Fukimari, the landlord. Mia knew there was no escape this time.
“Um, … Hi.” She managed to say.
“Yes, hello. I was wanting to tell you that this morning while you were out the leak in your apartment has been taken care of. I’d like to apologize for how long it took but I can assure you it will no longer be an issue.” While still holding Rupert she bowed and said,
“Thank you, ma’am!” As she bowed Ms. Fukimari stated,
“If you’re going to be keeping an animal in your apartment there is a security deposit that needs to be paid. If you’d like I can re-calculate the money Mr. Okazaki gave me on your behalf and incorporate the pet fee.”
“This is Rupert and he’s actually Taro’s cat!” Mia surprised herself for throwing Sho under the bus so fast when she knew if he was there he’d be arguing he never wanted the cat.
Ms Fukimari stood there stunned for a second in front of Mia. “You’re telling me Shotaro Okazaki has a pet? The young man who’s reclused away for pretty much 5 years in his apartment went out the other day and bought a pet for the hell of it?” Mia quickly shouted out,
“YES HE DID! HE SAID WHEN HE SAW HIM AT THE PET STORE HE WAS SO EFFING CUTE AND HAD TO HAVE HIM.” She then looked down at the ground because she felt ashamed that she had to lie. The landlord let out a huge laugh and cried,
“Are we talking about the same person?” She continued to cackle like an old dried up witch. “One last thing Ms. Hada. I was friends with Shotaro’s parents for a very long time. Even though me and that boy don’t get along you better not be up to anything. Like trying to use him for his wealth or trap him in some kind of wedlock.” Mia couldn’t think of any clever responses to fire back at her as Ms Fukimari walked away from her. As Mia ran up the apartment steps she whispered to Rupert.
“What a vile lady Rupey, for a second I thought she was gonna turn us to stone like some kind of medusa.” She unlocked Sho’s front door and let herself in. Everything was exactly how it was since she left. Shotaro was still sleeping on the couch but this time he was sprawled out on it like he was floating on raft lost at sea. “Okay, Rupey! It’s time to get to work!”