Drip... drop...drip..drop..
Why does my face itch so bad..? It's like tear stains on my cheeks.
My skin was burning and all I could taste was salty water.. I was scared to open my eyes it was so cold wherever I was. Through my closed eyelids, I could feel the sunlight pierce through. My eyelids fluttered squinting, I realized the sound of waves moments later. The olive green curtains danced crazily with the breeze, meanwhile while the droplets splashed from the open window on me again... I was on this big king sized bed. Wait why am I on someone's bed? I freaked out, accidently slipping on the wooden floor. Great, just great. My head was uncovered looking for my scarf across this gorgeous anonymous house. The ends of my overalls were crunched and it seemed that I have soaked much water last night. I could smell some baked goods coming from somewhere in this house.
I heard the wooden steps creak closer and closer hiding under the covers, burying myself with the blankets, I haven't looked this silly since middle school. "Are you awake dear?" It was an old woman for sure. "Oh my, dear come here." she said smiling managing not to laugh, handing me a towel to dry my hair. I combed it with my fingers putting it in a high pony tail. "Thank you." I honestly didn't have anything else to say that moment. "No ones here, don't worry my dear." She reassured me. "What happened..?" I asked hungry for explanation, maybe some breakfast too. She smiled taking my hand in her wrinkly soft ones, guiding me to the kitchen. Okay honestly this smells SO good. "Well, yesterday my daughter was leaving from her weekend visit. She saw you peacefully asleep on top of your car, she tried to wake you up, but you didn't," she smiled, okay I'm an awkwardly heavy sleeper let me write that down. "Your parked car was just a turn away from our house, and we thought it would be better to take you inside." I had no idea if I should cry or laugh honestly.
"Thank you so much, Mrs...?" I said placing the cups and plates on the table. "Oh call me Elaina" she wore her warming smile again and again. "I'm Leila." Her kitchen was a piece of art honestly, the walls where ceramic having some fruit prints as if they were hand made. "Leila, we found some cartons of milk in your car, and we didn't want them to go bad so I made you some bread and cookies if you don't mind." She said pulling the tray out of the oven, oh well I'd sleep in the rain for the rest of my life if there's cookies every time I did so. "I don't mind, thank you really. You seem to be such a caring and loving person." I said pouring her a cup of tea. "That was nice of you to say my dear." She said sitting next to me as we drank tea and had breakfast such a vintage style my type, blue berries and strawberries along with a regular human being breakfast. Wait, it's Sunday and I have a shift in the CAFÉ. "Could I use your phone?" I asked Elaina my leg bouncing on the stool. That was my bad habit, I remember mom pinching my leg every time I did that. "Yes sweetheart it's in the living room on the counter." She guided motioning her hand to the left. "Thanks" I jumped to dial Süheyla's number, my fingers playing through the white loops of the phone's sealed wires.
"LEILA DID YOU FORGET THAT YOU OWN A PHONE." she shrieked, how did she know this was me it's a new number for gods sake. "I forgot it in my car, girl. How did you even know this was me?" I laughed, okay she's going to shout about that too. "I JUST KNOW-" Süheyla's spider senses I guess. "Could you please, please, pretty please call me off? tell them I got a fever or something." me acting all innocent and irresponsible. "I already told them that." She huffed I was sure she smiled after that. "Thank you, thank you thank you~" I sang to her. "You weren't home today and so wasn't your car, Leila I'm feeling suspicious." I laughed pretty hard "Don't worry I'll tell you what happened, wanna have dinner at my place today?" "Sure you owe me something anyways." I could feel the shrug from her side of the line "of course I do." I smiled "See you Sü."
I peaked over the window, I saw my car in front of the house, it don't think I realized this house in the dark yesterday. There was a small blooming garden outside and it had this thing pulling me towards it. I found some brown gloves and a some gardening scissors. I started trimming the edges of the bushes removing the weeds and planting some seeds that fell of the soft pink blossoms. Watering them, the droplets shining so bright from the reflected warm rays of the sun. I sat on the edge tilting my head, to checking if it needed anything else. Putting the gloves back I caught with the corner of my eye, Mrs. Elaina glancing at the garden smiling. She came outside and started telling me how the blossoms were a big part of her childhood.
I left after having a good talk with the sweet old lady. I promised her I'd come again and check if she needed anything and gave her my number in case. I opened my apartment dropping they keys on the table top juggling the bags of the groceries, closing the light blue door with my foot. Putting everything either in the fridge or in the hay baskets, I went to take a warm bath to calm down and relax.. my tensed muscles loosened and I just wanted to stay here forever. I closed my eyes sinking into the water remembering how much I loved to swim when I was younger, I was so light, I couldn't keep up with the others I'd always float to the top trying to get the toys in the bottom. I opened my eyes, just like I used to before. Only this time it stung. "Shit." it's soap water you idiot, way to go. I've never had soap in my eye since I was 4 and now I've broken the high score. It's burned so much I kept my eyes tightly shut for minutes but I found myself laughing . A bit later I could open a bit so that I could find my robe and wash my face with cold water. I dried my hair putting it in a low bun pulling two front strands. I pulled out some grey sweatpants and a military green tank top then headed to the kitchen.
I looked over to my phone that was beside my bag. I played some random classic Beethoven drama symphonies. I just love it, the drama and urge to dance. Humming in the kitchen, I started cooking dinner. Putting some salmon and diced potatoes in the pyrex, seasoning them with the spices. I squeezed a lemon as the last touch, opening the oven as it's heat radiations hit my face. I sat on my couch, well not exactly... I did but upside down. Scrolling through my phone I remembered yesterdays incident. I'm still pretty curious. Maybe it was just an error..? I called costumer service of my the telecommunications service my phone is using. "Hello, how can I help you?" the cheerful employee said. "Um, I'd like to inquire about my phone number, is it possible anyone else can have the same number as mine?" What could she possibly say. "No sweetie, if so you wouldn't be able to talk to me right know. Our system has your name only as this numbers owner, you're Leila right?" She asked, you hacker how did you know! "Yes," I laughed "it's me. Thanks." she gave me her 'if you need anything we're here for help' message and ended the call.
Honestly, if you know me well, you'll know how stubborn I am. I searched about it. Some said that calls you receive from you own phone with your number id calling, were illegal and could be spammers and other stuff like that... Well, I'm going to be honest I sat down criss-crossed my other hand pulling my legs closer. I dialed my number. Yes, I did it again. Who cares, it's not like I'm a spammer or anything close the their knowledge. Told you I'm stubborn. The dialing stopped that same minute. And so did my heart beats. My pupils dilated looking through bright pixilated screen.
"Hey, is that you again...?"
That voice..
It was him again-
Got yaaaaa :D
Just to make things clear, the idea of the book was partly based on true events. Don't search it up it's not that known of a topic :^) however, I shall not spill more secrets off I go for the third chapter....