Hello readers! Today I will be announcing 4 things. Be sure to read it till the very end!
1) Why do I write romance stories everytime?
Many people have been asking this for a long time. Well, I'm just naturally good at it. Before I started to write, I was a really OBBESSED with online games. Like Halo, etc. I am still a gamer, don't get me wrong. I do have experience on going online roleplaying a fantasy game. It was really fun and exciting because theres no scripts! And me and my friend, AlexRoGamer10 (you can find him at indtagram and tell him that I, hyyhor sent you there! My gaming name is hyyhor. ) he and I made our motto everytime we roleplay.
Our motto is: "FANSERVICE MUST CONTINUE!". And we kinda turned a little bit crazy during roleplays. Our lives changed that day. It was amazing...
And I was an romance anime lover, I started watching anime 3 years ago! I guess I had watched EVERY anime that has a tag "Romance" on it. I just really love romance.
2) Stories I've deleted.
Yes, I've deleted countless stories recently. Why? Because its kinda hard to think new issues to continue it. And, its really hard to write nowadays just because the idea's are taken away day by day. So I think copywriting without crediting is against my world of laws!
And my life is just real weird. Since my horoscope is Gemini, its even weirder! Sometimes I feel like writing this, and sometimes I hate writing it.
3) When are you often online and post new issues?
Well, since I live in Malaysia. Not really often, I need to go to school, do my homework, revision & stuff. So I guess you can check the worldwide clock now, I will be mostly online at night because Its peacefull at night.
Issues may take a few days to upload, I would try my best to write more daily.
4) Why do I see mistypes?
Well, this is mostly COMMON for everyone, even pro's. Don't get me wrong, Its true.
I will improve having mistypes lessen up. It will take a while, but just wait everyone!
Well, that answers 4 of your COMMON questions. Maybe, pfft.
I will keep up the posts, and they may repeat if you keep asking. I just want to let everyone know, ya'll feel me?
Well, if you have questions. You can ask them in the comment box. I will answer them in the next issue, mentioning your name too!
Thanks for reading till' the end, writers. Goodbye!
Audrey Hor.