You slowly walk across the sleek marble floor, each step echoing through the room. Step Step Step. You nod to yourself as you walk by the testing tubes, each one holding a small child, curled in a ball no doubt from weakness. You couldn't help yourself but let out a smile. A smile of a mad man who has not only fallen into the dark depths of insanity but help created and defined it. You let out a small chuckle as you approached the command board. You reached forward and flipped a switch. A soft humming noise filled the room. Immediately, each and every single one of the tubes started filling up with water. You watched in amusement as the children woke up, and started screaming, clawing at the glass. Each and every single one of them seemed to mouth help, each and every single one of them were silently begging you to let them out, to give them salvation. You couldn't help but laugh. The echoing screams were music to your ears. But soon, the music echoed away. After all, beauty doesn't last forever. Turning around, you start walking away, smiling at the dead limp bodies. Perfect.