Friday, June 13, 1979
Alice was asleep.
She awoke.
'Bill!', she uttered.
He was gone.
Bill heard a noise.
'Hello. Who is it?', he asked.
The killer attacked him.
He died knowing that he knew who it was.
Steve Christy was at the Crystal Lake Diner.
'More coffee?', Sandy, the sixty year old waitress who wore glasses, asked.
'Yes, please', Steve answered.
Outside it was raining heavily in the town of Crystal Lake.
'Bad weather on Friday the 13th', Sandy said.
'Yes, it is. I have campers at the campground. They're a handful. A cook didn't come though', Steve said.
'There was a girl earlier on. Annie Phillips'.
'Yes, that is the cook. Did she arrive?'.
Steve frowned.
What happened to her?, Steve asked himself.
'How much do I owe you?'.
'Two and a quarter', Sandy said.
Steve gave her three dollar bills.
'Keep the change'.
'Thank you, Steve'.
He gripped the raincoat off the hook, and opened the front door. He headed to the jeep. But the engine died. Frowning, he waved his hands in the air. Sheriff Earl Tierney arrived in his police car.
'Need help, Steve?'.
'Yes, the jeep's engine conked out. I'll get it in the morning'.
'Get in. I'll take you to the camp', Sheriff Tierney said. He looked at the road.
'What's the matter?', Steve asked him.
'Today's Friday the 13th. A day in which there's more murders, more strange phenomena, and everyone's scared of death', Sheriff Tierney answered. The radio mike beeped: 'A three mile pile up on Cunningham Road, Sheriff', Rose Marcher, the nineteen year old young woman said.
'This is Sheriff Tierney. I am taking Steve Christy back to camp. ETA, fifteen minutes. Over!'.
He added: 'I have to let you off here, Steve'.
'Thanks, Sheriff. Good night'.
'Good night'.
Steve grabbed his groceries that was in his bags, and trudged up the hill. Suddenly, as he reached the camp's sign, someone flashed a light in his eyes. Once he adjusted his eyes, he said: 'Oh, Hi, Pamela. What are you doing out here in this rain?'. The knife came down, and hit his chest. Steve gasped in horror. Blood spilled down his chest. He knew that the death curse was real. The killer, Pamela Sue Voorhees, dragged the body into the deep woods, and hung him up the oak tree.
And headed to the cabins.
Brenda's body was thrown through the window.
Alice screamed.
When she opened the door, she saw Bill's body.
She grabbed a baseball bat, and barricaded herself.
Suddenly she saw the bright lights of a jeep.
She ran outside.
It wasn't the head camp counsellor.
'Who are you? Where's Steve?', she asked.
'Why, I am Mrs. Pamela Sue Voorhees', the forty-nine year old woman in a blue sweater answered.
She flashed her white teeth, and smiled falsely.
'They're all dead!'.
'I'm not afraid', Mrs. Voorhees said.
She walked inside the cabins, and gasped in horror.
'My, they're so innocent; so young'.
'Where's Steve?', Alice asked her.
Mrs. Voorhees stared into space.
'Oh, I don't think you'd worry now. It's this place. It has a lot of bad memories. My son, Jason, drowned in the lake back in '57. The camp counsellors we making love while he struggled in the water. I did what a Mother should; I got revenge. Luckily, he survived'.
'Where's Steve?'.
Mrs. Voorhees watched her.
In her right hand was a sharp knife.
The full moon's glow cast a hypnotic feel to camp.
'Look what you did to him!'.
Mrs. Voorhees attacked Alice.
She fled to the larder room.
After a fight, Alice turned on the light.
She found an old frying pan.
She hit the mad killer over the head with it.
Mrs. Voorhees fell backwards, and was unconscious.
Alice ran to the beach area of the camp.
The moon's glow hovered above the glistening lake.
Alice noticed the canoe.
Before she could escape, Mrs. Voorhees said: 'Kill her, Mommy! Kill her! Don't let her get away!; don't let her live!'; 'I won't Jason! I won't!'. After the second fight, Alice ran away. On the sand was an abandoned machete. She reached the woods. She screamed as she saw the hanging body of Steve Christy, and the body of Annie Phillips in the second jeep.
She ran to the beach for the second time.
She grabbed the weapon in her right hand.
Mrs. Voorhees had an open look of surprise on her face.
'No! No!'.
It was too late.
The machete came down, and her body fell onto the cold, wet, sand.
Alice was in the middle of Camp Crystal Lake.
By 10:00 PM, it was dark.
She was dreaming.
As she did so, Jason Voorhees jumped out of the water. He was now a monster. Alice screamed with terror as the hands wrapped across her neck; her eyes focused on the water, and the blaring sirens of four Crystal Lake Police cars arrived to rescue her. The horror of Friday the 13th had ended...for now.
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