We head down two flights of stairs then Anita crouch's below the widow so the men standing on the other side don't see us.
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"We have to get in and turn on the boys switch so that all of the male clones will shut down. And then all we have to do is find Dr. Andrews, kill him and this will all be over quickly." Anita whispers the plan to me
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"Wait what? We're going to ....kill All the boys? I thought the plan was to kill some but save a few to help us rebuild our own girls city." I say remembering the plan that has been drilled in my head since i began training.
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"Yeah well plans change. Look we're dying like flies out there." Anita says gesturing to the small window to the outside.
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Outside i see countless numbers of bodies both girl and boys.....it's a blood-bath out there.
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"And besides what do you care if all the clones die at once, they would just be killed later anyways." Anita says nonchalantly
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I cant think of any words to say so i just stay silent.
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"You look nervous." Anita says still crouching. "Give me one good reason why we shouldn't wipe them all out and i might consider. I'm commander and what i say goes but your my best friend." Anita continues
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An image of Nate's friend Markus passes in the back of my head but i quickly crash the thought down.
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I'm on the girls side now.
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And besides for all i know Nate is dead.
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He's human after all if he's anything like me he didn't survive.
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I give her a reassuring smile.
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"Let's kill them all." I reply and we step through the door.
421Please respect copyright.PENANAgwIPZ0O8QQ
Anita whips out her gun and shoots the guards in the back, clearly aiming for their heads.
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I was always a better shot than her.
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We head down the hall with guns out.
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I have never shot a person and i hope i never have too.
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We stopped abruptly at the end of the hall right before we turn the corner.
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"I heard footsteps." Anita whispers back to me.
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Anita steps out first and a shot blares through the air.
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I thought i heard someone scream.
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A second shot ripped though the air and i realize its Anita's gun that goes of the second time.
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But who's went off the first time?
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Anita crashes to the ground clenching her stomach.
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I realize now that i was the one who screamed.
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"....Anita?" I crouch down next to her.
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My eyes get heavy with tears.
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What happened?
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The battle has just begun.
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"No Queen Anita....you can't leave me here alone." I sob placing my hand over her hand covering the wound
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"You are strong....i know you can get to the switches." Queen Anita says between breaths
421Please respect copyright.PENANATtZTXxSpdQ
"But...but...i can't. It's not my mission. The Queen has to turn on the switch." I say remembering what Kate had said.
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"And a Queen will turn on the switch." Anita says slowly removing the commander necklace and placing it around my neck with one hand.
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"No..no.. i cant..." i stutter
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"You can and you will." Anita says roughly. "I knew from the day i met you in those woods that you were going to do something great someday and today is that day. We're more alike than you think." Anita says with her eyes closed but i can see her lips curl into a smile.
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"Anita i cant. Not without you. You are the one who taught me everything i know. Without your instruction I'm lost. I cant lead the whole army." I say through tears.
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"Make....me proud........... Flowers." Anita chokes out.
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Seeing Anita dead reminds me of the guard my brother shot protecting me some time ago.
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I take my hand off her stomach and touch the necklace.
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As soon as i remove my hand i see it.
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Red, thick blood coats my hand.
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I look at Anita's jacket and it's soaked with blood.
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Anita was bleeding.
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Which means.....
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Anita was....human.