"You live here?" Zenah asked, looking up into the huge trees.
"Yep, all by myself." He called from off his front porch.
Not anymore
"Wow, it's beautiful here. I can't smell anything but nature back here." She sniffed again and still could pick up nothing.
"That's why I live here. I love the forest and the isolation suits me." Zach stepped to and opened the front door.
"Would you like to come in?"
Zenah looked over to him and shook her head. "Not really, I'd rather see your forest." The trees called to her, like a pull on her heart.
"I knew there was a reason I liked you." Zach let the door closed and vaulted the log style rail he'd made around his front porch.
"Would you like to lead or shall I?"
Zenah looked over at him as he approached. "It's your woods, so shouldn't you lead?"
"Nah, I would like to see where you'd like to go. Another thing, are we going on a run, or a run?"
"Just a run, maybe we can really run later."
If we changed I'd be all over him. I might be able to control myself but the wolf would know exactly want she wants and wouldn't take no for an answer.
With a smile Zach set off on at a slow jog, keeping it slow as to not outdistance the woman next to him.
He thinks I can't run, how adorable.
With a grin, Zenah sprinted ahead. Over, under, around the trees and brush she sped, loving the feel of the foliage as it slipped past her on either side. Looking over her shoulder she couldn't see Zach behind her and her strides faltered. Where was he?
In a rush of twigs and branches, Zach burst out of the greenery. Slamming into Zenah, he brought them both to the ground in an explosion of leaves, dirt, and screams of fright.
Zenah's screams of fright morphed into squeals of delight as they both wrestled in the leaves. How many times had she watched her parents, her friends, do this, always despairing that she never find someone she would feel close enough to let her guard down and just be herself?
Now she revealed in it. They rolled over and over, kicking, biting, clawing. She could tell he wasn't bringing his full strength to bear on her and it shocked her that she took no offence from it. Whenever she'd spared one of the men at the den, on the rare occasions her father permitted it. She always insisted they come at her full force, yet here she felt a warmth spread through her entire body. He wanted to protect her, he wasn't going to hurt her, ever. But that didn't mean he was going to go light on her either.
He lifted her off the ground and threw her into the brush of a young ash tree. Spitting leaves, she barreled out of the leaves and sticks at full speed. Launching herself into the air, she came down on his chest before he could get out of her way. Even in human form she couldn't resist and sank her teeth into his shoulder, riding her momentum she latched onto him with both hands and forced him off his feet onto his back.
Landing with a thud, Zach wrapped a fist in her hair and pulled her teeth off him. Smiling up into her eyes, he flipped her onto her back so that he was over her. Growling, Zenah pushed at his chest, her nails leaving long red lines through his chest hair. Then she felt something. He was snaking his legs inside hers, pinning them to the ground. Then he let himself fall down until he was holding his weight off her with nothing but his elbows.
"So do you bring every girl you meet out here to have your way with them, sir?" She asked as she licked his blood off her lips.
"You're the one and only, no one else has ever been out here. Okay, I can't say that. There were a couple of hunters out here a couple of years ago. Other than that, you're the first." Her eyes narrowed and began to roll back into her head when she felt him grind his hips down into hers.
"What are you trying to do?" She gasped, her entire body twitching.
"Only what comes naturally." He smiled then slipped over till he was laying next to her.
She sighed. "Maybe I liked what you were doing." She borrowed her head in the crook of his arm.
"Then I guess I'll have to wait until you're sure. I would hate to force you to do something you didn't want to."
"But I've known you for less than a week. Don't you think that's taking things a bit too fast." Zenah kept up the playful banter.
"Oh then by all means ma'am, I wouldn't want to intrude on your virtue." Zach disentangled his legs and began to push himself off the ground, only to have Zenah slip one legs onto the far side of his waist and with the other squeeze him.
"You would have a point, sir, if I had any." She pulled him back to her.
Against all her efforts, he still was able to stand to his feet. Zenah was left clinging to his chest, her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms around his shoulders.
"Where to now?" He asked.
"I say we head back to your place, lock the door and stay inside for a few hours."
"And do what?" Zach smirked.
"If you don't know by now, I'm not going to tell you."
"Oh no, that's not going to happen." Zach sat her down and stepped back.
"And why not?" Zenah huffed. "Do you not find me appealing?
"Are you kidding me, you know that answer to that question. But we make love, we can't." He shook his head as he looked at her.
"But why, this is going to drive me crazy. I can't make out with you without wanting everything. The wolf in me won't let me stop even if I wanted to."
"Because every wolf in your pack would smell me on you for days. You could take as many showers as you wanted and it wouldn't help, you know that, and I know that. You can't wash that away no matter how hard you tried."
Zenah's heart sank as his words penetrated her lust fogged brain. Her shoulders slumped, and she looked at the ground.
"You're right, why do you always have to be right?"
He walked over to her, wrapped an arm around her heaving shoulders, spinning her around until her back rested against his chest.
"What are we going to do?" The pleading in her voice cut straight to his heart.
"We'll think of something. I'm going to talk to my mother..." Zenah's head whipped around to look at him, the fear in her face plain. "In private, don't worry, she'll know what to do. We have to start somewhere, don't we?"
"I guess, but won't she be in the same position as my father?" Zenah slipped from his grasp and grabbed him by the hand.
"No, not really. She's the leader of our house, but that doesn't mean she has absolute power. She just kinda stears us when needed. I was thinking of inviting her for a visit next week, let's say right after class next Tuesday."
"You want her to come here while I'm here, are you crazy?" Zenah began to lead them both back towards Zach's house.
"Would it be better if I invited your mother?" Zach asked.
"If you wanted her to try to kill you than sure. But what about your mom, is she going to be much different?"
"I doubt it, but at least I'll be here to stop her from killing you until I can explain to her what's going on."
"Great, just great." Zenah shook her head and continued towards the house.
After a nice dinner of bacon and eggs they both sat on his sofa, Zenah with her legs on the couch with her upper body draped over his chest, using him as a pillow.
"We need to do the dishes." Zach said with a yawn.
"They can wait. Why don't you call your mom right now? I still have a few hours before I need to be home."
"I could, I guess, if that's okay with you. The house is only twenty minutes from here."
A few minutes later Zach had his mother on the phone.
"Hey mom, I was wondering if you could come over for a bit?"
"For what, you know I'm busy."
"I have something important to discuss with you, something that I can't speak of at the house."
"And what might that be?"
"I've met someone."
"You what, you have. Then bring them here, the whole house will want to meet her."
"That's just it mom, I can't bring her to the house."
"Why not?" His mother drew out both words. the scepticism in her voice plain.
"That's why I want you to come here. She's here right now, but I need you to come alone, please."
"I'll be there in about a half an hour. This is very unusual, but I still want to meet her."
"Thanks mom, I'll meet you outside once you get here."
Zach had never been more nervous than those twenty minutes. He knew how his mother would react, yet his hope was that she would surprise him. He needed her to surprise him. Because if she became violent towards Zenah, he knew exactly how he would react. He just hoped it would come to that.
He and Zenah both heard the vehicle approaching long before it was to his house.
"You stay on the porch until I've talked to her. I'm not sure how she's going to react to all of this. So until I'm sure I don't want her anywhere near you, okay? He opened the door, and they both stepped out onto the porch.
"Stay here, please." He squeezed her hand, turned and bounded over the five steps before landing on the gravel walkway and racing towards the approaching car.
"Hey mom, I'm glad you could make it." He called to his mother while she was still in her car, knowing she could hear him.
"Where is this girl you've met?" Her clipped voice came in response.
"She here, I just want to explain something to you before I introduce you to her." He grabbed her door handle and pulled to allow her exit.
Before she even had a foot on the ground, her nostrils flared.
"There's a bitch here, tell me you know there's a bitch her."
"Yeah, there is, she's kinda of who you're here to meet."
"WHAT!" She screamed, foam flying from her perfectly colored lips. "What has she done to you, please tell me she's done something to you?" Her head swivelled until her eyes locked on Zenah.
"You BITCH!" Her voice rose into a screeching snarl and she launched herself at the porch.
"You will not have my son, never. Do you hear me!" Zenah backed away as far as she could until her back hit the wall.
Raising her hands to defend herself she was startled when the red headed woman before her stopped in mid flight, jerked off her feet by someone behind her. Zenah uncoiled her bunched muscles and felt her heart break. Zach had his mother held around both arms. She could see the sorrow in his eyes as his mother fought and snarled like a demon.
"Let go of me! Do you know what she is? She'll kill us both if she gets the chance! How could you do this to me!"
"Mom, calm down. I need to explain this, we need to explain this." Zach held onto her as her flailing began to ebb.
"We, there is no we here. There is only us, and her." She nodded towards Zenah. "Now let me go this instant.
"Not if you are going to attack her again. If you do, you'll have to go through me." Zach brought her feet back to the ground and release her. When she made no move to attack, he walked around her until he stood next to Zenah. His mother's eyes grew wide with rage when she saw him wrap an arm around her shoulder.
"What have you done to my son?" She hissed.
"If you would like to come inside, we can tell you, we'd like to tell you everything. That is, if you care to listen." Zenah extended a hand to her.
"Don't touch me, bitch. I'd rather kill you where you stand. But since I don't have much choice for now, by all means let's sit and talk."
"Boy, now I know where you get it from." Zenah shook her hand, and they both turned, following Zach's mother into his living room. All she knew was that this was going to be one interesting talk.
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