When Fei returned to the library, she was expecting it to be empty and dark. She walked to the door that gave to her supernatural workspace and she stared at the door to the afterlife. While standing there, in complete silence, her whole body turned transparent for a few long minutes, her soul being called to the Underworld to be judged. Most nymphs had a simple existence and once dead, they were returned under some form of flower or tree, but she has killed men, she has seen Tartarus, she has defied the great power of destiny by existing for so long and now was time for her to fade away and become a distant memory.
Fei sighed and closed her eyes, anxious for what was to come. Her month was almost up, so she could die anytime, in front of anyone. Looking down at her bracelet, she was just so annoyed that she had to leave when she was finally enjoying herself.
“Want me to turn on the lights?”
The nymph jolted, her senses not as sharp as they were usually. She didn’t expect to find anyone at what, three in the morning? It was really late.
“Why are you still here? You should have gone home.” She said, glancing at Dohyun over her shoulder. “You should go home.”
“I’m awake and yet I feel...like something is missing.” He said, approaching her slowly which made Fei step back.
“It’s because you don’t have the seed. You’ll get used to it in no time and you will be able to live like a normal man.”
“What about you? You’re still a nymph, aren’t you?” Dohyun asked straight away, though it wasn’t out of curiosity, more of a statement. “And I’m just a man.” He added, feeling the same strike of annoyance go through his heart.
“You won’t have to come so often to the library now that our connection is gone. No more dangerous mythical beings will bother you.” She said with a hopeful smile.
“Why does this feel like you don’t want me to return here ever again?” He asked, growing annoyed with the way she was speaking to him.
“It was fun and all, but now that we went through all that trouble together, I can clearly see how much danger I actually brought around you. This is not the life for a human man in his youth.” Fei explained, not once looking straight into his eyes. Dohyun meant to walk closer to her but she stopped him immediately. “Don’t. Don’t make this harder than it already is and just leave.”
“Are you really breaking up with me right now?!” He asked, his voice rising since he could not understand why she suddenly decided their future all by herself.
It was hard for Dohyun because through his eyes, he just couldn’t understand why she was being so distant. Her words, her appearance, everything was more or less normal, but at the same time, something was terribly disappointing.
“Well, then, I guess I’ll go home.” He said meekly, turning towards the front door.
“Goodbye, lover,” she whispered as she turned her back to him so he couldn’t see the tears falling down her cheeks.
Fei could feel the same emptiness she did when the arrow pierced her heart. It was her fault this time, her words hurt a man who was ready to give his life for hers but it had to be done. Dohyun would have not understood her situation and he would have tried to find solutions, which in exchange only made her feel more horrible.
It was one of the few times when she crumbled. She fell on her knees and cried until the sun rose and light gleamed in through the windows.
The next few days felt as if someone died. Minjae was worried sick because he could see how Fei’s body was growing weaker. She could barely walk and her eyes were incredibly dark. He tried to ask her several times but every time he did, she would just brush him off and go into the warehouse where she would spend the whole day.
“Any luck?” Eunbin asked the raven after another try.
“She is so stubborn, it’s annoying,” Minjae said through gritted teeth. “She tells me every fucking detail about everything and now she just chose not to anymore.”
“Maybe the breakup was really bad,” Eunbin commented.
“Well, yes. It’s only a guess but she has been like this for what, a few weeks already and during this time someone has been missing.” Eunbin explained as she prepared another order of books. She was the only person who could help out now that Fei wasn't really doing much in the library.
“Lee Dohyun...so that asshole broke Fei’s heart and abandoned her.” He said frowning at the theory.
“Um, no. That is definitely not how it went. We have both seen and experienced how much he loved her. Something must have happened for him to react like this.” Eunbin, the voice of reason, said.
“Then maybe I should pay him a visit...” Minjae muttered rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Dohyun was not home. From the moment he left that night, he just couldn’t sleep at home or anywhere else for that matter. Memories from the past kept intruding his dreams and this time, he could see, hear, smell and even feel everything. It was so intense that he just couldn’t sleep anymore. He was sure that his adventure in the afterlife brought this upon him, all these clear memories of Lee Hyang’s. But it was weird because at times he swore he was Fei, not the king.
“You’re still sad?” His grandfather asked, sliding the door open. “I heard you cry last night.” He explained approaching his nephew.
Truthfully, Mr. Lee was surprised when his nephew came back home, by himself, in a horrible state. He was a mess from head to toe and ever since he arrived, Dohyun kept whimpering every single night as if he was going through atrocious pain.
“Sad...it’s not sadness but longing. I feel like the bond is even greater now than it was before.” Dohyun responded, looking down at his hands.
“Then why are you here?”
“Because she told me to leave. She looked like she wanted me to stay but I felt this urge to go and see what happens.”
Mr. Lee sighed and sat on the bed next to his nephew.
“You know, sometimes we need to step back in order to have a better sight. So, what do you see?”
“Death. Every night I only see death.” Dohyun said, his pulse rising at the memories. “Lee Hyang's, the concubines', Fei's. And I can just stand there and witness all of it happening without being able to interfere.”
Later that night, Dohyun was having another nightmare when he jolted out of bed. Outside was so silent but suddenly he heard something poke the glass of the window. Dohyun frowned when he saw the raven.
“What-” he opened the window and the raven quickly flew in before he transformed into the Minjae. His hair was sticking everywhere and his eyes were red and sore.
“You need to return right now. She is fading away.” Minjae said, his eyes full of panic. “I don’t know what to do. Death came and said it is time and I am very worried that he is taking her away for good. I was so sure that she did something stupid and I was right. I would so kill her if she wasn’t already dying.” Minjae stopped and took a long breath. He looked up at Dohyun who was already tearing up.
“What?” He whispered, his voice cracking.
“Apparently, you had no energy left to wake up after being taken from the sphere. She gave up her immortality so that they could use it to wake you. Without immortality, Fei is just a nymph and she is long past her death date.”
“Is that why she broke up with me? Is she insane?!” Dohyun exclaimed while also changing his pants. “Can you teleport me there?”
“Uh, no. Sorry, I can’t do that. But I can call someone.” Minjae said before he grabbed his phone. He only pressed one button before a familiar voice was heard. “Hey, Hermes. Can you do me a tiny favor?”
Fei was in the waiting room. She had been escorted to the underworld by Death and then left to wait in front of Hades’ office. That didn’t sound as dramatic if it wasn’t for the people that came uninvited.
“Well, well, he asked for you personally? Must have done something really bad.” That asshole of a fox commented, coming as if it was a freak show.
“Why are you here? Another cursed girlfriend from the past to save?” Fei asked, her attitude returning for a moment.
Lee Yeon chuckled and leaned in, his eyes reddening.
“At least I am free to go wherever I want.” He whispered. He truly loved egging her on because she was always fun to mess with.
“But you lost your little brother, didn’t you?” She hissed right back. “How sad. All alone with no family.” As soon as she finished her sentence a punch came at her but it stopped before it could touch her face. Out of reflex, she tried to stop it but the punch went right through her palm.
Her eyes widened and Lee Yeon raised an eyebrow, taken aback by what he saw. He glanced at her before he looked down at her hand and again into her eyes. Lee Yeon couldn’t say anything because Habaek interfered.
“This is enough. Come, Fei, just take a seat and calm down.” The water god said, having witnessed the same thing as everyone else. “What did you do?”
But she didn’t reply for a few minutes. In the end, she grabbed his hand and smiled softly as she intertwined their fingers.
“It was really nice to have you as my friend. I didn’t mean to intrude when you were having a bath, I was there because I needed to hide from soldiers. But we met and we continued to argue for a long time. You were my only friend while I was on that mountain.” She said with a melancholic expression.
“What’s this? Some type of farewell? It sucks.”
Fei laughed and tried not to cry. From the way he was refusing to look at her, he was also trying to keep his tears hidden.
“What will happen to you? You won’t be able to return to Ethos.” Yeon asked from a few feet from them, still keeping up his cool exterior although he felt bad.
“Minjae is more than capable to run it. Once I get through those big doors, I am not sure what will happen but I will not come out. It will all end.”
“Stupid nymph. What did you do?” The fox scolded her.
“What all of you did: sacrifice myself for the one I love.” She said feeling the worst for not being able to see Dohyun for one last time.
The doors suddenly opened and Hades’ booming voice came through.
“Come in, Ophelia.”
Fei swallowed and got up. As she approached the doors, she realized that it was indeed the end. It has arrived. She was going to disappear from the world and become just a piece of nature. Maybe a pretty lily, somewhere with nice weather.
The doors closed behind her and silence fell in the waiting room.
“Come closer, Fei. I am more than prepared for this moment.” The ancient god started, looking up from his laptop. “Ah, no need to sit.” He said and got up himself. “As you know, without the eye, you are just a nymph that outlived her kind. Of course, you could still exist for a bit but the bracelet cannot help you anymore and Death chose to escort you here.”
“Because I am an ancient being, like you.” She added, having the need to understand what exactly was about to happen to her.
“True. But that is not what I have in mind. You’re quite persistent, you know. You have lived the destiny of a warrior and then still continued to fight although under very strict rules. I’ve ways liked that about you. You are consistent.”
Fei didn’t know what to say.
“That’s why, now that you are not working for Ares anymore, I want you to work for me.” Hades announced her with a polite and very short smile.
“But I’m dying.”
“And? You forget I am Hades, the Lord of the Underworld. I am stronger and more relevant than my nephew.”
“So...what are you saying? That you want to me to do what?”
“What you do now and maybe some other little things in the future. I am far too busy to bother myself with the small chores. You do them and I give you more time.” The way he explained his plan was so nonchalant, as if giving and taking lives was his day by day business...which it truly was.
“How would that even work? Ares had to take my eye.”
“Yes, yes, that was his choice. I prefer a different method. Kneel.”
Fei remained struck as if he asked her to kiss him. Hades rolled his eyes and with a sway, his sceptre appeared in his hand.
“Just kneel, I can’t reach it if you stand.” He added, wanting nothing more than to get it over with and go on a break.
“Reach what?” Fei asked all defensive.
“Your heart. I will take your heart and give you back your immortality.” He said, his eyes glowing pitch black.
“But that would leave me with no love or soul or-”
“Now, now, let’s not overreact. You can still fall in love and whatever but if you betray me, I will kill you in an instant. If you grow to hate me, I will know. If your selfish emotions outreach your duty and devotion to me, I will not hesitate to kill you. I do not take betrayal lightly.”
She thought about the long years of trying to prove her worth to Ares and compared to that, Hades was being very generous. Fei sighed and knelt in front of the Lord. He rose his sceptre and was ready to stab her when the doors crashed open.
“Wait! No, no, you can’t take her yet!” Dohyun screamed but Hades didn’t even throw a glance and pierced Fei’s heart. Her eyes opened wide and her back arched as new energy filled her body. It was slightly different now, the connection to her master was deeper than before but the amount of power she felt was also greater. But then she could feel Hades pulling her heart out (in a sense) and she screamed so loud that Lee Yeon and Habaek turned to the doors in panic. It was quite a sight because dark smoke surrounded them and the rest couldn’t see much.
Dohyun ran to his lover and found her spread on the ground, still as a rock as if she were dead. When the smoke cleared, everyone could see the sight and it was heartbreaking. Dohyun couldn't control his emotions and he started to cry as he pulled her in his lap. Lee Yeon and Habaek rushed in only to see the same sad view.
Hades had Fei's heart in his palm and it did seem like he killed her. Then finally, he turned his attention to the human.
“How did you get here, since you are neither dead nor a mythical being?” The God asked, already having an idea of what happened.
“I didn’t do anything!” Hermes said in his defense. “I had a doubt that I won’t be able to bring him so deep into the underworld but there was no problem. Is he seriously done with Ares?”
Hades scanned the boy from head to toe and sighed.
“That idiot nephew of mine took quite a liking in you, Lee Dohyun. He has his eyes on you, that’s why you can survive being here. He is quite hopeful that he can return to the world through you. Ha, sure...” Hades said and rolled his eyes. “You can all leave now. I am quite busy. And Fei, you will find new work on your desk starting next week.”
“Next week?”
Dohyun stopped crying and looked down at the nymph. She had her eyes open and she seemed to be even better than before. Fei suddenly stood up and looked at her boss with clear green eyes.
“You’ve been mopping around for a long time. Take a week to pull yourself together.” The Lord said before he glanced at the spectators. "You can all leave now. As you can see, nothing tragic happened. Shoo, shoo," He said, swaying his hand at them, pushing them out the doors.
"Are you alright?" Dohyun asked as he helped Fei up.
"I feel better than ever before, like all the chains around my neck, hands, and legs have disappeared." She said feeling full of energy.
"Your punishment is over, that's why. Now, please leave." Hades explained with an expression that encouraged them to get the hell out.
Once at the library, Minjae couldn't hold himself back anymore and hugged her tightly.
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"You scared the shit out of me. Do you really wanna die?!" He exclaimed, his grasp around her growing tighter and tighter.
"I will if you don't let me go." She barely spoke since she was being squished in his arms. Minjae sighed and complied, but Dohyun took his place. He grabbed her by her cheeks and pulled her into a long and fervent kiss.
Minjae had to cough several times in order for them to stop. Even then, Dohyun still kept a very firm grip on her hand.
"She's not going to disappear anymore, I want my time with her too," Minjae complained like a child.
"I was gone for too long, I have a lot of missing time to retrieve."
Minjae's glare was deadly but he was pulled away by Habaek.
"Why don't we go make tea?" The water god asked, forcefully dragging the raven up the stairs into Fei's apartment, with the mischievous fox winking at Dohyun as he followed the guys upstairs.
All alone, Fei turned to Dohyun with mixed feelings.
"What was your plan once you reached the underworld?" She asked her curiosity first.
"I guess we'll never know. You are still alive and that's all that matters."
"You look pretty miserable." She stated, touching his pale face. He had deep halos under his eyes as if he hadn't slept in ages.
"I have nightmares, or at least I had. Maybe I could sense that you were fading away and all I could dream was your life in the palace." He explained, kissing her hand lovingly. "It's a relief that you're here and you're breathing."
Fei chuckled and grabbed his face, forcing him to look into her eyes.
"I love you." She said with so much sincerity that it filled Dohyun with happiness. He blinked, wanting to do so much but not being able to move just yet. In the end, the only thing that he did was kiss her once more.
"I love you too." He said and pulled her into his arms, never planning to let her go ever again. "This is it, Fei. Even if you will try your best to get rid of me, I will stick with you until I die."
Fei laughed and her happiness brought a flowery smell to the library. For some reason, she was sure that Ethos was going to become a very lively place now that she was finally free.
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