Everything was settled the very next morning. Mother went to the city to run errands for money. Becky woke Angel and Robert up and made some breakfast.
"Where's Mother?" asked Angel.
" Angel, Mother has gone to find a job abnd run errands for money, so we can buy some food." replied Becky
Robert was quiet the whole conversation. He found out that Father was in the war plus he had a job.
"Everything okay Robert?" asked Becky.
"Yeah, but I have to tell you something which you probabaly won't believe. Father is a soldier. Yes, you think Father worked as an employee but also a secret soldier." whispered Robert.
"Are you serious? Father was a soldier? How do you know?" asked Becky and Angel at the same time.
"I was bringing some boxes yesterday, when the box accidentally slipped out of my hand. I saw Father in a soldier uniform in a picture. There were some badges too. I asked Mother but she started crying." said Robert.
The children knew something was up. After breakfast the bell rang, Robert looked through the peeping hole and saw Father!
"Becky, Angel Father's here! Come and greet Father!!!" shouted Robert.
The girls came rushing down and opened the door. There was a man covered in bruises held by two other men. Father came inside and sat down with a sigh. The children huged Father all at once. Angel started crying.
"Father, where have you been? We missed you so much. Things have been really hard and tight for us!" sobbed Becky and Robert.
"My brave princesses and hero, I am a soldier infact was a soldier, I am injured very badly in the war. Where is Mother?" said Father.
"Mother is out looking for a job because now you are injured at now you need a wheelchair." sobbed Becky.
Becky made some food for poor old Father. Angel got some blankets for Father so he could be warm while Robert got some medicines and bandages.