"Welcome, darling." I hear a voice come from the main entrance.
"Albus," I say sweetly. I walk to him and give him a hug.
"Follow me, darling. You will be meeting some of the professors before the other students arrive." I nod and walk beside him into the great school of Hogwarts. "Here we are, my office." He says his password and we walk in.
As we enter, I see that there are two professional-looking people dressed in cloaks.
"Minerva, Severus, this is my Goddaughter, Viven Moonblood." I smile and walk to shake their hands.
"Welcome to Hogwarts dear. My name is Minerva McGonagall, but you will call me Professor McGonagall."
"And I'm Severus Snape, Professor Snape to you Miss." I nod and turn to Albus.
"When will I be sorted?"
"During the normal sorting ceremony, after the first years." I nod and look back at the other Professors.
"Thank you for being so welcoming," I say and make eye contact with both, my eyes lingering on Snapes for a little longer.
"Now that we have been introduced, let's head to the Great Hall, students will be arriving soon."
*The Great Hall*
While the students poured in, I sat at the staff table, feeling eyes on me as they were seated.
"Welcome back students! Before we start our feast, the first years will be sorted, along with our transfer student." Professor Dumbledore inquires. Everyone claps and the first years walk in behind Professor McGonagall.
As the first years are sorted, I hear tons of Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws, along with some Gryffindors. I was getting super anxious as my turn was slowly nearing.
"Now, I must introduce Miss Viven Moonblood." I smile and walk forward, sitting on the stool. McGonagall placed the hat on my head and it started to talk.
"Ah, Miss Moonblood. You originally went to Ilvermorny School of witchcraft and wizardry. Being a Thunderbird there, you possess the many attributes of every house. But I must say I know which house you must be in. Let it be, Slytherin!" I smile and stand. The Slytherins clap as I make my way over to the table.
As supper begins, I look up at the staff table to see Severus Snape looking down at me with a ghost of a smirk on his face. I look down at my food and think about what I am. How I can see the future of a person just by looking at them. When I looked up to Severus, I couldn't see a thing, making me wonder if he had a future or if he was blocking out my signals.