"Josh I swear to Christ… If you don't stop shaking the cable so help me - "
"Shh, Jerald, don't talk like that in front of the children. He's trying his best, aren't you sweetie?"
The teen shrugged.
"Ya, like, whatever mom. This is stupid anyway.
"It's not stupid you little turd. "
He straightened his back. A crunchy pop from his spine made the man sighed in relief.
"Martha, honey, I'm sorry. I just want to get these lights up by five-thirty. Bob and the guys are coming over to watch the game and I want the living room cleared out by then."
"But daddy The adventures of pink cyber-pony princess is on at five-thirty."
"Pumpkin, we'll TitVo® it and you can watch it later."
The girl burst out in tears
"But daddy it's the holiday special where they'll announce the winner of the best cyber-pony princess drawings."
"She worked very hard on that, Jerald."
The lady hugged her daughter.
"That show is totally lame. You'll never win the contest, you can't draw anything right."
"Hey, you listen to me, Dracula. Be nice to your sister or I'm talking away your black makeup. Christ, when I was your age -"
"Shut up dad, you don't know what it's like to have the soul of a poet…"
"I've read your poems son. Let me break it to you: you can't write for shi-"
"Jerald! That's it you can watch your game in the basement."
"But honey I promised the guys we would watch it on the big screen."
"Why are you hanging out with your buddies on Christmas night? You should spend it with us, your family."
"Yeah dad, don't be such a jerk," he said grinning, then quickly dashed for the door the second his dad tried to grab him. Breathing deeply Jerald calmed down. His wife gave him the shaking head.
"Ok look. I'm sorry… I promise that after the game we'll all sit down for a quiet family dinner. Until then me and Alan Poe will finish hanging up these lights."
He placed a hand on his son's shoulder.
"I'm sorry for saying your writing is shit."
"Sorry, sorry… Pumpkin I'll bring the small tv set to your bedroom and you can watch your show in peace. How's that?"
"It's perfect, daddy! Thank you!"
She gave him a big hug, her smile lighting up the room.
"Oh, Jerald I'm so proud of you." Martha got in on the hug. Even the boy joined the others.
"Dad can I have your car keys tonight to-"
"Oh come on I need it to pick up my girlfriend."
"Son… I know what you do in that car. I found all the burger wrappers tucked away between the seat cushions. There is no girlfriend, is there?"
"We broke up…"
"Sure, son. But tonight you'll eat double veggies and no soda; no drive-thru tonight. Now get your fat ass atop that ladder and hang these bells."
"You heard your father," she said, winking to Jerald. As she walked away from the living room with their youngest, she whispered in his ear
"Come and check my stockings later, big boy."