I knew JD was out of control.
He was eager to use guns, and other methods of murder to meet an end. Westerberg High School would blow up in an explosion. I attempted to make sure we were safe; he was insane. 'Please, don't do it', I said. He had a knife in his right hand. I had hung myself in my room. He got into my bedroom. 'I was going to do it myself, Veronica; i was thinking you'd never commit suicide'. I was thinking the World was unfair, that my parents wouldn't dream of seeing me dead.
Back at school, I was alive.
The cheerleaders and football supporters were happy. I saw JD in the room underneath us. 'Don't!', I aimed a gun at him. 'This school is dead, Veronica', he said; JD ignored me. I shot at his right hand. Blood spilled from him. On his chest was a bomb.
I shot him again, and he ran away.
There was an explosion, and JD was arrested.
I was alive.
My face was blackened from smoke.
I lit up a cigarette, and was glad Westerberg High School had survived.
That was all that mattered.
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