The dude led Strawberry & Pancake into the teacher's lounge.
"Girls," he said. "Yesterday after school, a boy committed suicide"
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Strawberry looked at Pancake with a worried look on her face.
470Please respect copyright.PENANAOO9fydVmKX
"It was Tom." said the dude.
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"Why did you take Strawberry & me aside to tell us this?" asked Pancake. "We thought something happened to Strudel!"
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"Well," said the dude. "We realize that a fight triggered Tom to pull the trigger."
470Please respect copyright.PENANAmXlOMkzplX
"What?" said Strawberry.
470Please respect copyright.PENANAYLzy1hMVsQ
"Strawberry," said the dude. "Your boyfriend caused the suicide of another student. That is a serious offense"
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"He didn't know Tom was gonna kill himself" said Strawberry.
470Please respect copyright.PENANApiK1d17MFK
"It doesn't matter" said the dude. "Tom still died."
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"Tom made that decision" said Pancake.
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"Tom's parents have chosen to take this to court" the dude continued. "None of this leaves this room, got it?"
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"Alright" said Strawberry, as the bell rang.
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"Go out the cafeteria, and through the front doors, please" said the dude.
470Please respect copyright.PENANAl9qUZew16b
"Did you hear what he said?" said Pancake. "He said court"
470Please respect copyright.PENANASafTsEmj8n
"Yeah" said Strawberry. "He did"
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"I should be taking him to court" said Pancake.
470Please respect copyright.PENANA4yQYb56OLf
"Pan, stop thinking about that" said Strawberry.
470Please respect copyright.PENANARKdgdgVK4S
"I know." said Pancake. "I'm sorry, I'm just in shock"
470Please respect copyright.PENANAJSHgWIvPuU
"So?" Lemonade was waiting for them by the front door. "What happened?"
470Please respect copyright.PENANAvYAEhEJ1Dg
"We're not supposed to tell" said Pancake.
470Please respect copyright.PENANAkSyWeIi3kF
"Tom committed suicide" said Strawberry.
470Please respect copyright.PENANAhsAzucs8MT
"Then why did the dude wanna talk to you?" said Lemonade.
470Please respect copyright.PENANALEU5UxraQy
"It's Strudel's fault" said Pancake.
470Please respect copyright.PENANAX5rmxmyG8b
"Tom died because of Strudel?" said Lemonade. "That's worse than what Gepetto did last year!"
470Please respect copyright.PENANAXzlnAjChh7
"I know" said Strawberry. "Wait a minute, no. What Gepetto did hurt somebody that people care about"
470Please respect copyright.PENANAjkH4VBsxUU
"Yeah, but he didn't die!!" said Lemonade.
470Please respect copyright.PENANAwqVhp3XRwC
"So you're sticking up for Tom?!?!?!?" Strawberry questioned.
470Please respect copyright.PENANAWo3hGkjvMc
"I've gotta go to gym" said Lemonade. "The bathrooms are open down there"
470Please respect copyright.PENANAhEbLy8ccp6
Strawberry and Pancake walked to 1st period.
"What's her problem?" asked Strawberry.
470Please respect copyright.PENANADNjPXObwTB
"I don't know" said Pancake, as they sat down in their seats.
470Please respect copyright.PENANAeLYrTbByFK
The announcements came on. "May I have your attention please? Please do not report to the cafeteria for lunch. Please report to the main lobby or gym lobby. If you have study hall in the gym lobby, please report to the library for study hall. Thank you."
470Please respect copyright.PENANAnrvpKRFQyS
When the bell rang for A lunch, Ramona & Virginia walked past the cafeteria to see what was going on. The hallway was blocked off by yellow caution tape. There were guys in suits & gas masks coming in & out of the boys bathroom.
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"Girls, main lobby or gym lobby, please" said some gym teacher.
470Please respect copyright.PENANAMzlOeXvQp4
After school, Strawberry, Pancake, California, and Waffles had to walk home.
470Please respect copyright.PENANAnlEJby80Vu
"I miss Strudel" said Strawberry.
470Please respect copyright.PENANAK4HM2izRV6
"We know you do, Strawberry" said Pancake.
470Please respect copyright.PENANA6rqkG5zxon
"I wish I could see him" said Strawberry.
470Please respect copyright.PENANA6U6Yhv1IMk
"We know you do, Strawberry" said Pancake.
470Please respect copyright.PENANAkLQUEPUNJo
"You'll see him in 2 days" Lemonade walked up behind them. "Unless he's in jail"
470Please respect copyright.PENANAHzYIunVe4C
"Lemonade, stop" said Pancake.