Chapter Three
'Were you scared, Potter of a dark witch?', Draco Malfoy asked him.
'No', Harry answered.
'It seems he saw her in the Daily Prophet', Ron Weasley said.
'Is that so?', Rubeus Hagrid, the giant, said.
They smiled at him.
'What are you doing here, oaf?', Draco sneered.
'Protecting all students at Hogwarts', Rubeus said.
Suddenly a tall, blonde haired, blue eyed dark wizard appeared.
'It seems that life is not kind to Harry Potter', Lucius Malfoy smirked. He looked at him, sneered again, and looked around. He tapped the snake cane in his right, black gloved hand; he looked at Ron Weasley, and Hermoine Granger. 'I heard about the Department of Mysteries', Hermoine said.
'That is not your concern, Mud blood', Lucius Malfoy said.
'How dare you call her...', Ron stated.
He stared at him.
' Governor...of the Board, Weasley. It is secret. Only a Dark Wizard knows where it is. I have a new servant-elf, Kreacher; I have someone who frowns at socks, and Muggle clothes. Lastly, I shall meet with the Governors, and get rid of Professor Albus Dumbledore by the end of this year'. And he stalked off with Draco, Goyle, and Crabbe, as the witches, and wizards, ate their sweets, and butter beers on the train; the last stop halted to a screech, before the Hogwarts Express train stopped thanks to the Train Master, who blew his whistle.
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