Autumn’s POV
15,000 years later
I was playing with the animals while humming a tune I particularly liked. Bored out of my mind, I started playing with the leaves, making the animals chase it.
It was Fall now with Summer ahead of me and Winter following next. It was our duty as the Seasons. Anchor was either at the training room to train, at the Throne room to meet Chaos or was in another universe to handle the threats there as we known that Anchor is the Commander of Chaos Army which is an elite army made of many people from different planets and universes who work together to guarantee the peace of the universes and worlds.
The winds were getting stronger and it seemed colder. Winter was coming. I looked up and was about to set off before a deafening sound hit me.
It was the Call of Chaos. Quickly, I stretched my wings and flew. Chaos rarely used it. A millennia has passed since he heard it. Something must have happened.
A yellow streak raced beside me. It was Summer. He probably heard the call too and rushed to find out. Soon after, I heard the rustling of leaves indicating that Spring had arrived. Winter was no where to be seen as always. He always had preferred to be alone and antisocial.
5 minutes later
After a few minutes, the grand palace of Chaos came into view. Anchor was waving his arms to me, signaling me to hurry into the palace now. I still remember the day when I first met Chaos. I had been young and foolish. I also still remember that time when I first met Anchor. He was always been besides himself at first, busying with paperwork every time, organizing teams to depart and doing commander stuff but after a few years, he began to be open to me, Summer and Spring before Winter even came into play. We became best buds and brothers now with Winter and he always invited us to tea in his room.
Yes, I was quiet but I was quiet because I liked it. I liked being quiet and silent. I wasn’t antisocial. My behavior just gave people the wrong impression of me, except the Seasons and Anchor.
They were different. Instead of avoiding me, they tried their hardest to get closer to me. Now, we were as close as brothers.
We treated each other like family even if we don’t know each other’s real names, each of us will give our lives to each other without hesitation. Our trust was built through the live-threatening experience we went through.
Winter was a different case. He was quiet……cold as his season but his attitude didn’t get in the way of us being close.
In the last war, the Seasons almost lost Summer and Spring because of Atlas. The Titan had managed to corner them while Spring was heavily injured and Summer held hostage even if they had learnt a lot from Anchor in training. It was a few days after Chaos had blessed Spring, Summer, Winter and me as the Seasons so we were still learning. Anchor was busy with paperwork that day so he hadn’t come down with us to defeat Atlas.
Before we were killed, Winter and a furious Anchor had arrived and saved us. We actually knew that Anchor would rush to save us but we never expected Winter to save us since we all (excluding Anchor) were trying to get close to him but there was no progress. We always noticed Winter being close to Anchor like they were talking at the same wavelength with their brains. It seemed like Winter had shut us out.
After the war, Chaos explained how worried Winter was for our safety and how Anchor was able to save us in time. We were surprised that Winter even held any emotions for himself or for others. It turned out that we (including Anchor) were actually important to him.
Quietly, I glided to the open window of the throne room. Spring had also arrived. On the other hand, Summer crashed onto the wall and landed on the floor. Dusting himself off, Summer said hi.
After a few minutes, Chaos entered the room with Anchor beside him. We all look at Anchor with shock and amazement on how he arrived so fast but Anchor smiled and kept his mouth shut, looking at our expressions with amusement clearly written on his face. As he waited, he tapped his foot impatiently on the floor. We all look at him with curious glances, thinking about why Anchor has ADHD. We all were waiting for Winter. It was his season so he was pretty busy.
The howling of cold wind and the flapping of wings signified that Winter had finally arrived. Ice formed wherever he stepped.
“We have much to talk about, sit down.” Chaos said grimly. “I need your help.”