Chapter 029
Duanmuh Shannchyuan
Once inside the house, Shannchyuan went into his bedroom. He approached his desk. Shannchyuan opened a drawer and took out a small notebook with a dark blue cover. He glanced at the bed for a moment. Yinqyueh was still sleeping soundly. True to the girl's name, Shannchyuan felt like he was looking at the reflection of the moonlight. He then walked out of the room. In order not to wake Yinqyueh, he tried to move meticulously. Shannchyuan tried his best not to make a sound. After his business was done, Shannchyuan opened the door. He was ready to walk out of the room.
"Is it morning now?" A voice sounded from behind Shannchyuan. Apparently, Shannchyuan wasn't careful enough in his steps, so Yinqyueh woke up. Shannchyuan turned his body. Now he was facing Yinqyueh. He could see that the girl was already in a sitting position on the bed.
"Depends on what your definition of morning is," said Shannchyuan. "But by definition in general, it is not yet morning. I suggest that you just continue your sleep. I'll wake you up before sunrise."
Yinqyueh laughed. The sound of her laughter sounded so sweet to Shannchyuan's ears. The girl got out of bed instead. She stood up right away.
"Once I wake up, it's hard for me to go back to sleep again. What if it's your turn to go to bed now? Let's just say it's Uncle's turn."
"I Can't. I still have important things to do," said Shannchyuan.
"What is the important thing? Is there anything I can help with?"
Shannchyuan just smiled. He then walked out of the room. Yinqyueh followed him. They then walked to the kitchen.
It is fine if Sheautyan wants to stay on guard until morning. Maybe that's even better.
"Are you hungry?" Shannchyuan opened the fridge.
"I am not. But it's okay if there are some snacks."
Inside the refrigerator, there was still Jianroei Ice. Shannchyuan didn't know the drink was still good or not. As Shannchyuan recalled, Shinnshiow bought the drink a few days ago. He tasted a little. It turned out to be still fit for consumption. Shannchyuan took out the basin containing Jianroei Ice and placed it on the table in the kitchen. He took two bowls and filled them with Jianroei ice. After that, he put the basin back in the fridge. He took two soup spoons and put them in both bowls. He handed one bowl to Yinqyueh.
Yinqyueh looked at the drink curiously. After stirring the drink, he smiled. "Oh, I know. This is Jianroei Ice. An iced sweet dessert that contains droplets of green rice flour jelly. Hmm… It tastes so sweet."
Shannchyuan laughed when he saw Yinqyueh's radiant face. The girl looked so cheerful.
This kind of atmosphere did not frighten this girl at all. I can calm down.
They walked into the living room. Shannchyuan now intended to stand guard in the living room, as Shinnshiow had done earlier. Unlike Shinnshiow, Shannchyuan was not alone. There was Yinqyueh, who accompanied him, sitting there while enjoying the Jianroei Ice. After that, they watched television for some time. Late at night like that, television shows were less interesting. Despite that, they tried to enjoy it.
Shannchyuan didn't know how long they had been watching television when Iren came from the kitchen. His face was so bright. He seemed to have brought some good news.
"Shinnshiow and Yihshyong found something!"
"Ah!" Shannchyuan smirked. "I'm going down there now."
"Can I come with you?" Yinqyueh asked.
Shannchyuan thought for a moment. "You're afraid of the dark, aren't you?"
"Of course not!" Yinqyueh answered quickly.
Shannchyuan tilted his head while looking at Yinqyueh. "Is that true? Aren't you the least bit afraid?""
"Okay, maybe a little. But that's if I'm alone. In a crowd, of course, I won't be afraid." The girl's voice was steadfast.
"Okay then. You can come down there. But remember! You must always be by my side."
"Okay. Uncle, you don't have to worry!" Yinqyueh spoke loudly. She smiled so widely.
This girl thinks that this is some kind of game.
The three of them then walked towards the backyard. In one corner of the backyard, Jenqyih was already standing by the side of the hole. Yinqyueh came down first, then Shannchyuan followed her. Before descending into the hole, Shannchyuan ordered that after he was down there, Iren should immediately head to the living room to guard there. He asked Jenqyih to stay at the edge of the hole. After that, Shannchyuan went into the hole.
Having previously gone down and up the hole, Shannchyuan had gotten a little used. He could move faster. What was surprising was Yinqyueh. At first, Shannchyuan, Iren, and Jenqyih thought it would take Yinqyueh a long time to get to the bottom. Turned out they were all wrong. From the moment they tied the rope to Yinqyueh's body to the moment they lowered the girl to the bottom of the hole, everything happened so fast. Shannchyuan was under the impression that it was not the first time Yinqyueh had done such a thing. He had only known Yinqyueh yesterday. Of course, there were many things he didn't know about the girl.
Arriving at the bottom, Yihshyong and Shinnshiow greeted them happily. While sitting on the stone bench, the two men took turns telling stories. Shannchyuan and Yinqyueh listened to their stories while occasionally asking something. After that, Shannchyuan checked the carvings that Shinnshiow and Yihshyong had found.
Shannchyuan kneeled down. He groped the stone benches. The bench was rectangular, each side measuring fifty centimeters. He asked Yinqyueh to help shine a flashlight on the areas he was examining. They had inspected the entire surface of the stone bench. The part that hadn't been checked was the underside of the stone benches.
"Shall we try to move this stool a little bit?" Shannchyuan pointed to the stool containing the "heaven" engraving.
"This rock must be very heavy." Yinqyueh stared at the stone.
Shannchyuan patted Yinqyueh's shoulder. "You don't have to move this rock. You just stand on the table holding a flashlight and shining a light on this bench."
Yinqyueh nodded. He used the stone bench as a foothold to climb onto the table. Without a second thought, the girl actually did exactly as Shannchyuan said. He stood upright on the table.
Shannchyuan and his two friends tried to move the stool away from the table. It turned out that the bench was very heavy.
"Should we call Jenqyih here?" Yihshyong took a deep breath.
"No need. There must be at least two people upstairs." Shannchyuan answered firmly. "I think we can move this rock. It might take a little longer, but I'm sure we can."
They then tried again. Indeed, Shannchyuan and his friends managed to move the stone bench inch by inch. After shifting about twenty centimeters, they should rest. Shannchyuan felt his back slightly uncomfortable. He guessed that his hands and back would be sore a few hours later.
After resting for about ten minutes, they began to shift the bench again. This time, they could shift about fifteen centimeters. Shannchyuan immediately used his flashlight to illuminate the floor previously covered by the stone bench. In the section that had been right in the middle of the rectangle at the bottom of the bench, there was a small rectangular section. The rectangular surface was still covered by a small wooden plank. Shannchyuan guessed that there was a hollow behind the small wooden plank. He straight away kneeled down to scrape the wooden plank. He wished he could pry open the board to see what was in the hollow.
Yihshyong and Shinnshiow were also very excited. They also kneeled beside Shannchyuan to help him pry the plank out. Yinqyueh, who had gotten off the table, then joined them. Finally, they made it. Shannchyuan and his two friends shouted with joy. Behind the small board, there was indeed a hollow. And in that hollow was a box. The wooden box fitted perfectly into the hollow in the floor, so they had a hard time picking it up.
"Let me try," Yinqyueh said. With her tiny and slender fingers, Yinqyueh tried to pry the wooden box out. She failed. Just like the three men there, the girl also couldn't get the wooden box out of the hollow.
"How about we just punch a hole in this wooden box?" Yihshyong said.
"Don't do that!" Shinnshiow shook his head quickly. "We don't know what's in it. Don't let our actions ruin the contents of this box."
"What if we slightly wet the sides of this wooden box, so that the surface of the sides becomes a bit slippery? Maybe after that, it's easier for us to pry it out." Yinqyueh pointed at the box.
"I don't think water is enough. Maybe we need water with a little soap," Yihshyong said.
"Or maybe we need some oil. Something we smear with oil usually gets slicker. It's much slicker than just soaking it in water." Shinnshiow let out those words while nodding.
"But we have to go up first if we want to get those things," Yihshyong said.
"We don't have to go up, we can just ask Yihge or Renge to get the things. They'll just have to lower them down with a rope," said Shinnshiow.
"Your backpacks over there." Yinqyueh pointed at the two backpacks sitting in the corner where they had come from. "Is there nothing inside it anymore?"
"Inside the backpack, there was drinking water, but no soap or oil," Shannchyuan said. "But let's try it with the water first."
"We have drunk the water." There was a hint of regret in Yihshyong's voice.
"You spent it all?" Shannchyuan asked.
"Each backpack only has one bottle of water. So we both drank one each," said Shinnshiow.
"Well then, we'll ask Jenqyih to get her some water, soap and some cooking oil," said Shannchyuan.
"Shall we try it with the oil first?" Yinqyueh asked.
"We'll have to wait for Yihge or Renge to get some oil up there," said Shinnshiow.
"Can we use medicated oil as a lubricant?" Yinqyueh held out a bottle of hammer stamped medicated oil towards Shannchyuan. It turned out that the girl had a small bottle of medicated oil in her pocket. Shannchyuan checked the mini bottle. The medicated oil brand was trendy. The image of a hammer was the symbol of that brand.
"Actually, medicated oil is not really made of oil. Most of the composition is actually water. But let's try it first." Shannchyuan smiled. "Thank You."
Shannchyuan opened the medicated oil bottle. In order to pour exactly on the side of the hollow, the position of the bottle should be as close to the floor as possible. Therefore, he had to adjust his body in a prone position so that he could pour the oil from a distance of only a few centimeters from the floor. Yihshyong and Shinnshiow immediately stepped aside to make room for Shannchyuan.
Like before, Yinqyueh was looking up from above. So that he wouldn't be dazzled by the flashlight, Shannchyuan forbade Yinqyueh to glare from the front. He told Yinqyueh to sit on his back so that the flashlight could be directly above Shannchyuan's head. From above Shannchyuan's head, the flashlight shone straight into the hollow.
Shannchyuan carefully poured the liquid. After that, he closed the bottle and placed it beside where he was kneeling. He had to start prying now before the box was dry again. It was still difficult, but he felt there was some progress. Slowly but surely, he managed to pry out the wooden box. Shannchyuan sat on the floor with a sigh of relief. Suddenly Shannchyuan remembered something. When he was in a prone position on the floor, he felt the coldness of the floor touching his chest and stomach.
Maybe I should use this medicated oil to warm my stomach and chest a little.
After thinking so, he immediately asked Yinqyueh's permission to use the medicated oil. The girl nodded. She was even willing to help Shannchyuan. However, Shannchyuan chose to apply the medicated oil himself.
Meanwhile, Yihshyong and Shinnshiow studied the small wooden box. They put the wooden box on the table. After Shannchyuan finished applying the wind oil to his stomach and chest, he immediately joined his two colleagues to observe the wooden box.
"It's a Wooden Box Puzzle." Shannchyuan took a deep breath. They get excited too soon. It turned out that their struggle was not over. It took a further effort to open the wooden box.
Yinqyueh also observed the wooden box. "May I try to open it?"
"Of course." Shannchyuan smiled. He handed the box to Yinqyueh, who observed it at once.
"This box is very nice," Yinqyueh said. "There are hardly any gaps between the sides of this box. If we weren't careful, we'd think this box came from a log carved into a box. The joints between the sides are very smooth."
Yinqyueh's face was grave as she checked the box. Shannchyuan was really in awe of Yinqyueh. That girl really wasn't an ordinary girl.
Perhaps I should learn a lot from this girl instead!
Yinqyueh frowned. The girl groped each side of the box. She tried to push each side of the surface of the box. Shannchyuan knew that it usually took a few steps to open a box like that. Her slender fingers traced the box's surface carefully as if to persuade the box to slide one side promptly so that the box could be opened.
"Wow!" Yinqyueh cheered. She began to push down one side of the box. In Shannchyuan's view, Yinqyueh's way of opening the box was very similar to the movements to solve a Rubik's cube puzzle. Shannchyuan guessed the girl would not take long to complete the Rubik's cube. Yinqyueh shifted the top side of the box to the side. The upper side surface was indeed slightly exposed. Yinqyueh's fingers moved to the bottom of the box. She pressed the underside up or, rather, pushed into the box. Because it was pressed towards the top, the top side was pushed up. At that time, the top surface of the box really looked like a small coffin lid. After that, Yinqyueh only had to slide the lid to the right. The lid slid to the right until it was completely removed from the box. Inside the box, there was a small compartment that could become a place for storing small items. Yinqyueh smiled. Cheerfully, she then put her finger in the box. Yinqyueh took out a key from inside the box. She quickly gave it to Shannchyuan.
Extraordinary! Where did this girl learn something like this?
They all then walked towards the door on the west wall. Shannchyuan didn't know if the key he was holding was really the key to the west door. But he had to try. Shannchyuan put the key into the hole in the door that had no handle. Shannchyuan tried to turn the key, and it worked. Even though it's a bit dragging, the lock rotates. After the sound "click," the key stuck. Shannchyuan couldn't turn the key any further.
The iron door was without a handle, so they couldn't open it right away. Shannchyuan, Yihshyong, and Shinnshiow simultaneously pushed the door with all their might. The door leaf moved inward. The door opened little by little. Until they finally managed to open the door completely.
The door on the east side had indeed opened. Behind the door, there was no other room. There was only one dark alley. Yinqyueh was standing right behind Shannchyuan. Instantly, Shannchyuan could feel Yinqyueh's body pressed against his back.
"Are you afraid?" Shannchyuan said the question without looking back.
"Absolutely not." The girl's voice sounded so steady.
Shannchyuan had no idea how long the passage was. The pitch-black atmosphere could only allow them to see within a very limited range. Although Shannchyuan used a flashlight to highlight the inside of the passage, the part of the passage they could see was no further than six meters. Shannchyuan was contemplating whether or not to go in now to explore the underground passage.
"Dahge, be careful," Shinnshiow shouted as Shannchyuan started to walk down the hall. Hearing Shinnshiow's words, Shannchyuan pulled back the leg he had just stepped on. Yinqyueh, who was standing right behind Shannchyuan, collided with Shannchyuan's body when Shannchyuan suddenly retreated backward. Shannchyuan immediately turned around. Reflexively, he held Yinqyueh's body. Shannchyuan was worried that Yinqyueh might lose her balance and that she might fall. The two of them then took two steps back from the already open door.
"I can feel a stream of air coming out of this open door. So I don't think there's a problem with the oxygen levels in the hallway in front of us," Yihshyong said.
Shannchyuan shone his flashlight towards the corner of the room from which they had come. The two oxygen cylinders were still sitting there. He looked at Yihshyong and Shinnshiow. "You two wait here. I will enter the hall with Yinqyueh."
After saying that, he took Yinqyueh's hand and stepped forward. Yinqyueh seemed trying to keep up with Shannchyuan's footsteps.
Ah! I shouldn't move too fast.
"Dahge! Wait a minute!" Yihshyong said in a loud voice.
Shannchyuan stopped in his footsteps. He turned around. Even though it was dark at that time, Shannchyuan was sure that Yihshyong's eyes were staring at him intently.
"Are you guys really going in there?" Yihshyong's voice sounded confused.
I know Yihshyong must be wondering why I led Sheautyan into the dark alley. Isn't that very dangerous?
"Of course I'll go in there. Isn't this our goal?"
"I mean, is it enough just to bring a flashlight? Wouldn't it be better if we brought a bigger lamp, like the Kerosene Pressure Lantern." Yihshyong said.
Uh? He wasn't worried about Sheautyan? Ah! Maybe I'm the only one who worries so much that I don't want to leave her alone!
"Do we have a Kerosene Pressure Lantern we can still use?"
"We have. Even if I remember correctly, there are five lanterns," Yihshyong replied steadfastly, "they're all still in the warehouse."
"I know we have that thing," Shannchyuan said, "but will it still work? I don't think we have kerosene."
"It seems that from the five lamps we have, two of them still contain kerosene. Not much, but I think the lights can still be on for about three or four hours," Yihshyong said.
"Why didn't Shyongge say that earlier? I mean, before we go down the first time?" Shinnshiow joined in on the conversation.
"Sorry. I completely forgot about that. After all, no one mentioned the matter earlier," said Yihshyong.
"Okay. Then don't waste any more time," Shannchyuan said. He patted Yihshyong on the shoulder. "Now, you first come to the surface. Go to the warehouse. Check if it's true that we still have kerosene."
Yihshyong instantly moved to the corner they had come from. He tapped on the iron rod to signal the man standing guard at the edge of the hole above. A moment later, the rope was stretched down. Yihshyong promptly rose to the ground to look for the lamp.
While waiting for Yihshyong to return, they sat and chatted on the stone bench in the basement.
"What are our plans this morning?" Shinnshiow turned to Shannchyuan.
"After seeing what's behind that door, we go back into the house." Shannchyuan said.
"What about Dafeisy Tower? Shall we go there?" Shinnshiow asked again.
"Let's see if this morning there are still people watching our house? If there is nothing suspicious, we will continue with the original plan. If there is something suspicious around our house, I think we should come up with other plans. But what is clear, after going upstairs, we rest first, at least for two or three hours." Shannchyuan tried to stay calm.
"Aren't we going to flee to another place?" Yinqyueh said at a slow tempo.
The girl's words reminded Shannchyuan again of the plan he had outlined when they realized certain people were watching their house.
"Yeah, we'll talk about that later. What is clear, after the sun rises, we'll first check the situation around the house."
Yinqyueh then stood up. He walked around the room. The girl flicked the flashlight at the basement wall. Finally, she stood in front of the door on the east side of the wall that had been opened. She stood and stared at the pitch-black passage beyond the door. Suddenly she shrieked. The girl's scream was loud. Shannchyuan and Shinnshiow ran towards her at once.
"What is it?" Shannchyuan grabbed Yinqyueh's hand.
Yinqyueh was silent. Her breath caught.
Shannchyuan patted the girl's back gently. "Calm yourself. Inhale and exhale slowly."
Yinqyueh did as Shannchyuan said. It was only about seven or eight seconds later that she opened her mouth. "In that passage, there's a flash of light!" Yinqyueh pointed towards the dark passage that had opened wide.
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