Chapter 048
Dongfang Jenqyih
Jenqyih sat directly behind the two people who had been talking at the bus stop. At first, the two of them didn't say anything. But over time, one of them seemed unable to stand the silence. Finally, he opened his mouth.
"How did you know that the house where the party was being held was the place where the fire started?"
His friend, who was wearing a white shirt, turned to the questioner. "I already told you that my cousin works at the catering company that served the party."
"But didn't the fire start just as the sun was about to rise? Do they have a party in the morning came?"
"The party started at about eight in the evening. It continued until about three in the morning. After the party was over, the caterer was still there to pack up the equipment. So, at half-past five, when the fire started, my cousin was still there. By then he was getting ready to go back to the catering company's office."
"When the fire started, he was still there?"
"Yes, he was. But because everything was done, their superiors ordered them back straight away. Maybe they're afraid that if they stay there too long, then they won't even be able to go home because they have to answer various questions that might be asked by the police, who will surely come there.""
"Then how did you find out so quickly?"
"After arriving at the catering company's office to put all the equipment, my younger cousin should have gone straight home to rest. However, because his house is so far away, he didn't come home. So he came to my house. He showed up at my house while I was watching the news on television. After briefly telling me the things that he experienced, he went straight into the room to sleep. Indeed, he is used to doing that. When he has to work until morning, then he comes to my house to get a rest. When he is tired, he is lazy to come back to his own house. He will only wake up at noon. Only then will he return to where he lives."
"After that, he doesn't have to work?"
"Usually he works at the company only three or four days a week."
The friend was silent for a moment. But not for long. He opened his mouth again. "So, what happened during the party?"
"I don't know. My cousin didn't tell me about it. After all, he's already signed the Non Disclosure Agreement. If he violates the agreement, then the party hosting the party can sue him."
"Does that happen often?"
"What often happens?"
"Non Disclosure Agreement. Does the party hosting the party always ask the caterer to sign such an agreement?"
Of course, the people who serve the private parties must have seen a lot of things that people shouldn't know!
"My cousin said it's rare for this to happen. But it has happened a few times. In about two years working at the catering company, this is the third time he's had to sign an NDA like that."
The conversation between the two of them was fascinating. Jenqyih didn't mind if he had to eavesdrop more. But sadly, he had to get ready to get off. The next stop was where he would get off. There he would take another bus with a fairly long route.
With a heavy heart, Jenqyih stepped off the bus when the bus had actually stopped at the stop he was going to. At the stop, no one got off except Jenqyih, but five people got on. Jenqyih didn't pay attention to the people who were getting on. He sat for a moment in a seat at the bus stop. Just like yesterday, today, he didn't have to wait too long either. The bus he was waiting for arrived. Apart from him, three other people got on the bus.
Jenqyih sat silently on the bus. His mind began to summarize the information he got today. Starting from the news of a fire in the luxury housing complex where Miss Liuchiou's relatives live to the rumors he got from overhearing people's conversations on the street. This was nothing new. A year of living in this city has made him accustomed to the surprises that he encountered every day. The streets were the best place to get information. Of course, not all of the information was correct. People must really be able to sort out which information was worthy of trust. But at least, it was a good start for everyone to begin an investigation.
Because he didn't sleep last night, Jenqyih was actually very sleepy that day. But, at the same time, he also felt excited. His enthusiasm overflowed because his curiosity was so great. The discovery of an underground passage under their backyard was truly a thrill. Jenqyih felt a little annoyed with himself that he didn't have the courage to urge his friends to go down to the dungeon one more time and do a better investigation a few months ago. If he did it then, maybe now, who knew how many other surprises he had encountered?
He again remembered the secret passages underground that began in their backyard. The underground passage had many branches. Each of those branches must lead to another exit. Possible exits were so worth exploring.
Too bad we have to move house. It's almost certain that we don't have time to explore the alleys!
Thinking of all these things did not make Jenqyih's sleepiness disappear. He kept trying to fight the drowsiness that hit him. But no matter how hard he tried, his eyes and neck seemed difficult to work with. After a while, he fell asleep. He had just woken up when he felt someone shaking his body.
"Wake up, Sir! This bus has arrived at the last stop!"
Jenqyih opened his eyes. His head hurts a little. Suddenly waking up like that made his head feel uncomfortable. In front of him stood a bus crew. Jenqyih looked around. The bus was empty. Except for him, there were no other passengers. The bus crew who had just woken up walked away. At the last stop, the bus would not leave immediately. The officer who was on duty to check the condition of the bus would examine the bus first. After changing the crew, the bus would depart again.
Jenqyih got up right away and walked towards the bus's back door. He jumped off the bus. He considered for a moment whether he should head straight to the train station or whether to stop at a diner first for lunch. His hesitation only lasted a split second because he remembered Iren had asked him to call home as soon as possible when he reached the train station. If he had lunch first, it might take him a while to arrive at the station. Iren would definitely be worried.
He hastily walked towards the station. He could cover a distance of about one kilometer in less than fifteen minutes. But the situation today differed from yesterday. When he arrived at the last stop yesterday, it was already evening. The afternoon sun only had to wait a little while before bidding farewell to the land that it had lit for about twelve hours. The cool air temperature really helped Jenqyih in following every step he took at that time. Right now, it was almost noon. The sun was still perched on the bright blue sky. He felt the air temperature was also boiling. Even though Jenqyih tried to walk at a much faster pace, the situation that day made it impossible for him to achieve maximum results in every movement he made.
Jenqyih arrived at the station with sweat all over his body and the shirt he was wearing. He saw some people who looked so relaxed. They seemed not to feel what Jenqyih felt. For a moment, Jenqyih doubted himself. He didn't know if the situation he was in was just his feelings or if it indeed was a boiling day. Those people probably didn't have to walk quite as far as he did. So they don't feel hot at all.
Have I gone crazy?
He didn't immediately find a pay phone to call home. The thirst he felt was extraordinary. For Jenqyih, thirst was an emergency. So, it differed from hunger, which he could still endure. Jenqyih walked to a shop selling drinks in the station complex. After finding a shop, he ordered a drink and drank it all down right away. After the thirst was cured, then he inched to another place. With half a run, he searched for a pay phone.
"Hello! Iren?" Jenqyih immediately greeted when the phone was picked up on the other end.
"Yihge?" There was a voice from the other end. Jenqyih furrowed his brows. Iren's voice sounded so strange.
I smell an alarming scent. Something terrible has happened.
"Iren, What's wrong?"
"Shinnshiow has been kidnapped?"
The handset almost slipped from Jenqyih's hand. "Huh? Kidnapped?"
"The kidnapper just called here. He said that Shinnshiow is in their hands!"
"When was he kidnapped?" Jenqyih felt the blood rushing along the veins all over her body.
"I don't know. Weren't you the last one with him?"
Jenqyih was shocked.
Am I the last person to see him before he was kidnapped? But that's impossible!
"After I got on the bus at the bus stop in front of it, I didn't see him again."
"I think you should go home now!"
"Has Dahge called yet?"
"This morning Dahge didn't say he would call when he arrived at Miss Liuchiou's relative's place," said Iren.
"Please, do not go anywhere. Wait for Dahge and Shyongge to come home. I think they'll be home soon. They went to the housing complex in Yuehming just to see the atmosphere there. Not to meet or chat with Miss Liuchiou's relatives."
"Fine. I'll wait for them to come home!"
"Remember! You're not going anywhere!" Jenqyih said that again.
"Of course I'll stay here until the others arrive."
"I'll call again later," said Jenqyih.
"What do you mean? Aren't you going straight home?"
"I have something important to do. I'll tell you when I get home."
"Okay! But you have to be careful. I worry those people will do even more dangerous things."
"You take it easy. I can take care of myself." Jenqyih tried to ease Iren's worries. Although he realized that whatever he said probably wouldn't have much of an effect.
After hanging up the phone, Jenqyih sat for a while on the bench near the pay phone. His hand reached into his trouser pocket. He took out his wallet and quickly opened it. He pulled a piece of paper out of the dark brown leather wallet. The paper was the piece given to him yesterday by his friend. He knew Shannchyuan had warned him to be extra careful, but it was an emergency. They really needed help from any party. Even help from people they didn't trust would mean a lot.
Jenqyih stood up again. He steadfastly walked over to the pay phone he had just left.
"Hello," Jenqyih said in a loud voice when the phone line was connected.
"Hello! Ah, it's you, Jenqyih." The person on the other end immediately recognized Jenqyih's voice.
"Right, it's me."
"How are you? Do you want to come to my house again?"
"It's a good thing you're still home. I was worried before that you had left for work or something. I have something important to tell you."
"I was just about to leave the house. Can you call back this afternoon?"
"I can't. It's an emergency."
"What's wrong? Your voice sounds so weird. Are you still being followed?"
"That's not what I wanted to say. There's one thing that's far more serious."
"What is the problem?"
"One of my friends was kidnapped."
"Where are you now?"
Jenqyih said the name of the station where he was now. The distance between the station and the station near the friend's house is not far. Only fifteen minutes away by train. Traveling by motorbike will, of course, take a little longer.
I hope the traffic isn't so heavy right now.
"Stay there. I'll be there in twenty minutes."
"Where should I wait for you? Inside the station or outside the station?"
"We'd better meet outside the station. The waiting room inside is too wide and scattered. It'll take a long time because I have to look for you."
"Okay. I'll be waiting near the entrance."
"Which entrance?"
"The main entrance. It's the easiest place to get to from the highway."
"Okay! Be careful. Don't stay away from the crowd."
Jenqyih then hung up the phone. Twenty minutes wasn't a long time, but it wasn't a short time either. One clear thing was that there wasn't enough time to go to lunch at one of the nearby stalls. He remembered the original purpose he came to that place. Jenqyih stepped into the luggage storage area. At first, after picking up the backpack he had put there yesterday, Jenqyih would immediately leave the station. But, the hunger that was so excruciating made him change his plans a little.
Jenqyih then stopped at a bakery. He bought some bread. Some he ate right away, some he put in the bag he carried on his back. Then Jenqyih rose to the surface speedily and waited near the door where he entered the station last night.
Jenqyih's friend came just at the time he promised. He rode the motorbike he rode with Jenqyih yesterday.
"What is that?" The friend pointed at the giant backpack that Jenqyih was carrying.
"Just a few things I left yesterday here."
"Okay. Don't waste any more time. We have to hurry."
Looks like he's really ready. Had he predicted this incident?
"Come up!" Jenqyih's friend seemed impatient when he saw the frozen Jenqyih. He held out a helmet.
Jenqyih nodded. After receiving the helmet, he put it on right away and jumped onto the motorbike.
"Are you ready?" The friend said.
"Where are we going?" Jenqyih patted his friend's shoulder.
"Don't ask too many questions. Please, just come along. Later, there, I'll explain!"
The motorbike was traveling at high speed. Jenqyih's friend took the vehicle through roads that Jenqyih did not know well. It could be said that Jenqyih had absolutely no idea where they were. After about twenty minutes, the motorbike they rode into the garage of a beautiful house. The garage door closed automatically when the vehicle they were riding had stopped in the garage.
"Just put your backpack here first." Jenqyih's friend pointed to the floor to their left.
"Whose house is this?" Jenqyih looked left and right as he got off the motorcycle.
Jenqyih's friend did not answer. Instead, he opened the door that connected the garage to another room in the house. The two of them soon entered the house through the door. Jenqyih followed his friend, who, without stopping, continued to walk deep into the house. It turned out to be an enormous house. From the outside, one could only see that the width of the house was only about twenty meters. But apparently, when people went inside, they would realize that the house was really long. They passed a garden, which Jenqyih estimated was in the center of the house. Behind the garden, there was a relatively large hall. A man sat behind a large table at the end of the hall. He wore an expensive-looking suit and a black hat, which also looked luxurious.
When the two of them arrived right in front of the table, the person stood up. He took off his hat. Jenqyih could see the person's face clearly.
"Instructor Shentwu!" Jenqyih nodded respectfully.
"How are you Dongfang!" The man smiled faintly.
Shentwu Jongyih was one instructor who trained Jenqyih when he joined a secret society decades ago. Among some instructors who were there. It was this person who left the deepest impression on Jenqyih's mind.
"I'm fine, Sir!" Jenqyih saluted once again. "You look old."
The person laughed at Jenqyih's words. "Of course I look old. Decades have passed. If I still looked the same as before, wouldn't it be scary?"
Shentwu Jongyih was an instructor figure that was very frightening to everyone who underwent training there. At least that's what stuck in Jenqyih's mind. Jenqyih never felt comfortable at all when that person was around him. Even now, when that person looked old, his appearance was still so frightening and scary.
"That's right, Sir! I mean, you look very dignified right now!" Answered Jenqyih.
The man laughed again. In the past, when that person stood in front of her, Jenqyih always trembled. After decades, Jenqyih thought he could control himself. But unexpectedly, he was still shaking. It turned out that there were things that were very difficult to change.
"Both of you, please have a seat," Shentwu said.
"Thank you, Sir." Jenqyih sat down straightway. In the slightest, he didn't want to delay doing what Shentwu said. His friend also did the same. The two of them sat on the same side of the table.
"I've heard the things that happened to you and your friends. Jongli has told me everything so clearly."
In a short time, Jongli had told him everything? That's almost impossible. I'm sure that whoever the mob did this, they must have been on this old man's radar for a long time!
Jongli Jyhren, the friend who brought Jenqyih to the house, nodded respectfully at Instructor Shentwu. Jenqyih could only remain silent. His tongue was numb. Erratically, he didn't know what to say. Shentwu Jongyih must have known everything. It seemed there was nothing more to add.
"What should we do now, Sir?" Finally, a sentence came out of Jenqyih's mouth.
"Of course you have to call the police!" Shentwu Jongyih said.
"What about my friend's safety?"
"Your friend wasn't the target of the thugs. So it's very likely that he won't be harmed. Besides, the police will definitely act professionally."
Jenqyih was not at all convinced that it was the best way. The criminals didn't want a ransom. Most likely, they need information about something. Something they didn't know yet. Explaining this to the police might not be a simple matter.
"Do you want us to interfere in this case?"
Shentwu Jongyih's question sounded a little strange to Jenqyih's ears. He was almost one hundred percent certain that the agency must have interfered in the matter. Either since Jenqyih met Jongli Jyhren yesterday, or it could be long before that.
"What are we really into, sir?" Jenqyih ventured to dig up further information.
"Do you think we know more than you?" Shentwu asked.
Jenqyih did not answer right away. He knew Shentwu had not finished speaking.
"We don't have the proper facilities and infrastructure that we can use to conduct a proper investigation." Shentwu laughed again.
"But I think you must know about what happened," said Jenqyih. "At least a little more than we know."
"Okay. You're right. Regarding this matter, we do know a little more than you guys. But still many things are not clear to us. It's like seeing a snake. We only saw the tail."
"Director Shentwu, I don't think we should be too rigid about this." Jongli Jyhren, who had been silent all this time, started to open his mouth.
Director Shentwu? Oh, of course. Decades have passed. There is no way this old man is still only serving as an instructor there now! Then, what is Jyhren's position?
Jenqyih turned to Jongli Jyhren. His friend's face was tense. Perhaps, just like Jenqyih, Shentwu's presence also made him feel intimidated.
"I'll help you guys," Director Shentwu said. "But as usual, I don't want the police to know that we are involved in investigating this."
Jenqyih looked at Director Shentwu. At first, he didn't understand what the man meant. It occurred to Jenqyih that they had to trick the police. The secret service might set up traps to trick the police into barking at the wrong tree. The working method between the police and the secret service was entirely different. So the presence of the police might actually interfere with the course of their investigation. But then he understood that they just shouldn't mention the involvement of other agencies when talking to the police.
"Can your friend be trusted?" Director Shentwu asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Duanmuh Shannchyuan. Do you think he would be willing to cooperate with us?"
"Do you know him?" Jenqyih tried his best not to sound strange in his tone.
Dahge is a Duanmuh. So it wasn't strange if something had happened in his life, which made him have to deal with people like this old man.
"If I told you I knew him, would you be surprised?" Director Shentwu stared with sharp eyes.
Jenqyih would not be surprised. So many mysterious things he felt from his dahge. Among them, perhaps the one who knew the most about Shannchyuan was Chioujen. He had known Shannchyuan since he was little. He was even friends with one of Shannchyuan's relatives, so Jenqyih felt it was only natural that the contact between Shannchyuan and Chioujen was more intense than the contact between Shannchyuan and the other friends.
Director Shentwu was still glaring at Jenqyih. His gaze was sharper than the razor Jenqyih used to clean his chin. It seemed that the old man was still waiting for Jenqyih's answer.
"I don't know if I should be surprised or not." This time Jenqyih did something that she had never thought of before. He returned Director Shentwu's gaze. Although his gaze was not as sharp as the old man's gaze. "There are many mysterious things about him."
"Alright. But do you think Duanmuh Shannchyuan would be willing to cooperate with us?"
Had there been an incident previously that made Dahge probably unwilling to accept this person's help?
"There are indeed many things about Duanmuh Shannchyuan that I do not know. But there is one thing that I am absolutely sure of." Jenqyih stopped talking for a while. "Duanmuh Shannchyuan is a very loyal friend. He will definitely not hesitate to cooperate with you for the safety of our kidnapped friend."
I hope there's nothing serious problem between Dahge and this guy!
"Good," said Director Shentwu. "Jongli. Now you take Dongfang back to Pyngyuan. After that, you have a little talk with Duanmuh."
"Okay Sir," replied Jongli Jyhren in a firm voice.
Without wasting much time, Jenqyih and Jyhren returned to the garage in a flash.
"Don't forget your backpack," said Jongli.
Jenqyih just smiled a little.
They then rode the motorbike to Jenqyih's residence in Pyngyuan.
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