Chapter 005
Duanmuh Shannchyuan
Gongyang Songfei was one of their best friends. He's not yet thirty. Therefore, the young man, who was very active in his daily life, called Shannchyuan an uncle.
"Songfei, what's wrong?" Shannchyuan was overjoyed that Songfei had finally contacted him. Usually, Songfei always contacted Shannchyuan or his friends at least once a week. But in the past two months, there had been no news from Songfei at all.
"Uncle, please listen carefully."
"Just tell me what happened?"
"I am in danger. My life is being threatened. I can't say too much. Uncle, have you received my package?" The words flew out at a quick tempo.
What is this kid talking about?
"What package? I haven't received it. Where are you right now?"
"Right now, I'm hiding in a place outside the city. I can't go anywhere. I asked Uncle to take one of my things from the Dahfeisy Building and keep it for a while. I attached all instructions to the package I sent. Please, Uncle! "
"Okay, I'll wait for the package to arrive."
"Thank you, Uncle."
Shannchyuan still wanted to ask further, but Songfei disconnected the phone.
"What happened to this kid? What kind of trouble is he facing this time?" Shannchyuan muttered to himself.
As if forgetting about his own business, Shannchyuan sat pensively on the long couch in the living room. His brain was working hard, trying to digest what he had just heard. While waiting for the package that Songfei had mentioned, Shannchyuan remembered his original intention of having lunch. There were still some leftovers from breakfast. This morning Shinnshiow had cooked so much that they only ate less than half.
Shannchyuan ate heartily. In less than ten minutes, he had finished lunch. After being full, his brain was working much better. He could think more clearly.
Songfei asked me if I had received the package, meaning it should have arrived. Perhaps it had come, but no one was home.
Because of their busy schedule, the house is usually empty during the day. Previously, several times the package came, but the mailman had to take it away because no one received it. They had to wait until the postal delivery worker redelivered the package the next day. However, once, the next-door neighbor kindly represented them to receive the package. He was standing in front of the house when the mail carrier arrived.
Having remembered that, Shannchyuan got up from the couch and rushed out to the house next door. Shannchyuan's guess was correct. It turned out that yesterday at 2 PM, the postal carrier delivered the package, so the neighbor indeed received the thing. Since something like that had happened before, the letter carrier did not hesitate to hand over the package to the neighbor.
This morning the neighbor had come to their house to inform them about the package. But, because Shannchyuan and his friends were going to the station, he didn't have a chance to hand over the package.
Shannchyuan opened the package right away. It was a wooden box containing several keys. He realized those keys were the keys in the Dafeisy Tower. Those were the fence keys, the front door keys, the unit Songfei rented keys, and its room keys in that building.
Songfei had indeed rented some units in that building. Even though Shannchyuan was amazed where the young man got enough money, he never directly asked Songfei about it. That building was intended for offices. However, for some reason that Shannchyuan himself did not understand clearly, the building was currently empty. The tenants were no longer there. But some tenants still have belongings there because the rent had not expired yet. Songfei was one of them.
He was a young man who loved detective and mystery stories. He was so excited that he often played games related to those genres. Songfei had played such games several times, both in Dahfeisy Tower and elsewhere. Shannchyuan and his friends were also familiar with the building. They had been there several times, both day and night. So it was not strange that Shannchyuan knew the custodian and night guards who worked in the building.
In a note attached to the package, Songfei asked Shannchyuan to retrieve and store an item in a room on the tenth floor. Songfei also included a photo of the bag in question so that Shannchyuan would not take the wrong thing. When Shannchyuan glanced at his watch, the time was already 2:50 PM. The Dahfeisy Tower was very far from his house. The location was on the edge of the city, bordering the next city. If he left now, at least 5:30 PM, he would get there. Shannchyuan had to hurry to go so as not to come home too late at night after he finished what Songfei asked him to do. He has to consider his current health condition. He should not go out too much at night.
After changing into his clothes, Shannchyuan left for the nearest subway station. Indeed, from that station, a subway line stopped at the subway station near the Dahfeisy Tower, which was Line 15, but it took forever to get there. So, Shannchyuan decided to take Line 21. Even though he had to change lanes twice and then got off the train at a station about two kilometers from the Dahfeisy Tower, the trip would only take a much shorter time.
That afternoon, the weather was scorching hot. Shannchyuan had seen the weather forecast on television right before leaving for the subway station this morning. They had said it was sunny today. Most likely, it would not rain. So Shannchyuan decided not to carry an umbrella. He did not want to carry things because he had to bring home a large enough bag later. Besides, the last time Shannchyuan had gone to Dahfeysi Tower, he accidentally left his umbrella there. So when things were done, when he had to go back home, he would take the umbrella and bring it home.
Having to change lines twice, Shannchyuan made sure not to fall asleep so that he didn't miss the station where he had to get off for transit. At that time, the passengers on the train were not too crowded. But if Shannchyuan had left a little late, the situation would have been much different.
It took about twenty-five minutes before the train reached the station where Shannchyuan had to get off to change trains. After getting off the train, Shannchyuan immediately checked the arrival schedule for the train he would ride after this. It turned out that the train would come ten minutes later. Shannchyuan went out of the platform to look for the restroom. While urinating, Shannchyuan wondered if his frequent urination was still within normal limits. Next time, when he had a chance to see a doctor, he should not forget to ask this.
When he came out of the restroom, Shannchyuan rushed over for fear of missing the train. That's when he heard someone calling him.
"Mister Duanmuh!" There was a baritone voice.
Shannchyuan turned his head. The person who called out to him was in a backward position. Apparently, they just passed each other without being noticed by Shannchyuan.
"Mr. Linqhwu?" Shannchyuan still recognized that face. He spun around and walked over to the person.
"Right sir! I am Linqhwu Ueideng." The face of the person who greeted Shannchyuan brightened. Perhaps he was glad that Shannchyuan recognized him immediately.
Just like Shannchyuan, Linqhwu Ueideng was one of Songfei's friends. Linqhwu Ueideng was also not a member of the detective and mystery club. Shannchyuan remembered well that Songfei had said that just like Shannchyuan and his friends, Songfei had also invited Linqhwu Ueideng to participate in the activities he organized. But unlike Shannchyuan and his friends who had a lot of free time, Linqhwu Ueideng had a job he couldn't just leave, so he only occasionally accepted Songfei's invitations. Previously, Shannchyuan had only met Linqhwu Ueideng twice.
"How are you sir?" Although Linqhwu smiled, Shannchyuan caught something different.
"I'm fine," said Linqhwu Ueideng. "But …"
This time Shannchyuan could clearly catch the look of worry on Linqhwu Ueideng's face.
"What's the matter, sir?" A gentle voice escaped from Shannchyuan's lips. Linqhwu looked like someone who was hesitant to say what he was thinking.
"Can we talk for a minute?" Linqhwu Ueideng's voice sounded like the sound of a sheep crying for help.
Shannchyuan looked at his watch. He couldn't bear to see the look on that person's face, but he had urgent business to attend to.
"Just a moment, sir," said Linqhwu Ueideng. "It's about Songfei."
Shannchyuan was surprised. "What's wrong with Songfei?" He was worried that what happened to Songfei might be worse than he thought.
"We'd better find a place to talk, sir." Linqhwu Ueideng looked on with hopeful eyes.
The two of them then went to the food court at the subway station complex. There Linqhwu Ueideng said that he was worried about Songfei. After that, he told the chronology of events that he knew. Even though Linqhwu looked a little panicked, the man could still tell all these things in precise words and well-ordered sentences.
About a week ago, Songfei called Linqhwu. He said that three weeks earlier, one of his friends had disappeared. At first, Songfei only thought that his friend was just on some kind of vacation. However, after a week of no news, Songfei started an investigation. After several days of investigating the matter, Songfei discovered that the events of his friend's disappearance led him to some surprising facts.
"What did Songfei find?" Shannchyuan was very curious.
"He didn't tell me. He didn't even say the name of his missing friend either."
"Then why did Songfei call you if he didn't want to explain what he found?"
"It's regarding Songfei's important item." Linqhwu Ueideng lowered his voice.
"Did Songfei ask you to go to Dafeisy Tower?"
"No. He asked me to tighten the guard on his belongings which I had kept."
Linqhwu Ueideng's last sentence was quite confusing to Shannchyuan. "So you have kept that Songfei's belongings for a long time?"
"About four months ago, Songfei left me a wooden box. He didn't say what was in the box and neither did I ask. He said that he had entrusted the box to me for the time being. One week ago, he told me I should move the box to another storage area. Songfei was worried that someone would steal the box."
"Do many people know where you keep the wooden box?"
"Do you mean the original place where I kept the item?"
"Yes. That's what I mean."
"The only ones who know are Songfei and I. I told no one. So if someone else found out, then it's likely that Songfei himself accidentally said that to someone else."
"So, have you moved the box to another storage place?"
"That's the problem! When I was about to take the box, it turned out that the wooden box was no longer there. Someone had already taken it out."
"Doesn't the storage case have a key?"
"Of course there is a key. I don't know how anyone can take it from there."
"That storage case wasn't forcibly opened?"
"No. Everything seems normal. It's just that Songfei's wooden box isn't there anymore."
"Where do you keep the wooden box?"
"In the columbarium where I keep my grandfather's ashes."
After hearing Linqhwu Ueideng's words, Shannchyuan realized that Songfei was in serious trouble this time. He must be on to something hazardous. Not just avoiding the pursuit of debt collectors, as has happened before.
"Have you told Songfei this already?" Because of thinking about many things, Shannchyuan lost focus when he asked Linqhwu.
"After finding out that Songfei's box was gone, I can't contact Songfei. When he called me a week ago, after asking me to move his thing, he told me not to tell anyone about this. At that time, I thought Songfei might be hiding because he was being chased by some bad people. Previously, he had also faced situations that required him to hide himself for some time."
"Then what makes you now tell me this?" Shannchyuan asked.
"Although Songfei forbade me to tell other people about this, he also said that if anything dangerous happened, then I could ask what to do from two people who he thought were worthy of trust."
"Who are those two people?"
“The first is Duanmuh Shannchyuan.”
This was something Shannchyuan had guessed.
“The second one is Jongharng Chioujen!”
"Chioujen?" Shannchyuan raised his eyebrows. Among the friends who lived in the same house as Shannchyuan, Songfei was the least familiar with Chioujen. The two of them rarely interacted. It would be a bit strange if it turned out that Songfei actually put his trust in Chioujen.
"When Songfei said that, I didn't ask him why he trusts you and Mr. Jongharng. After the wooden box disappeared, I tried to investigate it myself. But I found nothing. Maybe it's because I really don't have the ability to investigate things at all."
"Why didn't you look for me?" Shannchyuan asked.
"I don't know where you and Mr. Jongharng live."
"Did Songfei never give you my address or home phone number?"
He did give it to me. In fact, it's been a long time. As I recall, long before four months ago. But I was clumsy. I forgot where I put the note containing your address and telephone number."
Shannchyuan considered whether he needed to tell him the call he had received from Songfei earlier. And even right now, he was heading to Dafeisy Tower to fulfill Songfei's request. But after thinking for a while, Shannchyuan decided to postpone telling Linqhwu Ueideng about this. In his letter, Songfei said not to tell anyone about it. Songfei didn't write anyone's name as an exception. So, for now, Shannchyuan couldn't inform Linqhwu Ueideng of everything he had done and would do.
"This is not a simple matter. What if I asked you to give me three days to think about what steps we should take?"
Linqhwu looked a bit dubious. Shannchyuan understood that person was anxious about Songfei's safety.
"I know that in these three days, the situation could become more and more unfavorable for Songfei. But I believe that kid is much smarter than we imagined."
Linqhwu finally nodded.
"This is my phone number and home address," Shannchyuan said. He handed Linqhwu Ueideng a business card. The business card was the rest of the business cards he had. At home, maybe only four or five pieces are left.
Linqhwu looked at the business card. It seemed he had something to say. Shannchyuan waited for the person to ask any question, but he said nothing else.
"But soon I will be moving. I don't know where to move yet. Later, I will contact you again when I have found a definite place to live."
Linqhwu Ueideng nodded at Shannchyuan's statement. He took his wallet out of his trouser pocket. From the billfold, he took out a light green business card. He held out the business card to Shannchyuan.
"Thank you sir," said Shannchyuan. He took a good look at the business card. The size is slightly larger than the size of a business card in general. "May I ask for one more, sir? Just like you, sometimes I am also careless in keeping business cards."
Linqhwu took out another business card from his wallet. After that, he returned to pocket the billfold that looked a little shabby. "Thank you, sir, for listening to me," said Linqhwu Ueideng. "Even though I have asked you for help, I will continue to try to find out about Songfei's whereabouts."
"Thank you, sir. Even though I asked for three days, but during these three days I also will not stand still." Shannchyuan tried to make his voice sound full of conviction. He didn't want to discourage the person sitting in front of him. He was determined to do his best.
"Okay, sir! Please continue your journey." Linqhwu Ueideng stood up and nodded respectfully to Shannchyuan.
Shannchyuan immediately left the food court. He had missed the train. Luckily, the next train arrived less than five minutes later. It's almost rush hour, so the frequency of train arrivals was getting closer.
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