It has been a month since Hogan arrived at Ann’s home, and almost same period of time since his conversion to Christianity. The week that followed his conversion was the ‘dark before daybreak’, his remorse had threatened to overwhelm him but with the help of Ann, he had been able to recover himself, his nights were at peace once more as the haunting dreams ceased, Ann would read passages from her little brown book to him each day, a book he had come to known was the holy book of the Christians than Ann called a ‘bible’, she also went on to teach him what she referred to as ‘the lord’s prayer, a particular line fascinated him;
…thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
The very presence of the word ‘will’ in the prayer made him draw comparisons with the teachings of the Cifers.
“God’s will is the essence by which we live, it is up to us to open our hearts to his will, there is no will of Lucifer, it is either God’s will or the will of man. Lucifer planted the seed of scorn in man and man in his sinful nature acted on it, the seed grew into what we see today and then man called it the ‘will’ of Lucifer, when in fact it is their doing” Ann had explained to him.
By day Hogan took it upon himself to improve the safety condition around the cabin, busying himself in constructing a wooden fence around the cabin, and by night they would sit at the entry steps of the cabin and discuss, they talked about several things. On a particular night he recalled details of a training session at The Brotherhood.
A young Hogan shivered under the immense cold that battered his naked body, the blindfold was tight around his eyes and his lips were cracked from thirst, he could hear the words of Groth;
“To survive you must first suffer, to be worthy of service to Lucifer. You must go through the fire and come out a finely forged weapon that will be efficient and deadly”.
Hogan’s teeth chattered as he shivered, he put his arms around himself as he tried to pinpoint the direction of Groth’s voice; he collided in a whimper with several of his mates who were all in same inhumane condition like him.
“In today’s lesson, you will learn to sharpen your senses, to focus your concentration even in these adverse conditions, do not rely only on your sense of sight, some have walked into their death with wide open eyes, do not always believe what you see but also learn to trust what you hear, in my hand is a sharp weapon, I will walk in your midst and I will inflict pain and draw blood, try to hear me coming, avoid my advances and you will be spared, and again do not dare remove the blindfolds” Groth said.
The extreme cold made it hard for Hogan to concentrate, his ears throbbed with pain, and he could feel nothing on his fingers as he rubbed his arms. A shriek of pain alerted him, his heart pounded in his chest; he collided with another who shrieked in fear, gladly it was just one of his mates. Soon, he heard another shout of pain, his heart beat increased even further and he swallowed hard.
“Hear me coming” Groth said, his voice seemed to come from different directions at once; Hogan took deep shaky breaths trying to calm his panic. Another shriek, too loud, too close, he turned on the spot, desperately trying to hear through the throbbing pain in his ears, he was successful in steadying his breaths and closed his eyes within the tight blindfold, the sounds of his mates moving about in fear became louder, he could hear their whimpers, their cry, the sound of their bare feet shuffling on the icy cold ground, then the sounds faded, he heard the sound of fabric scraping over each other at intervals, he concentrated harder, then there was a sound of fine relaxed breathing, it stood out from the shaky shallow breaths of his scared mates, soon he heard the fine vibration of a metal as if air hit and bend around it, it got louder and louder, he concentrated more on that, preventing it from fading, then he heard the sharp intake of breath, and the distinct whoosh of a metal as it cut sharply through the air, he jumped back instantly and hit his right heel on a stone, losing his balance and falling heavily to the solid floor, his head hit the ground and the impact made his ears ring.
“Splendid, absolutely remarkable, take off your blinds child” he heard Groth say.
He removed the blindfold and looked up at Groth standing over him with a bloodied knife; his clothing style mirrored that of a mage. Hogan viewed the scenery around him, many of his mates laid bloodied and unclad on the cold ground of the old stone temple with visible wounds on their arms and legs, the uninjured ones still milled about with their blindfolds, there was only one girl in their midst. Hogan struggled to his feet on Groth’s command, his muscles continued to protest the cold.
“You have done exceptionally well child, what is your name?” Groth asked.
“Ho- Hogan” he said replied with a shiver.
“Hogan, no one has ever passed this test at the first attempt, you will make a fine servant of Lucifer”. Groth remarked.
“That is barbarous, you were all just children” A shocked Ann reacted to Hogan’s reminiscing.
“That is the least of it, the initiation was just as fetish”, Hogan recollected the initiation ceremony;
A late teen Hogan stood clad in only a rag wrapped around his waist, side by side with nine other of his mates which included one female, the room was a dome and the ground was sandy, pillars with bowls of fire which provided the only source of light in the darkness of the night, surrounded the scene, several spectators all in hoods that cast shadows on their faces, stood afar back. In front of the ten teens stood The Supreme with two others, all in red ankle length robes, a large bowl with blood rested on a raised stone. A journey that had started with almost thirty candidates had left only ten of them, the rigorous training process had led to the death of a few, others were left handicapped, a couple fled the base but were soon hunted and killed.
The Supreme bailed the dark red blood in the large bowl with a smaller one, the unknown source of the blood played in Hogan’s mind as The Supreme stood in front of the first teen from the left, Hogan was ninth from that side and just before the only girl.
“You all have proved yourself worthy to serve Lucifer; you have passed the test, now you shall serve him with your heart and being, now your will shall be nothing and his will shall prevail” The Supreme said.
“Aeden Sebestan, drink from this essence” The Supreme offered the bowl of blood to the first boy and he drank, he moved on to the second,
“Levi Wilscoson”, he moved on to the third,
“Robert Murray”
“Steve Stutermore”
“Ian Grayson”
“Charles Binnins”
“Jace Leonardo”
“Hogan Willmort”
Hogan took the clay bowl and sipped from it, the taste of the blood was metallic on his tongue, he forced the liquid down his throat with closed eyes, The Supreme moved to the last on the line.
“Stella Winchester, who by extraordinary means stand here today, the first woman picked by lord Lucifer, drink”.
The rumors about how Stella Winchester joined The Brotherhood had spread around the base beforehand. At the age of nine, her devote Cifer parents offered her up as an instrument of Lucifer, devastated after she killed her younger brother with a knife, it is not known if it was intentional or accidental, her admission into The Brotherhood training program was a topic of debate for a while but The Supreme agreed, stating that she had little chance of surviving ‘given her disadvantage’ her survival not only impressed him but also made them to believe that she was indeed chosen by Lucifer.
Soon after the blood drinking rite was over, The Supreme revealed a silvery dagger from within his robe, Hogan’s eyes widened as he went to the very first teen, took the arm of the young boy and carved on it with the dagger.
Hogan showed Ann the scar markings on his left forearm, just below the wrist, it was an inverted cross from his point of view. Ann ran her fingers softly over the scar markings.
“You are saved bow, Hogan” She said.
Hogan felt the determination to right his wrongs after the reminiscing, he has been given the mandate by the priest to protect the ones he once persecuted, his thought travelled to the Christian encampment he was told to wipe out, and it hit him.
“I know what to do” he said as he rose on his feet.
“What is it” Ann asked.
“The Christian encampment in Santa Fe, I must protect them, The Brotherhood will send another to finish my mission, and I just hope I am not too late”. He said.
“How can you protect them on your own?” Ann asked.
“You said it yourself, God is always with me, I am not alone.”
Ann smiled, “I will come with you.”
“No, it is too dangerous, you must stay here, I will return when all is well.”
Ann looked at him with uncertainty dancing in her eyes.
“I will be okay Ann.” He said as he took her soft hands in his.
“Do you know where they are? The Christian encampment?” she asked
“No but I can search for them”
“Santa Fe is a big area to cover; I think I can help you”
“How?” a curious Hogan asked.
“Well, we have superintendents at each state, they oversee the covert Christian communities at each region, they serve as representatives as well as a leader for all Christians in their jurisdiction.” She said. She went in the cabin and moments later she returned, holding a piece of paper. “His name is Isaac Brown”, that is his address written on one side of the paper.” She said as she handed it over to Hogan.
Hogan perused the written address then turned the paper over where the words ‘Romans 14:19’ were written. “What’s this for?” he asked.
“That will make him believe you” Ann replied with a smile.
Hogan spent two more days at the Cabin before he packed up to leave, he had attended the priests’ services in the woods on several occasions since his conversion and on his very last before his departure, the priest offered him his blessings.
“Go with grace, remember that God is with you and will hear you when you pray” Ann said to him.
Hogan donned a simple tee on green khaki trousers, his backpack and sword which was wrapped in a rag, hung at his back, he did not forget his makeshift mask, avoiding attention was much more critical than it was at the previous journey, he must already be classified as a deserter by The Brotherhood and being spotted will be trouble.
“Take this, for your safekeeping” Ann handed over her rosary as well as the small brown bible which he safely tucked away, he kissed her forehead and turned towards his road to redemption.
The Denver train station was less busy than that of Annapolis, thankfully Hogan came across no confrontations this time and his animosity remained intact, his makeshift mask drew glances at him nut that was all to it. The train ride took all about thirteen hours from Denver to Santa Fe.
Santa Fe lacked the glittering of Denver; it very much mirrored Annapolis, a feel of gloom saturated the atmosphere, it still had echoes of its luxurious past, uninhabited sky liners stood abandoned, there were several old buildings in a grid pattern, all carried the semblance of a haunted abode, the streets were wide and quiet, lined with peeling walls with graffiti.
Lucifer will save us
The end is here
A one eyed woman in tattered clothes lay on the floor, a boil of coins by her head, she looked up to his masked face as he passed by, “He is coming for us all!” she said with an eerie shriek, Hogan avoided her hysteria and walked on in the thick fog of the morning, he glanced at the address on the paper for the umpteenth time;
Fourth Adobe Creek
He glanced ahead at a rusty old sign pointing down a street;
dob rek, it read.
He walked in the direction of the sign onto the street, the houses looked abandoned and were overtaken by green weed, at the very end of the street stood an old looking detached house surrounded by a dwarf wooden fence, in comparison with the houses around, it looked like someone lived there. The sound of giggling and laughter filled his ears and he took strides towards the house, a lowly board read ‘Fourth’ in front of the iron netted gate. He saw the source of the giggling, several children played around with glee, their happy faces were heartwarming and their smiles contrasted the gloomy environment. A particular kid caught his gaze and quickly alerted the others; they fled hurriedly into the detached house.
Hogan stood in front of the gate; he studied the house carefully and respected the boundaries of the fence. The front door soon opened with a squeak, a slim man with a brown cap, a grey jacket and worn looking trousers walked out; in his hands was a rarity, something not easily seen in the era, he had a rim fire rifle which he pointed straight at Hogan.
Hogan lifted both hands in the air, “I come in peace”
“I know who you are, Hogan Willmort” the man said, his gun never training away from Hogan.
“Yes I am Hogan Willmort, but everything you have heard about me are all in the past, a friend recommended me here, Ann Ledley” Hogan said.
The slight scowl on the man’s face disappeared for a moment before quickly returning as quickly as it left. “Tell me why I should believe you? The most ruthless killer in The Brotherhood”.
“She gave me something to show you” Hogan carefully stretched out the paper in his hand to him.
“What is that?”
“She said it would make you believe me”
The man closed the distance, carefully making sure his riffle remained pointed at Hogan, and he snatched the paper over the fence and took a glance. “It only says Fourth Adobe Creek, what is this?”
“The other side” Hogan said.
He turned the paper and a look of surprise clouded his features, he looked up at Hogan, “You mean…”
“Yes, I am now converted”. Hogan cut in.
“My God!” the man exclaimed, shocked at the new information. “How?”
“Let’s just say I saw the light” Hogan went on to reveal the hidden rosary hung around his neck to further solidify his claim. “I guess you are Isaac Brown?”
“I am Isaac” he said, lowering his rifle, “I am sorry about that, you never know who is who these days, come on in”. Isaac swung open the dwarf gates and Hogan stepped into the premises. “It’s a miracle, your conversion” he said as he ushered Hogan towards the door of the detached house. “I never would have thought it possible, you are a brave man Hogan”, he continued.
The interior of the house was as aged as it looked outside, it was illuminated by several oil lamps, several monochrome pictures hung on the woody walls in antique frames, some were of smiling children, others were of a group of adults, there were also single portraits and a particular one looked very much like a very young Isaac. A fireplace burned gently and a smell of wet wood wafted the air.
Isaac offered Hogan a dusty looking seat and proceeded to take his own seat across him, both decrepit seats and an old empty shelf were the only furniture visible. Isaac dropped the riffle on the bare cemented floor and it pricked Hogan’s curiousness;
“Where did you get that?” he asked.
“You mean the riffle? It belonged to my great, great, great grandfather and it was safely kept till now, I will tell you a secret though, it isn’t loaded”.
A silent giggling got Hogan’s attention and he looked around just in time to catch a glimpse of the fleeing children through the agape front door.
“You must be wondering what this place is” Isaac said.
“Yes, I am curious” Hogan replied.
“It is an orphanage, those children lost their parents in the hands of The Brotherhood and I take it upon myself to care for the ones who survive, it has not been easy but God has been seeing us through”. Isaac said. He sat forward in his seat, “You are a miracle Hogan, and I am glad you are now on the right path, what is it you wanted to meet me for?”
“I am in search of a Christian encampment right here in Santa Fe, I was told you know about their whereabouts”
Isaac reclined back into his seat with a hand under his chin. “What is this for?” he asked.
“Before my conversion, it was my sole mission to wipe out that encampment, but The Brotherhood will definitely send another in my stead and they will find them, I have to be there, I have to protect them, it’s the least I can do, I know I can never make up for what I did in the past, but I have to try and make amends in any way I can, this is my penance”.
‘I will give you their location, and Hogan, thank you very much, this means a lot to me and the Christian community, may God continue to keep you safe”.
Hogan felt peace and contentment in their midst, on Isaac’s instruction, he has found the Christian encampment which was hidden within a wreck yard. At the outskirts of the wreck yard, large piles of rusty car carcasses and other junk metals covered a vast majority of the layout, but at the heart of the wreck yard is an area enclosed by tall brick walls topped with broken glass and razor wire. Within the walls were several shelters in form of tents and huts made from wood and metal scraps. The mood in the camp was boastful, the children played around, the adults functioned with peace of mind, the elderly read books to the young, it was a complete harmonious Christian community in the eyes of Hogan. Getting into the camp was not easy, he had to convince them about his recent conversion but soon the news of his presence and new found faith spread around the camp, everyone was in awe, they looked in regard at the man who once persecuted them, standing in their midst as a savior.
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