The morning was just breaking and a storm was moving in over the city. The sky was pitch black and off in the distance sounds of helicopters could be heard. Aramina lay in bed half awake and wondered what the news would be like later that day. Reporters were always after a good story, no matter what the weather was like. Anything for the money, she thought.
Lightning outside flickered and flashed. Shadows danced hurriedly across the walls. A loud clap of thunder jolted Aramina fully awake. A drizzle began, streaking the windows and chilling the air outside.
Aramina lazily rolled from bed and sauntered to the bathroom. She slowly showered and got dressed. She was running late, again. She hadn't much cared lately, but routine was everything so they said. She wanted to get to the cafe' at her regular time, but knew, that unless she was super-human, it wasn't going to happen.
Stepping out and locking the door, she pulled her black wool jacket tightly around her and pulled her red earmuffs down over her curly blonde hair. There was no way that she wanted to catch a cold. The drizzle had died out and all that was left were the monstrous booms of thunder and the bright lightning flashes.
Aramina briskly walked the three blocks to the cafe' . She opened the door and stepped inside. Perfect, she thought, definitely not super-human. The warmth of the grill cooking breakfast was quite cozy. She removed her coat and earmuffs and placed them sloppily on the coat rack. The smell of fried eggs and sizzling bacon alerted every one of her senses, her stomach growled. She didn't want to order until she was comfortably settled at her table though. Traipsing past the counter stools she imagined her table.
The Renaissance iron backed chairs with their metal lattice work curving in every direction, tufted seat cushions that allowed hours of comfort. The thought had Aramina in a glossy daze. The large metal table with the glass in-lay, frosted a pinkish hue, reminded her of a child's rosy cheeks when it was cold. The ruffled pink cafe' curtains that hung over the window made it feel so homey, so safe.
Rounding the corner she stopped dead in her tracks. She blinked, she thought maybe she imagined what she saw. Nope, he's really there.
"The man of my dreams," she whispered under her breath, "and he's sitting at my table."
The man glanced up and looked right at her. His eyes were the iciest blue she had ever seen. They were so cold looking she shuddered, but went over anyways.
"Hi," she said, "my name is Aramina." She smiled, and sat down in the empty chair across from the stranger.
"Huh?" the man said, as if he'd been disturbed. His eyes darted back and forth nervously, as if someone were watching. He fiddled with the fork that was setting on the napkin.
"I said my name is Aramina, what's yours?" she asked. She brushed a curl from the middle of her forehead and put on her best sugary smile. She wanted this guy to notice and remember her.
"Um, Elric, yeah, that's my name," the man replied hesitantly. He fixed the collar on his expensive looking black suit and adjusted his paisley blue tie. Then, he smiled, reached his hand across the table and shook her hand.
As soon as their hands touched, she knew, she had found a soulmate for life. His hands were big and very soft, as if he had never even worked a day in his life. They were warm and felt so loving. With her fingers entwined with his, she studied his face. His dark brown hair fell casually over his large forehead, and his eyes were mysterious, almost as if they were hiding something. She could get lost in those deep pools of mystery any day.
"Do you come here often?" he asked in a soft tone. Turning his gaze towards the window, he stared off as if he were somewhere else entirely.
"Yes, every day, exactly at ten," she replied, blushing a bit. Maybe if I tell him what time I come he'll drop by and visit me, she thought to herself.
"Pardon me," he said. A smile spread on his face, and his eyes were questioning.
It's as if he's not paying attention, she thought. How rude. What could possibly be more important than this moment right now. How could he not be here, in this moment, right now.
"Sorry, I missed what you said. I've just got some other things on my mind," he confided. Pulling his hand away, he sighed and leaned back in the chair. Brushing his hair from his face he put his fingers to his temples.
"Are you okay?" she asked, deeply concerned. He seemed a little on edge as if something was bothering him. She moved around the table, slowly reached over, and touched his face. "Are you okay?" she repeated.
Elric turned his face into her hand and began to cry. She felt his tears wetting the sleeve of her new red dress as he buried his face into her arm. Small sobs racked his body and Aramina wanted to wrap him in her arms. Her heart broke for him, she had not often seen a man cry, especially in her presence.
"No, I'm not okay," he cried, lifting his head to look into her eyes. His hair was disheveled and his icy blue eyes were now bloodshot. Tears streaked his sullen face and his nose was running. "My wife, she left me and took my kids," he sniffed, wiping the tears from his eyes with the back of his large hand. His body shook as he told her that they were all he had left. His life was nothing with out them.
"I'm sorry," Aramina whispered, not really knowing what to say. "I had no idea, I'm so sorry," she repeated. "Want to talk about it?" she pressed for answers wondering what he would say.
Elric stiffened at the request and shuddered as Aramina stared blankly waiting for a reply. "What time is it?" he asked. He blew his nose with the napkin and frantically scanned the restaurant for a clock. He smoothed his suit and began to gather his things. He shoved a ball point pen and a crumpled piece of paper into a small satchel all while demanding the time.
"It's 4 p.m. on the dot," she replied, wondering what Elric was thinking.
"I have to go now," he said hurriedly. He stood pushing Aramina out of the way and straightened his tie. He took another napkin, wiped his eyes and blew his nose again shoving both used napkins into his suit pocket. He started to walk away.
"When will I...
"Never," Elric interrupted. "I can't see you again, ever." He turned and quickly walked out the door and disappeared down the street.
He didn't even say good-bye, she thought. "No hug, no good-bye, no nothing," she mumbled shaking her head. How could she just let him go, how could she watch him disappear without saying anything more. He was so devastated, so upset. She should have tried harder. She would have tried harder but she promised herself she would be better this time.
Aramina could stay no longer, it was almost 5. She half-heartedly ambled over to the coat rack and slowly put her things back on. Her stomach growled and she realized she had never eaten. She opened the door and a cool rush of air flooded over her. She shivered, it seemed that it had gotten colder, or maybe it was just her. She buttoned her coat all the way and pulled the collar tightly around her neck.
Her mind wandered and she replayed the day and thought about all that had happened. The moment she had seen him she had felt butterflies. She knew she had to know him. The moment their hands touched her heart ached. How could she have let him leave so abruptly without so much as an exchange of numbers.
The walk home seemed like it took forever but was only 20 minutes. She removed her keys from her pocket, found the right one, and inserted it in the key hole. She turned slowly until she heard the click and then she pushed. The door swung open and she slithered inside, still dreamy from the walk home she closed the door behind her. She crossed her studio apartment, took her coat and earmuffs off, and sat down on the front of her bed. She fumbled on the floor for the remote and turned the television on.
"Okay, let's see what the reporters got paid for today," she said sarcastically out loud.
They had just broke for a commercial and Aramina decided to make some popcorn. Outside, she heard it begin to rain. The pitter patter of the rain on the window was drowned out by the popcorn popping, though.
On her way back to her bed she heard the news anchor announce their late breaking story.
"Tonight we go live to 228 Maple Street where a heinous crime has been committed."
Aramina chuckled. "Ooooh, sounds scary to me," she said out loud. "It's October, everything is heinous this month," she mocked. "Have you heard of pumpkin spice or maybe brats egging your house on Halloween?" "Really lady!"
"Sometime today two small boys and their mother were brutally murdered in their own home. A massacre of the sorts never seen before. Their father is no where to be found but police believe him to be the main suspect."
Aramina was heading for the couch, carrying her bowl of popcorn, when pictures of the father were flashed on the screen. Shocked, she just stood there not even realizing that the popcorn bowl had fallen from her hand. A sweat broke out and a shudder racked her body so violently she thought she might vomit.
"He may be armed and dangerous, so do not approach. I repeat, do not approach suspect. If you do happen to see him or anyone resembling the suspect, please call the authorities immediately. Stay inside, lock your doors, and remain calm."
The picture on the screen was seared into her brain. The bile rose in her throat as a wave of nausea washed over her. The man on the screen had to be Elric, or was it? Just then there was a knock at the door.