Why does he always have to leave me alone does he just care about himself and not understand my feelings that I’m lonely without him because he leaves me on my own nearly every single night and won’t even spend time with me he thinks that he is always right and I’m wrong about everything why can’t we be like a normal couple who do things together Cass was thinking to herself. I better have dinner now there’s no point waiting for him I have no idea when he will be back. Just then she heard a knock on the front door it was Callie and Dexter. Hi where were you two cass asked them. We went to a party it was matts birthday Callie told her. Where’s Cole Dexter asked her. He has gone out Cass told him . Leave you on your own as usual I just hate him doing that to you, you deserve better Cass you really do I don’t know why you put up with him Callie told her. I love him he’s my everything I know that he isn’t the number one guy in the world Callie Cass said to her. But out Callie it’s up to them what they do Dexter told her. We’re off to bed Cass Callie told her. It was eleven o’clock I wonder what he’s doing I think that I will ring him and then he will tell me where he is. I wonder why he isn’t picking up the phone just wait until he gets back I’m going to give him a peace of my mind