10:00 pm. My mom's going to kill me!684Please respect copyright.PENANA66Y3wB0OgT
When, I finally made it to my house, the porch light was on. It was never on. That means she waiting. Gosh, I should've never went to that party. I had to walk home because my "bucket of bolts" broke down before I could even get over have way to the party and my friends went kinda over board with the drinking. That reminded me to smell my shirt. Goodness Celeste! you reek of alcohol. I pulled the shirt off now just wearing a Need for Sleep shirt and some jeans. Walking behind my mom's SUV, I stared at the house for a minute, replaying the mission I would have to do to make it to my room safely. step 1 go in die. step 2 die and step 3 die
My good bye list
I love you food.
I love you teddy (my dog)
Most of all I love you bed.
I took a deep breath and looked threw the window of her car.
"What the!" I had a mini heart attack. "What the heck are you doing in my mom's car."
" You should really lock the door" Connor said. " I'm here to say. he took a deep breath. your going to die." he jumped out the car and sprinted down the road disappearing in the night.
I opened the door to my house. it was pitch black. The curtains was draped and all I heard was the sound of a TV with no signal. shhhhhh I looked at the TV it wasn't even on so how was it making that sound. shhhh. I think I should have stayed outside.
"I see you made it home." she said.
" Pretty late, don't you think?"
"Well, since your up... Surprise! Happy early birthday Celeste."
I was scared out my mind over here thinking they would see me on the 8 am news.
"UM, thank you"
"Hey open you presents first."
but there was only one.
I sat down at the table and opened the biggest one.
it was a mini piano. it had my named carved under it at it was red.
She put her hand on my shoulder. "Your dad gave that to you." I traced the C of my name.
"It's nice." tears started to wail up in my eyes.
It was a knock at the door. But it was no one there.
But there was a box it had a very silk look to it. It was a very large box and it said from "someone"
I kicked the box. heavy equals junk.
"Go ahead and open it." my mom stood behind me and watched. "Go on"
I opened it and when I saw what was in it I about passed out it was... it was... Me!
Physically me."
I looked at my mom. "Who am I?"
She looked at me and smiled. "Your not my daughter." she closed the door "You should have stayed outside.