"Hurry! Get the bandage!" a woman's voice called out
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"I can't find it" another older and more slow womens voice replied. The girl heard feet frantically rushing around as she opened her eyes and tried to sit up but quickly laying back down after an overwhelming dizziness caught her off guard
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"Wha-" she tried to ask. Before she could finish the first women cut her off.
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"Shu shu shush my dear, You're not supposed to be speaking or else they're going to get you!" she said "Hah! I'm just teasing you darling, but seriously don't speak" she added in a death tone voice then rushed over to pat the girls head and shove some foul tasting liquid into her mouth which was most likely medicine.
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"May you call the king down, Eleanor?" she asked the older women who seemed to still be searching for the bandage
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"Ill send him right in" She replied disappearing through the door and out into the huge hallway.
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A few moments later the king walked in and quickly rushed to his daughter's side.
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"Are you alright?!" he asked he in a panicked tone. He had neat brown hair that had been perfectly patted down, not one hair out of place, his majestic kings suit had not even one crinkle in it and he spoke with just as much triumph as he wore.
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"Ya, I guess" she replied not sure whether to speak or not but deciding to anyway "what happened?"
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"All we know is for now is that two burglars somehow managed to break into the castle, which I think is absolutely preposterous, and after we realized the situation we found you laying on the ground unconscious. It nearly gave me a heart attack" he informed her, looking thoroughly worried.
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"How long have I been out for?" she asked surprisingly exited about the accomplishment
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"An hour or so" he told her as if it was almost the end of the world. She rolled her eyes disappointed it had been so short.
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"Madeline! Do not roll your eyes like that! We were all very worried for you!" he said.
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Maddy had always despised it when her father called her by her full name. Madeline. She thought. It sounded so fancy and girly, something she was definitely not, she preferred people call her by the nickname she made for herself 'maddy' but only one person would. Her best friend leo. He was always a loyal friend, and Maddy really needed one.
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She didn't let most people in but her and Leo shared a connection she felt could only be possible with him. The way he laughed along with the stupidest things or even the way he made her laugh, the one thing that made her feel like she belonged, that made her feel less lonely, and when he let her full on rant without interrupting or telling her how pointless it was or the way they could have full conversations without even saying a word.
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She always had leo there for her but her father? Well, he never seemed to understand. He was all about royal duties and fancy stuff. He was an old fashioned king and after him and his wife got married they had completely redone the whole castle to look like it was from the medivil times.
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The queen wasnt much different from the king either-royal duties fancy stuff and all that, but at least she could have a civil conversation with her once in a while. That is when she wasnt busy occupying and caring for her three other children, micah, her youngest, maxwell, the middle child and mariah, the oldest.
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At 12 years old Maddy stood in the middle of maxwell and mariah who were 11 and 16. Micah the youngest was only 4 years old and still had more manners than maddy.
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Although they would never admit to it the queen and king favourited the other children over her.
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She was different.
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She didn't have to same desire to please her people or dress to impress, she liked running through dark forests and wearing casual t shirts and shorts. The attention from the village people annoyed her and she frequently scared them of saying stuff like "mind your own buisness" or "buzz off!"
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The towns people were absolutely shocked and they started making complaints which led Maddy to be grounded for a week.
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Later that day she had plans with Leo to go catch some forest animals, but as always her father had to ruin the mood by saying
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"Madeline, you're plans with Leonardo must be canceled today." He said in a sad yet stern tone.
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"But Dad that's not fair! Why?" Maddy complained and whined.
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518Please respect copyright.PENANATeK85NkH9i
"It's for your own protection darling." The king replied.
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518Please respect copyright.PENANACpI0q2TRM4
"Just because some burglars came in the castle doesn't mean you have to lock me up forever! I can protect myself you know!" Maddy bloated
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"Yes I know Madeline, you are more than capable of taking care of yourself but if anything happened to you..." His voice trailed off.
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518Please respect copyright.PENANAy8NG3EthSG
"Stop calling me Madeline I Hate it, HATE IT! And I keep telling you that over and over again but you never listen" She growled, her face turning redder by the minute.
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"Please Madeline, I'm begging you to listen to me." The king said struggling for words.
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"See? You know what? Fine." She said then ran up the stairs and slammed the door to her bed room.
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518Please respect copyright.PENANAGdwXjQHXAu
The king sighed then returned to his chambers, little did he know his daughter had a very, very mischievous plan formulating in her head...